Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : 20 ranks, 1 sword to cut Ji Feiyun, the art of concealing the sky and crossing the s

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boom! ! ! ! !

A terrifying celestial power that could change the color of the heavens and the earth spewed out, sweeping through the wind and clouds, shaking the nine heavens and ten earth!

With Shenfengding as the center, the clouds in a radius of tens of millions of miles collapsed under the impact of the power of Xianyuan, and there was no cloud for billions of miles!

Even the stars on that day are shaking.

On the top of the kamikaze, no, even after most of the Tianjiao evildoers of Tianyuan Guxing sensed the terrifying power of the Xianyuan, they took a breath of air-conditioning, shocked and stunned!

Ji Feiyun's pupils on the top of the kamikaze shrank sharply, his face full of horror.

"This, this is impossible!!"

"How can you have this level of immortal power, you are only in the realm of Sanhua, Sanhua... don't you..."

Ji Feiyun had already guessed what.

Being able to possess this powerful Xianyuan power in the Sanhua realm must be the same as him, having broken the limit of the Xianyuan Flower!

Madman Chu's immortal power is still constantly improving, as if boundless.

"Guess, which product am I?"

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, looking at Ji Feiyun and said indifferently.

On top of his head, due to the full activation of the power of the Xianyuan, a flower of the Xianyuan quietly appeared.

The petals unfold slowly, one, two, three...

In the end, the flowers bloomed twenty pieces, the flower of the fairy yuan, twenty grades! !

Compared with Ji Feiyun's 16th rank, it is 4th rank higher! !

This scene not only shocked the entire kamikaze roof cultivator beyond words, but also shocked the mighties in the starry sky beyond words.

Among them, the great power of the Divine Machine Clan who said that Ji Feiyun's Sixteenth-Rank Immortal Yuan's flower was unmatched, even flushed, feeling that an old face was snapped.

Just now, Ji Feiyun praised severely.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, a madman of the 20th rank of the fairy yuan flower appeared, his face was hit too fast, too caught off guard! !

It's just that no one cares about him ashamed now.

All the 20-Rank Immortal Yuan flowers that could see Madman Chu were deeply shocked.

"Oh my god, the flower of the 20th grade immortal yuan, am I not dreaming, am I?"

"How can it be possible that there is such a level of fairy yuan flowers in this world?! Has there ever been such a degree of existence in the history of the Tianyuan universe?"

"Taboo, he is also a taboo, and a taboo even more terrifying than Ji Feiyun!!"

One is sixteen and one is twenty.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see which is stronger.

Kamikaze on top.

The madman of Chu stood in the air, and above his head, the flowers of the fairy yuan bloomed dazzlingly, and the mysterious Dao pattern flowed on the 20 petals, the fairy radiance flowed, and the style was peerless.

"You can say one more thing now, what is vast?!"

Indifferent words, like a **** scolding.

The terrifying immortal coercion made the situation change, making every monk feel as if his heart was caught by an invisible big hand.

The pressure almost suffocated them! !

"This is impossible, how could there be such an amazing fairy yuan flower, this is impossible!"

"The Sixteenth-Rank Immortal Yuan Flower, I am already at the limit, how could you reach the 20th-Rank, how could it be..."

Ji Feiyun was full of disbelief.

But the terrifying Xianyuan coercion was announcing an extremely ruthless fact for him.

"How can you compare the sky with you? It's ridiculous."

"God? No, even if you are really a sky, I will overturn you this day!!"

Ji Feiyun forcibly calmed his mind and gave a long whistle.

Immediately, the power of Xian Yuan was urged to the extreme by him, and the golden dragons bite towards Madman Chu!

Liushen Tianlong Array, full force!

At the same time, Ji Feiyun raised his hand to urge the majestic Xian Yuan power, pinched the mysterious technique in his hand, ready to strike the strongest blow.

"Divine mechanism changes, breaking the gods' finger!!"

As soon as Ji Feiyun pointed out, the immortal yuan and the runes merged into a huge finger, with complicated Dao runes engraved on it, which was very mysterious.

The powerful force directly burst the void!

Endless divine light, gushing out from the giant finger!

With eighteen golden dragons in front, and the divine finger breaking the sky behind, Ji Feiyun did his best, and it was about to shake the sky! !

But Madman Chu's mouth turned slightly, smiling, even more contemptuously!

"The frog at the bottom of the well wants to shake the sky too?!"

The indifferent word fell.

The vast sword energy swept out, and a kind of sword intent had been transformed into countless in an instant. A dazzling variety of big Luo Yi.

Thousands of intentions!

Immediately afterwards, these thousands of sword intents were cleverly fused together, forming a sword shadow that penetrated the sky and the earth!

Cut out with a single sword, all the natural phenomena, the order of heaven and earth, all contained in this sword, the endless celestial light burst out, which shocked people's mind and was stunned!

This is the sword of Vientiane!

It is the sword of heaven and earth!

One sword is a world!

Under this terrifying sword aura, the eighteen golden dragons that tried to restrain Madman Chu shattered directly into ashes!

And that huge finger crashed with the sword qi, like a galaxy explosion, the terrifying impact lifted all the surrounding Tianjiao evildoers away.

The sword is like a broken bamboo, and a big finger is broken!

One finger who intended to break the sky was completely suppressed by the Heavenly Sword! !

boom! !

The huge finger shattered, and the terrifying energy rolled out. Under this power, Ji Feiyun was the first to bear the brunt. The whole person was lifted out, vomiting blood, and his body fell to the ground like a rag, and the Taoist patterns on the fairy body were all shattered. , The muscles and bones burst, and the breath of life gradually disappeared.

One sword, slay the sixth on the list of gods! !

Madman Chu's combat power has once again refreshed everyone's cognition.

"Heaven Sword, is this the strength of the Heaven Sword? Is there any limit to his strength!!"

"Zhan Mo Wuji, and then Ji Feiyun, in these two battles, he has not really made a sword. Is the power of the sky sword so powerful?!"

"Xianyuan Flower Twenty Rank, just this point, I don't know how terrifying it is."

"In the entire Tianyuan universe, I am afraid that only Xiang Tiancang and Emperor Qianqiu can be compared with them."

"The sword spirit family, this time it was really lucky. Such a sword appeared. After this sword is honed to its peak, Tianyuan Universe is afraid that it will add an ancient royal family."

Everyone talked a lot, looking at the Madman Chu, there was a strong look of worship in his eyes.

The power of the Heavenly Sword completely convinced everyone.

Madman Chu slowly walked to Ji Feiyun's corpse and chuckled, "Escaped pretty fast."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised.


Isn't Ji Feiyun's body there? How could it be escaped?

When everyone was puzzled, they saw that Ji Feiyun's body suddenly turned into a pool of blood flowing.

"what's going on?"

There are also well-informed people who show a hint of thinking, "If I am not mistaken, this should be the magic of the sacred machine family. It is said that this practice is very mysterious, and it can differentiate into an identical body. Substitute, let the deity escape a mortal attack!"

"What, isn't this shameless?"

"It's not so exaggerated. It is said that the cultivation conditions of this trick of concealing the sky and crossing the sea are very hard. It requires constant polishing of the substitute, and a person can only perform it once in his life."

Hearing this, everyone felt reasonable.

If there is no limit to this trick of concealing the sky and crossing the sea, wouldn't it be equivalent to having countless lives or immortality?

This is too exaggerated.

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