Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : The game set for me, evildoers appear one after another

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"Heavenly Sword, Luo Xue has been defeated, now it's your turn!"

Zhuo Ming looked at the Madman Chu and said in a loud voice, he who regained the tenth place on the list of gods, was full of spirits and extremely arrogant!

Madman Chu heard the words and glanced at him, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

You don’t seem to know this muddy ming, right, why does the other party challenge yourself?

"In the past, you instructed Luo Xue to defeat me. Now, I will defeat you to prove that I am stronger than you!"

Zhuo Ming continued.

Madman Chu was convinced when he heard this. He pointed out that Luo Xue was right, but that was all two years ago, and it is the other party's ability to beat you. What do you want me to do?

Having said that, he did not intend to avoid fighting.

Muddy, not bad in strength, is a world-famous evildoer, capable of beheaded, is beneficial and harmless to the future of Pangu Universe.

He walked out slowly, and the originally convergent aura on his body was gradually released.

A surging sword pressure gradually enveloped the entire God King Pit.

Feeling the muddy face of the sword pressure changed slightly, the expression in his eyes became extremely solemn.

"So powerful sword pressure, stronger than Luo Xue!"

"The power of the heavenly sword is really horrible!"

Zhuo Ming knew that Madman Chu was not easy to deal with, so he leaped into the air, and the Xian Yuan in his body ran wildly, urging him to the extreme.

I saw him let out a long roar, a large number of dark clouds gathered in the sky, and a doom-like coercion enveloped this world, which made people shudder!

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, and he felt an inexplicable force completely locked himself in.

Immediately afterwards, in the thick black cloud, a huge evil eye suddenly opened, and the purple evil light spread out, but everyone who was radiated by the evil light felt that they could not move. It was dark and plunged into an unprecedented panic.

"Oh, is this the power of evil eyes?"

A strange color appeared in Madman Chu's eyes.

Evil light gushes out, directly shining on him, and the power of Evil Eye that is far more terrifying than others, impacts him.

"Heaven Sword, take the move!"

"Evil Fire Dragon Yin!"

When the evil eye's light shone on the Madman Chu, Zhuo Ming immediately moved, and suddenly a palm blasted out, and a large number of evil cremations turned into a ferocious fire dragon!

Not only that.

In the distance, an arrow engulfed the power of wind and thunder, surpassed a million miles, and broke through the air. Its target was also Madman Chu!

Evil dragon, arrow!

With the light of the evil eye and the triple ultimate move, it is bound to kill the madman of Chu!

"Interesting, it turns out this is a game set for me!"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

I saw light bursting out of his eyes, and the immortal essence in his body spread out like a turbulent turmoil, and the ground with a radius of tens of thousands of miles instantly turned over like an earth dragon, shaking endlessly!

The arrow flew upside down and stuck on a mountain peak.

The evil fire dragon shattered suddenly, the fire wave rolled back, and the turbid sea was blasted back several miles!

"How is it possible, why can you not be affected by evil light?!"

Zhuo Ming looked at Madman Chu in disbelief.

"This little bit of evil light, and I want to be an enemy of nature? It's too naive."

The light of the evil eye is mysterious, but in essence it is a kind of soul means.

But how powerful is the soul power of the madman in Chu?

The 21st-rank soul flower, and it is also the three souls of heaven, earth and man, even if the turbid evil eye is ten times stronger, don't think about it!

The madman of Chu stands proudly, his white clothes are like snow, and the vast immortal yuan is like an endless sea, flooding the pit of the gods!

A coercion that was not known how many times stronger than that of Zhuo Ming caused everyone present to take a breath. Some monks who saw the power of the Heavenly Sword for the first time were shocked.

"Is this the strength of the Heavenly Sword?!"

"It's really scary, how can such an opponent be able to beat the opponent."

"Tsk tsk, Zhuo Ming kicked the iron plate right now, but where did the arrow fly from just now?"

Many people wonder about the origin of the arrow.

But some people speculated, and suddenly felt that this God King Pit was a place of right and wrong, and it was better to leave quickly, and all of them smeared the soles of their feet and left the scene.

"Ling Fei, you leave first."

Madman Chu said to Ling Fei, Han Xingyu and others behind him.

Luo Xue stayed in place, trying to help him, but he glanced at it and said lightly: "Your injury is not light. Staying here will only hinder you. Leave."

Being so blunt, Luo Xue was not angry. After a while, she turned and left, "Heaven Sword, be careful yourself."

"Be careful, it's them!"

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes like electricity, penetrating through the clouds, looking towards a mountain millions of miles away.

There was a person standing there.

Fifteenth on the list of gods, Liu Chuanxing of the Thunder clan!

He is known as the first man of the young generation of arrows.

"Luo Xue, it's just your goal, and me, it's your goal, right."

Madman Chu said lightly to Zhuo Ming, and then, he stomped his footsteps, and the majestic immortal power actually penetrated the ground, "Since this is the case, why not hide your head and show your tail, come out!"

There was a roar, and the earth shook.

From the depths of the earth, a ray of light burst out, and it was a young man in a yellow robe.

"It's him, the Shanyin show of the Earth-centered clan!"

Someone recognized the person and couldn't help exclaiming.

The clan in the center of the earth is also a royal clan, and Shanyinxiu is ranked seventeenth on the list of gods, which is definitely a supernatural evildoer!

"Little brother's perception is really sharp."

A sweet laugh sounded.

I saw an enchanting and charming woman in a red dress walking slowly, wherever she went, there was a gust of fragrance, and I don't know how many people's eyes were attracted.

But when everyone saw this woman, their eyes were solemn.

"It's the red fairy of the Peony clan!"

Red Fairy, the gods list is twenty-fifth, and he is also a good evildoer.

Madman Chu glanced at the other party and didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he looked at the void not far away, where there was a few powerful auras.


The roar of a fierce beast reverberated.

I saw a terrifying great ape rushing, wherever it went, the ground broke!

That is, the evil demon ape!

Not a real evil demon ape, but a demon demon ape condensed by big Luo Yi!

And there is only one person with this ability.

"Heaven Sword, today I will be ashamed!"

The roar echoed, Mo Wuji controlled the terrifying beast and evil demon and demon ape to rush, his breath shook the sky and the earth!

"And I!"

An indifferent voice came from far away.

I saw Taoist singing in the void, and a white figure in the distance, surrounded by ancient runes, leaped into the air!

It was Ji Feiyun who was defeated by Madman Chu not long ago.

However, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com, his current injury is almost healed, and his aura is stronger than Mo Wuji!


At this time, a dragon roar echoed.

Not far away, a crimson dragon shadow leaped into the sky, and the overbearing dragon was swept by it. It was the crimson dragon shadow.

Behind him, there is a crystal clear dragon, like a beautiful dragon shadow carved from crystal, the dragon power on his body is several times stronger than the red dragon shadow!

It is the eighth crystal dragon **** the list of gods, Dragon Crystal!

One by one, the horrible Tianjiao evildoers appeared, and they were all peerless beings on the list of the gods. This scene shocked everyone present.

"Well, what is going on?!"

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