Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Mo Wuji's jealousy, a woodcutter, broke 7 levels in a row

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Then if the Heavenly Sword takes advantage of the danger, and wants Luo Xue to agree to it? ?

Thinking of this, Mo Wuji couldn't sit still, and quickly said: "Luo Xue, there are countless swordsmanships in my Dao King clan. I can find any swordsmanship for you..."

"it's useless."

Luo Xue shook her head, and said, "I just want to learn the sword of the Heavenly Sword!"

There was a frenzy in her eyes. From that sword, she felt a sense of detachment. It was the extreme state of kendo she was looking for! !

In this world, I am afraid that there is no second sword technique that can make her so yearning.

"Heavenly Sword, hand over that sword, I can't blame you for the grievances between you and my Dao King clan." Mo Wuji said coldly.

"Mo Wuji, don't be rude."

Luo Xue frowned slightly, very dissatisfied with Mo Wuji's offense to the Madman Chu.

Learning swords sincerely, this guy, what's the mess?

"Luo Xue, I'm just worried that you were deceived by this guy." Mo Wuji said quickly.

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you."

Luo Xue said coldly.

She looked at Madman Chu again, with a look of expectation in her eyes.

But Madman Chu shook his head and said lightly: "You can't learn that sword."

That sword was his lifelong comprehension, fusion of self-improvement and invincible Da Luo Yi, even he did not dare to say that it could be displayed anytime and anywhere.

"Can't learn?"

"Yes, everyone has their own kendo. Instead of pursuing the kendo of others, it is better to carve out a path by yourself. With your qualifications, you should understand this truth."

Luo Xue's aptitude is extremely good, otherwise it would not be possible to become the eleventh in the Celestial God List.

It’s just that she was temporarily attracted by Madman Chu’s Heaven Slashing Sword, and this gave birth to the idea of ​​learning this sword, ignoring her own kendo. This is a very dangerous thing, once Madman Chu really taught her that. One sword meant that she was going to abandon the sword she had been learning all along.

He even lived in the kendo of Madman Chu all his life, unable to surpass it.

"Everyone's kendo..."

Luo Xue couldn't help sinking into contemplation after hearing Madman Chu's words.

Madman Chu ignored her, walked straight to the stone tablet, accepted the test, and with his current strength, it almost didn't take long to break through.

The speed was so fast that Mo Wuji was shocked, "This guy is actually faster than me!"

After the Kuangren Chu passed this level, his figure flashed and disappeared.

a long time.

Luo Xue had recovered from her meditation, and she said with lingering fear: "Thanks to the heavenly sword that wakes me up, if not, I will fall into a demon barrier."

"Humph, he just doesn't want to teach."

Mo Wuji coldly snorted.

"Mo Wuji, I hope you will not speak ill of Heavenly Sword in front of me in the future, otherwise, don't blame my sword for being merciless!"

Luo Xue said lightly, a biting sword intent flashed past.

"Luo Xue, you..."

Mo Wuji wanted to say something, but the other party's figure flashed and disappeared.

This makes his face extremely ugly.

You know, before that, although Luo Xue was indifferent to him, she had never spoken badly at each other, but now, for the sake of Madman Chu, he actually threatened him! !

This makes him jealous.

"Heavenly Sword, what a heavenly sword! It seems that it's an incredible thing to keep you!"

A cold color burst into Mo Wuji's eyes.


The nine hundred and ninety-first pass of the ancient road.

When the ancient road was opened in the past, everyone who was able to walk here was a world-famous evildoer, a well-known figure in the Tianyuan Universe.

When the Madman Chu came here, there was no one here, and there was no stone stele inscribed with Da Luo Yi.

"It seems that I am the first person here."

Madman Chu whispered.

Although he spent a lot of time in the midway because of the understanding of Da Luo Yi, the level behind was like a broken bamboo. He came from behind, leaving everyone far behind.

"Tianjin Bang... That's it."

Madman Chu shook his head slightly, disappointed with the evildoers of the Tianyuan Universe.

At this moment, a woodcutter with a bundle of firewood on his back and an axe in his hand suddenly appeared in front of him.


This is the Old Way of the Galaxy God King, how could a woodman appear?

But Kuangren Chu didn't ask, he just quietly looked at the other person as he walked along a forest, then hesitated for a while and followed.

After the woodcutter came to the woods, he looked around for a while, then picked a tree and took out his axe to chop it.

That axe contained an extremely mysterious big Luoyi, and the madman of Chu had no doubt that if this axe smashed a star, it would be enough to split it in half.

But when the axe fell on the trunk, it only cut a small gap.

The woodcutter cleaved one after another. After a long time, he cleaved a tree with the thickness of a bowl. Then he touched a sweat, and the madman of Chu said with a faint smile: "My name is the woodcutter. I am the servant of the master. , The test of this level is very simple, as long as you can chop down a tree here like me, you will be deemed to have passed the level."

Is it simple?

It's not simple. The tree here is not a mortal tree, and it is much tougher than some fairy gold.

The woodcutter's cultivation base is close to the five-qi realm of Da Luo Jinxian, but with his strength, it still takes a lot of effort to knock down a tree.

It shows its difficulty.

But the madman Chu smiled faintly when he heard the words, "It's really simple."

The woodman was stunned for a moment.

In the next instant, the madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the immortal essence inside his body poured out like a flood, setting off a huge storm in the same place.

The surrounding leaves were rustling.

Immediately afterwards, a sword aura condensed at the fingertips of Madman Chu, and he slashed towards a tree beside him.

With a click, the big tree hugged by one person was cut off!

The cut is smooth and flat!

Compared with the woodcutter, Madman Chu's sword is not much stronger.

But it was not over yet, I saw that behind this big fallen tree, another big tree fell, and the cut of each tree was the same smooth.

In the dust, half of the forest was cut to death by the madman of Chu with a single sword!

The woodcutter was stunned when he saw this scene.

It wasn't that no one had broken through this level in the past, but it was the first time he saw someone like Madman Chu who slashed half a forest with a single sword.

"The remaining trees are given to you."

Madman Chu's sword gas dissipated from his fingertips, and he stood with his hand held, then turned and left.

Watching him go The woodman looked at the woods, shaking his head and exclaiming, "What a monster."

Next, Madman Chu went through seven levels one after another, each level is different.

Someone set up a chess game and invited him to play chess. The truth is hidden in the chessboard, and the game is chess, which is also an understanding of Tao.

If you don't understand enough, you may be stuck in the chessboard for a lifetime and you can't extricate yourself from it.

Someone paints, and there is murderous intent hidden in the painting.

Someone displays the illusion of confusion, wanting to trap him with a Taoist heart.

Someone asked him to drink, the drink was strong, even if Daluo Jinxian drank a glass, he would be drunk for three days and three nights, but he drank a thousand glasses without changing his face.

Someone strokes the piano, the strings sound like swords...

But all of these are difficult to fail the Madman Chu. With a strong posture, he broke through seven hurdles and came to the end of the ancient road.

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