Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Leng Wufeng, Dao King 1 clan, it's better to kill them all

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Within the Tianhan clan, a group of blue rays of light circulates in an iceberg that has not changed since ancient times and has existed for countless years.

And in this light, a figure was faintly visible.

Suddenly, cracks appeared on the surface of the iceberg, and an incomparably terrifying breath poured out from it!

Click, click...

The immortal iceberg blasted apart. Pieces of ice crystal fragments were engulfed by a hurricane straight up to the sky, and then a hailstorm broke out.

Many people in the Tianhan clan have noticed the abnormality.

"This breath is that the young master is out!"

Many people from the Tianhan tribe looked happy.

In the Tianhan clan, there are three young masters, among which Leng Jiufeng, who was beheaded by the madman of Chu, is the third young master.

But the most powerful one is the Great Young Master. This person is known as one of the most outstanding evildoers in the history of the Tianhan Clan, and has a great chance of being able to reach the realm of the King of Gods!

The name is cold and windless!

The thirteenth of the gods list, although not comparable to the top ten monsters, but it is also an unscrupulous evildoer.

The iceberg shattered, and a blue-haired young man walked out slowly in the blue light. Every time he took a step, a piece of ice crystal rose under his feet, wherever he went, the ice crystal storm swept and spread.

This person is Leng Wufeng.

"After a hundred years of retreat, I have finally completed the Three Flower Realm cultivation!"

"Not only that, I also have all the five tricks of the cold path. Compared with the retreat, I am more than able to do more. I don't know if I can fight the monsters in the top ten?"

Leng Wufeng murmured.

Although he has been in retreat for a hundred years and his strength has improved greatly, those monsters will not stand still, maybe even faster than him.


At this time, a group of figures flew from a distance, looking at Leng Wufeng, bowing their hands in salute.

"Congratulations to the young master!"

A blue-haired young man walked up to Leng Wufeng and said with a smile: "Brother, congratulations on leaving."

This person is Leng Juehan who is second among the three young masters of the Tianhan clan.

"Well, what about the third child?"

Leng Wufeng asked lightly.

After hearing his words, everyone's complexion changed slightly, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"What's the matter? Did something happen to the third child?"

Leng Wufeng's eyes narrowed.

"The third child, dead." Leng Juehan said with a gloomy expression.

As soon as his words fell, a terrifying aura burst out of Leng Wufeng's body, and the air blades condensed by the cold wind swept out, and icebergs around him were torn apart!

"Who killed it?"

"The Heavenly Sword of the Sword Spirit Clan!"

"Heaven Sword?"

Leng Wufeng frowned slightly, obviously he had never heard of it.

Then, Leng Juehan talked about the Heavenly Sword. After Leng Wufeng listened, a coldness shot into his eyes, "Heavenly Sword, I will visit him for a while."

"Heaven Sword is unfathomable. Some people say that he is no less than the top ten monsters. If the big brother is right, please be careful."

"Then I'm more interested."

"The matter of the Heavenly Sword can be put aside for the time being, now there is a more important thing, brother, do you know that the ancient way of the Star River God King is about to open!"

Hearing this, Leng Wufeng's eyes showed a gleam, "The Ancient Way of the Star River God King, interesting."

The Galaxy God King is a legend in the Tianyuan Universe.

It is said that this person came from a weak race, and the whole race was wiped out due to race disputes, and only he survived by chance.

After that, the Galaxy God King worked hard, traveled in the starry sky and experienced all kinds of hardships. Not only did he get revenge for the genocide, he also became a generation of God King!

Countless forces want to win over this **** king, even those ancient royal clans who are high above and with deep heritage, do not hesitate to pay.

But unfortunately, the Galaxy God King was always alone and did not join any forces.

Later, he set up an ancient path in the starry sky. There are 999 levels in the ancient path. No matter who is, as long as he can pass these 999 levels, he can get his practice and understanding of the Tao. Feeling, even can enter his treasure house, choose three treasures at will.

Even if he can't break through all the relevant cards, as long as he can step into the last nine levels, he can enter his treasure house and choose a treasure at will.

This is undoubtedly an extremely tempting thing.

Therefore, every time the Old Way of the Star River God King opens, it will attract countless monks.

Even the supernatural evildoers of those ancient royal families are no exception.

"I just left the customs, and I just need a sharpening stone to test my strength. This ancient way of the Star River God King might be a good choice."

The news that the Star River God King Ancient Path was about to open quickly spread.

Countless Tianjiao evildoers all rushed to it, and it is said that even the monsters of the Heavenly God List were dispatched.

Of course, no one knows whether it is true or not.

And when most of the Tianyuan Universe was shaken by this ancient way of the Star River God King, somewhere in the starry sky, Madman Chu was sitting cross-legged on the battleship, comprehending the big Luo Yi.


The starry sky trembled, and countless stars seemed to be strongly attracted, and they gathered towards him.

The starlight surrounds him, it's very beautiful.

A big Luo Yi also appeared in the Chu Madman, it was... the big Luo Yi of the stars.

"It's another big Luo Yi..."

Behind Chu Kuangren, Ling Fei stood with a hint of incomprehension in his eyes.

As we all know, Da Luo Yi is divided into seven steps.

The higher the level of Da Luo Yi, the greater the help to Da Luo monk, even no less than the cultivation base.

Most people choose one kind of Da Luo Yi and continue to study in order to reach a deeper level, but the madman of Chu practices a variety of Da Luo Yi, and often after completing one kind of practice, they stop studying. Instead, he continued to comprehend other Da Luo Yi, as if to learn all the Da Luo Yi in the world.

But it is impossible.

There are many things in nature, the universe is changing a lot, and the big Luo Yi is countless.

No one is learning everything at all.

So, what is the purpose of Madman Chu doing this?

Ling Fei was puzzled.

Boom, boom...

At this time, there was a roar of powerful energy in the distance.

A closer look reveals that dozens of warships are in the midst of a confrontation, and the brilliant magic, barriers, artillery fire, etc. light up the starry sky.

In this confrontation, some surrounding asteroids exploded one after another.

"It's a starry robber." Ling Fei said.

In this vast starry sky, there is no shortage of robbers who burn, kill, and looting, and they are even very common.

In the starry sky, there is no legal restriction, and the strong eat the weak is the biggest rule here.

It is said that UU reading in the Tianyuan universe, there is an ancient royal family who relied on being a robber to make his fortune, and is known as a family of Dao kings.

Dao Tong Pirates!

"Don't bother."

Madman Chu said lightly, and had no plans to make a move.

The universe is so big and there are so many similar things. He has no obligation to take care of these things.

It's just that Madman Chu doesn't want to take care of it, but if it is troublesome, it seems that he will come to him automatically.

I saw that a small warship broke through the heavy siege and escaped on the battlefield of the exchange of fire, and the direction of their escape happened to be where the Chu Madman's warship was.

Seeing this scene, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

The sword's fingers condensed, and a bit of sword energy circulated at the fingertips. In this case, it is better to...

(End of this chapter)

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