Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Where is the Heavenly Sword when Prince Vine Demon shot?

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In the Star River God King Ancient Road, Madman Chu took Ling Fei and Han Xingyu walked towards the end of the ancient road.

Behind them, followed Feng Qingxue and others.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine levels of the ancient road, most of the previous levels are not difficult for Madman Chu, and there are not many that are worth his stop.

In less than half a day, he had passed most of the nine hundred and ninety-nine pass.

At the 600th level, he couldn't help but stop and stay, "Oh, this is... Da Luo Yi."

In front of them, a huge stone stele appeared.

On the stone stele was engraved with a big meaning, and many people who came to pass through the barrier stopped and watched, as if they were caught in a certain blurry illusion, and some couldn't help sweating.

Madman Chu also felt a change in the situation in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a man in a white robe appeared in front of him, using his big Luo Yi to attack him.

With a thought on his mind, Da Luo Yi whizzed out and blasted the man to death.

"Did Luo Yi have already appeared in the test before the 700th pass?" Madman Chu whispered.

Behind him, Ling Fei and Han Xingyu looked at the stone tablet in front of him, and were also caught in the test, facing Da Luo Yi in the illusion.

Ling Fei was okay, and passed straight away.

But Han Xingyu is only the golden fairy realm. Facing the pressure of Da Luoyi, the fine sweat oozes on his smooth forehead, it seems that it is difficult to pass this level.

At this moment, the Wudao Sword in Han Xingyu's arms trembled slightly.

Han Xingyu immediately opened his eyes and glanced at Wudao in his arms with some confusion: "Wudao, helped me pass the test of Da Luoyi?"

"Well, it looks like it should be, anyhow you took it for so long."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

The Da Luo Yi on this stone tablet should be regarded as a provocation by Wudao, and then he was expelled.

"Let's go, go to the next level."

Madman Chu said.

Da Luo Yi, this ancient way of the Star River God King is more interesting than he thought.

Next, the time spent in each level is longer, because the Madman Chu is comprehending the big Luo Yi in each level.

At the seven hundred and tenth pass, he comprehended the great Luo Yi of the mountain.

At the seven hundred and nineteenth pass, he comprehended the great Luo Yi of the sea.

At the seven hundred and twenty-ninth level, he enlightened the great Luo Yi of the dark fire.


Kuang Chu's comprehension of Da Luo Yi is getting faster and faster. As more and more Da Luo Yi are comprehending, he vaguely, his own Da Luo Yi has gradually begun to take shape.

Within the nine hundredth pass.

There are not many that can reach this level.

Basically, each one is a Tianjiao evildoer of the Da Luo level, and even Ling Fei doesn't know if he can pass the next level.

It's a cold star rain. It's too easy to walk this way.

A golden immortal, but one after another passed the levels that even Daluo might not be able to pass, all these are the credit of the innocence in her arms.

"Ling Fei, what do you think Heavenly Sword is doing?"

Han Xingyu looked not far away, and asked the Madman Chu, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the stone tablet and comprehending Da Luo Yi.

"I do not know either."

Ling Fei shook his head, "But I have a hunch that Tianjian must be doing something very incredible."

He was able to sense that every time he passed a level, the aura on Madman Chu's body became deep, and now, he can no longer sense any breath of the other party.

The other party was sitting in front of the stele, the whole person was like a stone, without aura fluctuations.

This is very incredible.

This shows that Madman Chu's realm is so high that he can't even sense him as a big Luo.

For the same big Luo, this gap is too big.


Suddenly, a soft voice came.

Not far away, a young man came slowly and looked at Han Xingyu curiously, "It's strange, you are a golden fairy, how did you get here?"

"It's him, Prince Vine Demon!"

Ling Fei's eyes narrowed after seeing the Vine Demon Prince.

The other party was also the enchanting evildoer on the list of the gods, and it was still the top evildoer, and it was not worse than the former Shen Feihu.

Not only that, the opponent had fought with Shen Feihu, and they were in a hostile state.

"Oh, this breath, you are a member of the sword spirit clan."

After seeing Ling Fei, Prince Vine Demon narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a cold color in his eyes.

In the old days, Shen Feihu slashed him with a sword, and he still remembered that even though the opponent had died in the two-world passageway, he still had no good feelings for the sword spirit family.

"It's just that I don't want to care about you, woman, tell me how you got here."

Prince Vine Demon looked at Han Xingyu curiously and said.

It is estimated that a golden immortal could not even pass the 700th pass, but he was surprised to be able to reach the 900th pass all the way. If there is nothing tricky about it, he doesn't believe it.

"This has nothing to do with you."

Han Xingyu said lightly.

"Oh, don't you? Then don't blame me for being polite. I'm going to make a decision about your secret."

The prince Vine Demon sneered, and then instantly grabbed it towards the cold star rain, and the big Luo Yi burst to lock it, which was simply not something cold star rain could resist.


Upon seeing this, Ling Fei also shot.

Cut out with a sword, temporarily protecting Han Xingyu.

However, the gap between the two is not small, even if he turns Xianyuan to the extreme, he is still not the opponent of the Vine Demon Prince.


Without a few moves, Ling Fei was blasted out, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

Han Xingyu's face changed slightly, and he wanted to make a move. The Frost Sword body was fully utilized, and the long sword in his hand was cut out, and the frosty light of the sword swept across.

"Your strength is too weak."

The vine demon prince said, even without hiding, the sword energy fell on him, and he couldn't hurt him at all.

Hum! !

At this time, Wudao in Han Xingyu's hand trembled, and a powerful sword pressure broke out automatically, forcing it back dozens of feet.

"This sword is weird!"

The prince Vine Demon looked at Wudao, with a look of uncertainty in his eyes, "Are you relying on this sword to be able to walk here? Ha, bring it to me!!"

In his opinion, such a treasure is not something a person in the Golden Immortal realm should have.

"Prince Vine Demon, no matter how you say, he is also a demon of the gods list, how can you bully people here?"

A biting palm wind roared out.

The prince Vine Demon turned around and shattered the palm of the wind, looking at the people who came, "Are you Feng Qingxue from the Wind Clan?!"

The person here was Feng Qingxue who followed the Madman Chu all the way.

" Do these people have anything to do with your Feng Clan?"

"The sword spirit clan made good friends with my Feng clan, and the Heavenly Sword saved my life. I can't just sit back and watch." Feng Qingxue said lightly.

"Heaven Sword?"

But when Prince Vine Demon heard the word Tianjian, his pupils shrank slightly.

He naturally heard this name.

Not only him, the people around who heard the word Tianjian couldn't help exclaiming.

"Heaven Sword is here, where is he?"

"Heaven Sword, the legendary sword that easily smashed Leng Jiufeng, and may even be comparable to the top ten monsters on the list of gods, why didn't I see him?"

Everyone looked around and searched for the famous Heavenly Sword.

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