Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The flower of the 16th grade immortal yuan, vast? Extremely ridiculous

  Chapter 1722 The flower of the sixteenth grade immortal yuan, vast? Extremely ridiculous

   Sword Qi soared into the sky, and the terrifying power directly tore that fairy yuan giant palm in half!

  The power of a sword makes Ji Feiyun look at him.

  He looked at Madman Chu, his eyes narrowed slightly, "Interesting, Heavenly Sword, you and I have finally met!"

   "Are you looking forward to meeting me?"

   "You are now famous for moving the universe, but you are qualified and defeated by me!"

  Ji Feiyun said indifferently, between raising his hands, the surging power of the immortal element swept out like a mountain torrent and tsunami!

  The terrifying power directly enveloped this world!

  The entire Kamikaze Ding was trembling about it.

  Many Tianjiao couldn't help taking a breath after sensing this breath.

   "This power has far surpassed the realm of Da Luo Sanhua, right? How terrifying is Ji Feiyun's strength?!"

   "I don't know, but it's definitely not easy. Otherwise, I can rank sixth on the list of gods?"

   "Now, Heaven Sword has encountered a strong enemy, right."

  Everyone talked a lot, watching Madman Chu confront Ji Feiyun, they were all waiting for a shocking battle!

   And Ji Feiyun's breath also kept rising.

  This world is buzzing and shaking because of his immortal power!


  Feng Qingxue behind Chu Kuangren couldn't help swallowing a spit. From Ji Feiyun's body, she felt an indescribable horrible pressure.

  "Compared to Mo Wuji, this is totally two grades!"

Feng Qingxue murmured, somewhat shocked.

  It’s just that the Madman Chu in front of her looked calm and calm, "The qualification to be defeated by you? Who gave you the courage to speak such ignorant words!"

   "Ha, give it a try!"

   Ji Feiyun let out a long whistle, and immediately afterwards, the whole body of the immortal yuan revolved, and once again blasted towards Madman Chu!

  This blow is much more terrifying than the previous palm. The giant white palms are condensed, like a sky, rolling down!

  But it's not over yet.

   "Liu Shen Tianlong Array!"

  I saw Ji Feiyun squeeze the mysterious magic trick, and the surrounding spirits gathered, condensing golden runes.

  These runes are condensing, transforming into six golden dragons, hovering around Madman Chu, forming an incomparably powerful binding force.


  Chu madman whispered.

  From the body of the six runes of dragon aura, he noticed a very familiar aura.

  In the past, when he was in the passage between the two realms, he had encountered similar rune power, and the figure of a white-clothed woman came to mind.

   is the goddess Yu.

   "So that woman is from the Shenji clan?"

  Chu madman thought to himself.

  At this time, the white giant palm was already very close to him, and the terrifying pressure had caused the ground under his feet to burst one after another.

  Chu madman's sword fingers condensed, and the majestic sword pressure spread out.

   "Sword, Xinghe Can!"

  Boundless stars, Da Luo Yi spread out, merged with the sword energy, and turned into a galaxy, running across!


  The six golden dragons condensed by golden runes shattered on the spot in front of this sword pressure!

  The giant palm of the immortal yuan, under the collision of the galaxy, also collapsed inch by inch.

   "Heavenly Sword, you really did not disappoint me, but do you think this is the end?! The six rune dragons can't trap you, what about the eighteen?!"

  The immortals on Ji Feiyun burst out!

  He actually used the Six Gods Heavenly Dragon Formation three times in a row, and a large number of runes rose into the sky, gathered in the void, and turned into eighteen golden dragons roaring to the sky!

  The amazing power made every monk present feel as if they were enveloped by boundless pressure.

   "So strong!"

   "The rune formation of the god-level clan is worthy of being a must in the Tianyuan universe, it is amazing!"

  Everyone was amazed.

  And eighteen golden dragons surrounded the Madman Chu, the sound of dragons rang through the world, and the boundless coercion directly caused the storm on the periphery of Kamikaze Ding to collapse most of them!

  The huge pressure, like billions of stars, dented the entire Kamikaze roof for half.

   "Heaven Sword, how is this power?"

  Ji Feiyun looked at Madman Chu with a smile but a smile, with a smug look in his eyes.

  He is confident that under the suppression of his rune formation, even an existence like Feng Qiyu will suffer.

  What about a heavenly sword that has only risen in the past two years?

   "Are you the only one?"

  But just when he was proud, Madman Chu's indifferent voice sounded.

  He looked at Ji Feiyun, his eyes were extremely calm, as if he hadn’t paid attention to the eighteen golden dragons around him.

  Even, he can use his sword energy to protect Feng Qingxue next to him, so that she will not be affected by the slightest.

The   Void Annihilation Array can't kill him, let alone Ji Feiyun’s rune array?

"This guy…"

  Ji Feiyun raised his eyebrows, and the calm and indifferent gaze of the other party made him feel proud, like a self-entertaining clown.

   "Damn it!"

   "No one has ever dared to ignore me like this, Heavenly Sword, I want you to know my true strength!"

  Ji Feiyun soared into the sky, the fairy yuan on his body actually climbed again!

  This scene made everyone present involuntarily inhaled air-conditioning, which was extremely shocked.

   "His immortal power has increased again, is there any limit to him?"

   "What a terrifying breath!"

   "Look, that, that is... the flower of Xianyuan!"

  At this time, a more shocking voice came from the crowd.

  I saw Ji Feiyun urging Xianyuan with all his strength. Above his head, three flowers appeared, and among them, the petals of the flower of Xianyuan were as many as...sixteen!

  The sixteenth grade fairy flower!

  This discovery made everyone feel unbelievable.

  In the cognition of everyone, Sanhua can only reach the twelfth rank at most, and no one dares to imagine anything above the twelfth rank, let alone have seen it.

   "He broke the rules of the avenue, he is a taboo!"

  Someone swallowed saliva and looked at Ji Feiyun with a face full of disbelief.

   Taboo, this is too rare.

  There may not be one person in an era.

   "Oh my God, I didn't expect Ji Feiyun to break the rules of the avenue and become a taboo. It's terrible."

   "If he does not die, he will become the king of God in the future, it is almost a certainty."

  Every taboo, as long as it doesn’t fall in the middle, can become a **** king.

  This kind of **** king, there is a collective name, taboo **** king!

   is the most terrifying God King with growth potential and strength. Even the Taboo God King who has just been promoted is eligible to fight the old God King.

  Not to mention many Tianjiao evildoers, even those who are observing the development of Tianyuan ancient stars are extremely surprised.

   "Unexpectedly, Ji Feiyun could actually do this step."

   "Yes, the gods list is sixth. Well, this ranking is probably a bit low."

   "It's not low, these evildoers are not that simple, Ji Feiyun has a hole card, why don't the others?"

   "In spite of this, UU reading, but the sixteenth-grade immortal flower, when this year's young generation, I am afraid that no one can match it."

  A great power of the Shenji clan, he smiled comfortingly.

  The powerful people were discussing, and then they looked at the Madman Chu.

  They want to see if the other party faces a taboo, what means will they have to deal with?

  "Heavenly Sword, can you see it? This is my real power!"

   "Forbidden power!"

   Ji Feiyun said in a loud voice, the momentum is magnificent, the power of the immortal yuan is like a flood like a sea, and it is terrifying.

  He looked at Madman Chu, proudly, "This force is so vast that you can't resist it. Give me defeat!"

  After finishing speaking, he raised his hands to gather the cents.

  Strong and coercive, go one step further!

   "Oh, vastness? You call this vastness? It's ridiculous!"

  Chu madman said indifferently, in the next instant, a more terrifying and vast force of immortal origin than Ji Feiyun poured out like a raging wave!

  (End of this chapter)

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