Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Qingxu Liuli skirt, shameless Ji Feiyun

  Chapter 1721 Qingxu Liuli skirt, shameless Ji Feiyun

  On the top of the divine wind, Haoguang soars into the sky, and Xianhui floods the sky and the earth.

  The madman Chu's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at somewhere in Kamikaze Ding, and smiled faintly, "Is this the real purpose of her coming to Kamikaze Ding?"

  Boom! !

   Before everyone could figure out what that Haoguang was, the divine wind was on top, and the change regenerated.

  I saw the endless storm outside of Kamikaze Peak, suddenly an extremely surging immortal power burst out, tearing the storm apart!

   Immediately afterwards, a young man dressed in white came in, followed behind him, and a foreign monk. After seeing the kamikaze, everyone was shocked.

   "What a wonderful place!"

   "It's not that no one has torn open the storm before and came to this kamikaze, but they all said that this place is barren and there is no chance. Why has it suddenly become a blessed land?"

   "Huh, it must be those people who don't want to be discovered by this good place."

   "Not bad."

  Everyone talked a lot, but everyone did not know that the top of the gods was indeed barren.

The reason why    has become like this is all because Feng Qiyu opened the space barrier that enveloped this place, making the sky reappear here.

   "Look at it, what is that?"

  Someone found Haoguang rising into the sky in the distance, and they were extremely surprised.

   "Such a vision, there must be a treasure present!"

  The eyes of everyone are fiery, and they want to explore.

  At this time, a Tianjiao stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, we are able to come in, thanks to Daozi's help, in my opinion, this treasure should belong to Daozi!"

  The Daozi in his mouth is the young man in white clothes headed by him.

  Hearing the arrogant words that day, everyone's eyes flashed, although they were a little unwilling, but there was no way to refute them.

  The strength of the white-clothed youth is too clear to them.

  Even if they don’t want to hand over the treasure, and the other party wants a gun, there is absolutely nothing they can do.

   "Well, that's right, this treasure should indeed belong to Daozi."

   "Taozi is the sixth person on the list of gods. Naturally only Daozi is qualified to own this treasure."

  The Daozi among the population is Ji Feiyun of the Shenji clan.

  He heard that Heavenly Sword and Feng Qiyu had come here, so he came to have a look. As for bringing these people in, he naturally wanted them to be the audience.

   Otherwise, he defeated Heavenly Sword or Feng Qiyu, no one knows how to do it?

  Does he have to go to hype that he defeated Tianjian and defeated Feng Qiyu? What a drop in points.

   glanced at Haoguang in the distance, Ji Feiyun's mouth raised slightly, "No matter what the heavy treasure, whether it is the Heavenly Sword or Feng Qiyu, since I'm here, please give me your hands!"

  His figure flashed, rushing towards Haoguang.

  The others followed suit.

  Although I know that this heavy treasure is out of their share, it’s okay to watch the excitement in the past.

   "Heaven Sword, what shall we do?"

   Ling Fei glanced at the direction where Ji Feiyun and others were leaving, frowned and said.

  "You continue to find places of opportunity. Now that there are too many people, it would be no good if someone else gets on the ground first. As for Ji Feiyun, I will go and see."

  Chu madman smiled faintly.

  Sweat ranks sixth in the gods list. Well, this might be a good hunting target.

   "Heaven Sword, I will go with you."

   Han Xingyu said.

  Chu madman did not refuse either.

far away.

  The place where Haoguang is soaring into the sky, I saw a figure sitting cross-legged and staying in a huge beam of light. This figure is Feng Qiyu.

  At this moment, she is full of fairy brilliance, and runes surround her like a galaxy. Vaguely, she is wearing a cyan gorgeous long dress with countless lines engraved last year.

   "I didn't expect to encounter Qingxu Liuli skirt here!"

Feng Qingxue said with emotion.

  Qingxu Liuli skirt, this is the treasure of a **** king in the history of the wind tribe. It is infinitely powerful, but it has been lost for a long time, and it has always been in the legend.

  Unexpectedly, it was placed on the top of this kamikaze, and Feng Qiyu found it.

   "I don't know where my sister got the news."

Feng Qingxue thought to herself.

  Feng Qiyu is refining this glazed dress, she can only protect the law on the side, and ask when the other party wakes up.

   can be at this time.

  Suddenly a lot of breath came in the distance.

"what happened?"

Feng Qingxue's face changed slightly, and she saw that there were figures in the sky.

  Not only that, the one headed, dressed in white, has fairy radiance on his body, surrounded by countless runes, wherever he goes, there seems to be the sound of the great road, which is very mysterious.

   "It's him, Ji Feiyun!!"

Feng Qingxue's pupils shrank sharply.

  Faced with the sixth existence on the Celestial List, her existence is too small.

  And Feng Qiyu is now refining the colored glaze skirt and cannot make a move.

   "It's not good, what should I do."

Feng Qingxue is a little anxious.

  Ji Feiyun and others were getting closer, and at this moment, a familiar breath suddenly appeared beside her.

   turned around and saw that it was Madman Chu who had come to her side.

  The other person glanced at Feng Qiyu, and a look of disappointment appeared in her eyes, "It turns out that the biggest opportunity here is just a skirt, which is boring."

  He originally wanted to see what the greatest opportunity for Kamikaze Ding was. If it was helpful, he wouldn't mind to grab it.

  Unexpectedly, it was actually a skirt.

  Don’t he still have to wear a skirt after a fight?

   Thinking of this, Madman Chu had no interest in this treasure, no matter how high his level was.

   "Heavenly Sword! Great, here you are."

  Feng Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Madman Chu appear behind her.

  Even though she was ranked sixth in the gods list, she still didn't feel dangerous, as if there was a madman in Chu, any crisis could be solved.

   "That is, Qingxu Liuli skirt! The supreme treasure in the legend of the Wind Clan!"

  Different from Madman Chu, when Ji Feiyun saw the long dress on Feng Qiyu again, his pupils shrank slightly, and a greedy color appeared in his eyes.

The   green glaze skirt is one of the most defensive treasures circulating in the Tianyuan universe.

  Although the level is not as good as Wudao's top attacking treasure, the value is not bad.

  After Compared with the attack, life-saving is the most important thing.

  Ji Feiyun has always believed that no matter what to do, life-saving is the first priority. Keep the green hills aside, not afraid that there will be no firewood.

  This green glaze skirt, right in his arms, is the treasure of defense he most looks forward to.

   "You can't let Feng Qiyu get this thing, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with her, and the threat will be even higher!"

   Ji Feiyun thought to himself.

  At that time, even if he had cultivated the Sixteenth-Rank Immortal Yuan Flower, I was afraid it would be difficult to beat the opponent. Then the purpose of this trip would not be lost?

  At this point, he took advantage of Feng Qiyu's refinement of the long skirt, so he did it directly when he was unprepared!

   With a palm blast, the violent fairy power directly turned into a giant white hand covering the sky and the sun, descending from the sky and heading towards Feng Qiyu!

   "I don't even need my face, so I am also worthy of the gods list?"

  A indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

   Immediately afterwards, a sword aura soared into the sky, piercing the sky!

  (End of this chapter)

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