Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : At the end of the ancient road, Star River God King, star fishing

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At the end of the ancient road, the nine hundred and ninety-ninth pass.

This is an ancient star no more than ten miles in diameter, and above the ancient star, there is only a simple hut.

In front of the thatched hut, there was a man in a hoodie, and he was fishing with a fishing rod in his hand.

However, there is no lake in front of him, only a vast sea of ​​stars, and the fishing rod is not an ordinary fishing rod, there are countless roads on it.


At this time, a low roar came from the starry sky.

I saw a huge fierce beast slowly walking from the distance of the starry sky, and an extremely powerful aura emerged, and some stars were shattered by this force!

But then, the giant beasts were entangled by something one after another, struggling in the starry sky.

Every time I struggle, a terrifying energy storm is set off in the starry sky, and stars are shattered and died in this storm.

The old man in the quilt lit his eyes, and saw his eyes lit up, "I'm hooked."

Pulling the fishing rod in his hand, he saw that the giant beast in the starry sky was forcibly pulled up, and the huge body shrank quickly, and in just a few whistling, it turned into a few palm-sized fish, and was thrown by the old man. Go into a fish basket next to it.

Madman Chu looked at this scene behind him with a calm expression, but there was still a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This old man, taking the path as the string, fishes the behemoth in the starry sky.

This method is surprising.

"The legendary Heavenly Sword in the sword spirit family, don't come unharmed." The old man turned around and glanced at Madman Chu, then smiled faintly, "You are the second person to come here for so many years."

"Oh, who was the first one?"

"Emperor Qianqiu, the number one in the gods list." The old man smiled faintly.


Madman Chu secretly wrote down this name.

But he didn't take it too seriously, he just said indifferently: "You are the Galaxy God King?"

"Not bad."

"What is your test?"

"It's very simple. Sit here and go fishing with me. If you can catch the fish before me, then you will pass."

The King of Galaxy pointed to a fishing rod next to him and said lightly.

Madman Chu heard the words, walked up and picked up the fishing rod, but there was no line on the fishing rod. He was not surprised. With a thought, the big Luo Yi poured out, turning into a line and falling from the top of the fishing rod. Above the vast starry sky, waiting for the prey to be hooked.

"Heaven Sword has extraordinary savvy, which is surprising."

There was a different color in the eyes of the God King Galaxy. You must know that even Emperor Qianqiu could not learn how to use this fishing rod in such a short period of time like Madman Chu.

"It's not a difficult task. Just have a hand."

"Uh... Heavenly Sword speaks really funny."

The corner of Xinghe Shenwang's mouth twitched, and then he began to concentrate on fishing.

The atmosphere was extremely quiet for a while.

Kuangren Chu didn't take this opportunity to ask anything, he seemed to concentrate on fishing, which surprised the Galaxy God King a bit.

You know, when other people saw him as a **** king, they couldn't ask questions, and took the opportunity to ask for advice. Even when Emperor Qianqiu broke through this level, he couldn't help but ask him a few questions. But Madman Chu was extremely quiet, and he didn't seem to regard him as a **** king at all.

This actually made him a little uncomfortable.

"Heaven Sword, don't you have anything you want to tell me?" The God King Galaxy asked curiously.


Madman Chu said lightly.

Indeed, when other people face the Divine King, they will inevitably be a little frustrated. After all, this is the top existence in the Tianyuan Universe.

But for Madman Chu, he was just a strong man.

He has respect, but he doesn't want to please the other person.

What is God King?

It's the He Dao state, and has he seen few He Dao states?

Except for Beiming, who is in the line of gods and demons, and a powerful man like Nothingness, he has a high priest like a high priest in the underworld of Pangu universe to listen to his orders, or three!

The **** king is very strong, but it's just like that.

Perhaps, the Supreme God King is also the top-notch Hedao, such as the great powers of the ancestors of the Styx River, the Queen Mother of the West, etc., that can make him look slightly.

"Heavenly Sword knows why I set up this ancient way of the Star River God King?"

The Galaxy God King suddenly said lightly.

"I don't know." Madman Chu didn't intend to understand too deeply.

But the Star River God King opened his mouth and said: "I am only a casual cultivator, but I can advance to the Divine King Realm. Many people want to woo me, but I am used to idle clouds and wild cranes, and I don't want to join any power easily. However, the stronger the person, the more he needs to stand in line. If not, your strength will become the fear of all parties."

Having said this, the Galaxy God King couldn't help sighing.

He is the king of gods, with unlimited scenery.

But in this universe, it’s not that there are no **** kings stronger than him. Those people want him to stand in line, because no one is allowed to have a **** king who is free from many forces and may become an obstacle at any time, you say You don't stand in line? But who knows if you will suddenly change your mind?

Either an enemy or a friend.

You must choose one.

"That's because you are not strong enough."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The Star River God King would encounter this situation, in the eyes of Madman Chu, his fist was not hard enough.

If he is stronger and becomes the supreme king, who would dare to force him?


"Oh, for so many years, saying that I am not strong enough, you are the first one. I really don't know how confident you are, a little fellow in the realm of Luo, who have the confidence to say this kind of thing."

The Galaxy God King was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help but chuckle.

It was not that he had never been regarded as a weak person before, but after he became a **** king, almost no one dared to say that he was not strong enough.

Those who wooed him, it is precisely because of his strength that they will woo him.

But in the same way, Madman Chu was right. It was also because he was not strong enough that there was such a dilemma.

The Star River God King continued: "It is precisely because I want to be Xianyun Yehe, but those royal families don’t want me to be so uncontrollable. Therefore, I have a bet with them. The content of the bet is the old way of the Star River God King. If the evildoer can overcome these nine hundred and ninety-nine levels, I will join the forces represented by the other party."

"This bet is already dozens of years ago. Since Emperor Qianqiu was hailed as the tenth year, no one can surpass the talent, but he still can't do it, can you?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "Just try it and you will know."

The words fall.

At the end of the starry sky, there was a giant starry beast like a whale flying into the sky.

The prey is here.

But, whose hook will the other party get on?

The behemoth of the starry sky is cruising in the starry sky, UU reading www. looks like a leisurely stroll, but everyone knows that he has been spotted by the two.

Just now.

The star beast came to Chu Madman’s fishing line.

"It seems that I won."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and with a move of the fishing line, he entangled the behemoth in the starry sky and tried to catch it.

But at this time, the Galaxy God King smiled faintly, "Not necessarily."

With a slight movement of the fishing rod in his hand, the fishing line formed by Dao Ze straddling most of the galaxy, like a sharp blade, cuts Madman Chu's fishing line in half.

As a result, the starry beast broke free and fled the galaxy in a panic.

"Oh, you are cheating."

Crazy Chu raised his eyebrows.

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