Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Mo Wuji's strength, Luo Xue, the Star River God King Ancient Road opened

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"Extremely vulgar."

Looking at the crushed flame sword shadow, Mo Wuji curled his mouth and raised his hand to blast out.

The immortal yuan surged, and the runes circulated among them, turned into a huge palm print, the domineering sword shadow, it was actually his palm smashed!

And he is still sitting on the car, enjoying the services of two peerless beauties, and his figure is as stable as Mount Tai.

Lying on the knees of a drunk beauty, awakening the power of the world, is nothing more than that.

Chi Longying looked at the other party, her eyes could not help showing a dignified color.

"Your strength is stronger."

"That's natural."

"Do you think you can catch up with us if you make progress? Don't be kidding, we will only get stronger and stronger, and the gap will get bigger and bigger, until you can't see you far away!"

Mo Wuji said casually.

His words made Chi Longying's cold and Wufeng eyes reveal a touch of unwillingness.

Only ninth on the gods list has such strength, so what about the rest of the people, how strong should they be first on the gods list that day?

"It's horrible, this is the top ten monster."

"I don't know what level of strength the Emperor Qianqiu, who is number one on the list of gods and is known as the strongest emperor in the current generation, has reached?"

"I don’t know, since Emperor Qianqiu became the number one in the gods list, he has rarely made any moves. The last time he made a shot was against the heavenly clan of the overlord clan three hundred years ago. That battle directly established his number one in the gods list. After that, no one has seen him make a move."

"Di Qianqiu...The Shenji clan once said that this person's talent has been surpassed in the past ten years since the first year!"

Everyone talked a lot.

At this moment, there was a heavy snowfall in the sky.

In the snow, a woman walked slowly, with a long sword tied around her waist, and three thousand green silks casually draped over her shoulders, her lips were bright, her teeth were fresh, her eyes were bright.

Light eyebrows are like autumn water, and jade muscles are accompanied by light breeze.

This is a stunning beauty, compared with that, the two stunning beauty around Mo Wuji are a bit eclipsed.

"It's Luo Xue!"

"Luo Xue, eleventh on the Celestial List!"

Many people recognized the person and looked at each other with admiration in their eyes.

In the **** list, not many women can be on the list.

Among the top ten, only two are women, and although this Luo Xue is not as good as the top ten in terms of ranking, his reputation is not bad at all.

In addition, Luo Xue is stunning, some people call her the Snow Fairy, and some people call her Luoshen in the Sword...

All in all, I don't know how many people regard him as the lover of their dreams.

It's just that Luo Xue is addicted to swords like her life and dedicated her body and mind to the sword. For so many years, she has never heard of anyone who can get close to her.

"Luo Xue, it's been a long time."

After seeing Luo Xue, Mo Wuji subconsciously let go of the two women around him and looked at each other, with a fiery color in his eyes.

But the other party turned a blind eye, only to see that he was in the top ten of the gods list, only to give face, slightly nodded.

Mo Wuji didn't care either.

After all, everyone knows that Luo Xue is very indifferent to everyone, and it is very difficult to make her nod.

The evil spirits from all sides converge.

The next step is to wait for the ancient road of the Star River God King to open.


At this time, only a roar was heard.

I saw that the ancient star under everyone's feet began to vibrate, and accompanied by a ray of celestial glory, soaring into the sky!

A beam of light erupted from the ancient star and directly shot into the vast starry sky!

This is an ancient road where countless stars are lit up with the ancient star under the feet of everyone as the starting point, filled with a vast, magnificent atmosphere!

"The Ancient Way of the Star River God King is open!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

In the ancient road, there are countless stars, and among them, the most important are 999 stars, which is the nine hundred and ninety-nine stages set by the Galaxy God King!


At this time, a majestic force broke out, and everyone only felt that there were hundreds of millions of mountains suddenly added to their bodies, and the pressure was doubled!

The monks couldn't resist this terrifying gravity, and were directly pressed on the ground, unable to move.

"This, what's going on?!"

"This ancient star is the first hurdle of the Ancient Way of the Galaxy God King, and the test has already begun!"

"Damn it, it's just that the first level has such a terrifying gravity. If you want to pass the nine hundred and ninety-nine levels, who can do it!"

"The Ancient Way of the Star River God King is indeed well-deserved."

Everyone talked a lot.

Only a few Tianjiao evildoers can not be affected by gravity.

"The test has already begun, let's go!"

Leng Wufeng took a few still movable members of the Tianhan clan and swept towards the next level.

The others also all acted.

"Luo Xue, how about you and me?"

At this time, Mo Wuji sent an invitation to Luo Xue.

But Luo Xue shook her head indifferently, "No, I can do it alone."

Although she had not experienced men and women, how could she not know what Mo Wuji's purpose was for her, and she didn't want to pay attention to it, so she turned around and left.

"This Luo Xue is so arrogant that even the son dared to disobey."

A woman next to Mo Wuji said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, if you can be the eleventh on the list of gods, you can also be as proud as her."

Mo Wuji snorted coldly, and then drove the chariot towards the Galaxy Ancient Road.

After all the people who could walk left, the rest of them were held in place by the strong gravity, unable to move.

Not only that, as more and more people came to the Old Way of the Galaxy God King, the pressure became stronger and stronger.

"Damn, how is this going to pass?"

"The first pass of this ancient road stopped 90% of the people. The test set by the Star River God King is too difficult."

"Nonsense, this is the test of the King of Gods, do you think it is that easy?"

"Yes, I also heard that the strength of the Galaxy God King is among the **** kings, and it is also a top existence. It is estimated that it is not much worse than the supreme **** king."

More and more people were intercepted at the first level.

And some people knew that they couldn't get through, and simply gave up the struggle, lying on the ground, chatting with everyone.

at this time.

Two warships swiftly approached not far away.

From the battleship, a few people walked down slowly, especially the young man in white who was walking at the forefront, which attracted the attention of many people.

"This person's temperament is so profound, who is he?"

"I don't know, he can have this kind of temperament, he is absolutely very human, will he be a monster on the list of gods?"

"I don't know. UU reading"

"Wait, that's Feng Qingxue on the ninety-ninth **** list!"

Someone exclaimed.

The ninety-ninth of the gods list, although the ranking is not high, but for most people, it is already an unattainable existence.

What was surprising was that Feng Qingxue followed the white-clothed young man, she was actually restrained, and seemed a little cautious, as if she was very jealous of the young man.

Can make the people of the gods list so jealous.

Who is that person?

"Is this an old road? I don't know, can it bring me some fun."

Madman Chu looked at the end of the ancient road, with a faint smile, and then led everyone to the next checkpoint.

This first level has no effect on them at all.

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