Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : 18 places of opportunity, Fengqiyu's goodwill

"Sword, Vientiane!"

Madman Chu gave a soft sigh, his sword fingers condensed, and endless sword energy gathered at his fingertips.

A sword light spewed out like a flood, and its mighty power directly tore through the sky, shaking all directions, causing Feng Qiyu in the distance to look sideways.

"What a terrifying sword, is this the strength of the sky sword?"

"No, is this how much of his strength?"

Feng Qiyu thought to herself.

The sword energy was like a flood, and it fell on the storm Titan's body. The terrifying power directly lifted the Titan out, and a large amount of blood mist spewed out!

Accompanied by a miserable howl, most of the storm Titan's body was almost torn apart by sword energy, and the breath of life quickly dissipated.

It fell away in a short while.

"The strength is not bad, but you shouldn't be unable to deal with these two Titans with your ability."

Madman Chu looked at Feng Qiyu and murmured.

The strength of this Titan is indeed very strong, and it is comparable to Mo Wuji before.

It's just that Feng Qiyu is an enchanting evildoer that can bring him a slight threat, and it makes no sense to cope with two Taitas.

In other words, the other party deliberately brought himself to this kamikaze.

It seems that the other party wants to use this opportunity to test their own strength.

"The Wind of Nothingness!"

At this time, Feng Qiyu was also moving real, and the invisible wind swept out of the sky and the earth, wherever he went, everything turned into nothingness.

This is the wind of nothingness!

It's the wind of destruction!

After a while, the storm titan gradually collapsed and fell completely under this force.

"The strength of the Heavenly Sword is indeed extraordinary. If I came to you, I found it right."

Feng Qiyu approached Madman Chu and smiled faintly.

After killing a storm titan, her breath is still extremely stable, without the slightest disorder. Obviously, killing a titan is not so difficult for her.

"Your strength also makes Tian very interested."

"Oh, the small carving technique makes Tianjian laugh."

Feng Qiyu looked at Madman Chu with a strange color in her eyes.

As Madden Chu had guessed, with her strength, it was not difficult to defeat these two storm titans alone, but she still invited Madden Chu.

In order to test the opponent's strength.

"The Titan has been removed, what are you going to do with this opportunity?" Madman Chu asked again.

Feng Qiyu took out a map, "There are eighteen places here, and the Heavenly Sword can get it by itself."

"Oh, eighteen opportunities, you are quite generous, God, appreciate you."

"It is my honor to be able to appreciate the Heavenly Sword, then I will leave first." Feng Qiyu smiled faintly, and then left with Feng Qingxue.

Seeing their leaving back, Madman Chu's mouth curled slightly, "Interesting woman."

Han Xingyu, Shen Fei was not happy to watch some of them next to him.

But I have to say that even women like Feng Qiyu are very yearning for them.


"Sister, those two Titans, can't you really deal with it?"

Feng Qingxue followed Feng Qiyu and couldn't help but ask.

She also has some understanding of the strength of her sister. In her opinion, the strength of the Titan is amazing, but it should not be the opponent's opponent.

"The Titan is strong, but if I do my best, it won't be difficult."

"Then why are you still looking for Heavenly Sword? Are you just trying to test his strength? Do you want to deal with him?"

Feng Qingxue asked with some worry.

"Testing a person's strength is not to be an enemy. Of course, I also mean to prevent trouble before it happens, but it is more to test whether he has the value of friendship. The sky sword is of great significance to the sword spirit family. In the future, it is very likely that he will be another sword god, and making friends with such characters may be useful in the future."

"A gentleman's friend, the most important thing is to be in touch with each other, sister, your calculations are too deep, I am afraid that Tianjian will not like it."

"It's okay, just leave it to you."

Feng Qiyu smiled faintly.

Although the two sisters did not communicate too much on weekdays, Feng Qiyu knew that Feng Qingxue treated people sincerely and was not actuarial.

As for the Heaven Sword, although I can't see anything for the time being, Feng Qingxue has been with him for two years without incident, and his cultivation level has improved a lot, which shows that the other party has taken good care of him.

"Are you using me?"

"No, it's just that it's asking you to do what you want to do, don't you have any thoughts about Heavenly Sword?"

Feng Qiyu teased.

"Sister, you..." Feng Qingxue blushed suddenly.

"Ha, let's not talk about it, this place of inheritance has a chance, I'm going to get it, let's go first."

"Opportunity? Is there any chance that is not recorded on that map?"

After Feng Qingxue thought about it carefully, she knew that the map Feng Qiyu gave to the madman of Chu was not all the chances, but only a part of it.

As for the most precious opportunity, Fengqiyu naturally wants to enjoy it alone.

Under a certain big tree, there is a medicine garden.

Many rare and precious medicines grow in this medicine garden.

When Kuangren Chu and others came here, Ling Fei looked at the map in his hand and smiled faintly, "This is the Hundred Medicine Garden in Shenfengding."

"This map, as expected, is real, and it really hides eighteen opportunities."

"Great, it didn't come in vain this time."

"This Fengqiyu is too interesting, it actually gave us so many opportunities."

The Tianjiao evildoer of the sword spirit clan couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Madman Chu glanced at the medicine garden, but didn't pay too much attention to him. These treasured medicines didn't have much effect on him.

For some other opportunities, he did not hold out much hope.

Feng Qiyu is very familiar with this sacred wind, all kinds of opportunities are precious, the other party can give them 18 opportunities, and naturally they can find better and more opportunities.

Madman Chu knows this very well.

But he didn't care.

The other party has the ability to own this opportunity by himself, but invites people from the Sword Spirit clan to come and share the opportunity with them. It is not bad if there is a harvest.

Of course, he was not grateful to each other.

The other party brought himself here, the other party's Storm Titan, on the one hand, was to test their strength, and on the other hand, they used these opportunities to release a signal, a signal of friendship.

Look, I have the strength to dominate here, but I give you opportunities.

This is a kind of good faith.


Madman Chu shook his head secretly.

In fact, he still hopes that Feng Qiyu will be his enemy. After all, the other party is one of the few who can bring him a slight threat.

He wanted to see the opponent's strength very much, and at the same time, beheading such an enchanting evildoer would reduce a future threat to Pangu Universe.

"No matter, there are still many evildoers in the Tianyuan universe, and there are still many that can be killed."

Then, several people went to the rest of the opportunities recorded on the map, and collected the remaining opportunities one by one.

Among them, there are one or two things that are still useful to Mad Chu.

Among them, the one that surprised him the most was a fairy fruit whose name called ten thousand yuan into one divine fruit. The effect of this thing was no less than that of the fairy sea divine fruit, and it still had a certain effect on him.


Just today, on the top of the **** wind, there was a burst of light soaring into the sky, and bursts of Taoism sang out.

It seems that some heavy treasure was born!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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