Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The momentum is huge, unprecedented, you changed another pet

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In the pit of the **** king, the top evil evildoers on the gods list appeared one after another, and the boundless coercion filled the audience, making every monk stunned!

This kind of scene is too scary.

"Liu Chuanxing of Thunder Clan, Red Fairy of Peony Clan, Shanyinxiu of Geocentric Clan, Mo Wuji, Ji Feiyun, Dragon Crystal of Dragon Clan, these three are all the top ten figures in the gods list. By the way, there is another Zhuo Ming who has just regained the tenth position on the Celestial List."

"These people, are they going to deal with a Heavenly Sword now?"

"My God, these people are crazy?!"

Among the younger generation, no one can retreat in the face of such a battle.

But Madman Chu stood in the air, looking at everyone in front of him, but his expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "Not enough! It's not enough for you alone!"

Actually, he still disliked too few people!

This Heavenly Sword, how arrogant it is to dare to say such a thing!

"Heavenly Sword, what if I were to be added!"

A loud voice suddenly resounded, and I saw a handsome man in a dark robe stepping into the air in the distance.

Wherever he went, a treacherous and domineering aura spread out!

Seeing him, everyone was even more shocked!

"It's the son of Hades, Wu Tianming!"

"The fifth existence on the Celestial List, he is also here! Oh my God, what lineup is this?!"

"It's not just the children of the gods..."

Someone had an extremely solemn tone, and they saw two others behind Wu Tianming, the son of Underworld God.

One of them was dressed in a golden robe, white hair, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and there was a kind of noble air coming out of his gestures.

The other was full of blue long hair, and the breath on his body was like an immortal iceberg.

The blue-haired youth, everyone did not know, but the white-haired youth, everyone could not be more familiar with it.

"The seventh in the list of gods, the emperor Liufang! Among the emperors, the evildoer who is second only to the emperor Qianqiu, he is also here!"

"Why does the emperor clan oppose the sky sword?"

"There have been rumors that the emperor army once found the heavenly sword, but they were all killed by the heavenly sword. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the emperor Liufang will be targeted."

"What about the other people? Do the others also have a holiday with the Heavenly Sword?"

"Don't tell me, most people really have festivals... For example, Wu Tianming, Heavenly Sword killed Wuyou, Mo Wuji, Chi Longying, Ji Feiyun, these three were once defeated by Heavenly Sword. It’s not that difficult to understand now to come back and find a place."

"Wu Tianming, Di Liufang, Mo Wuji, Crystal Dragon Girl, Zhuo Ming, Ji Feiyun... the top ten of the gods, more than half came! Just to deal with a sky sword?!"

Someone glanced at the lineup of Di Liufang and others, only to feel dizzy and unrealistic.

In the top ten of the gods list, each is a monster-level arrogant, extremely powerful, and it is extremely difficult for others to even see the previous side on weekdays.

but now…

Six in total!

In addition, Liu Chuanxing, Shanyinxiu, and Red Fairy are among the top royal evildoers on the **** list...

This kind of battle is just to deal with a heavenly sword.

Only use eight words to describe it, the momentum is huge, unprecedented in history!

"This is definitely something someone planned from it, but who has the patience to gather all these evildoers?"

There are also doubts.

But in any case, the current Madman of Chu, in the eyes of everyone, is undoubtedly... a life of nine deaths!

Even if the Heavenly Sword has created an extremely brilliant record, in front of such a lineup, even if he has the greatest ability, I am afraid that there is nothing he can do.

"Are these people so afraid of the Heavenly Sword?"

Luo Xue frowned slightly, and said with some resentment.

"Heaven Sword..."

Ling Fei and Han Xingyu were also extremely worried.

And in the distance.

Feng Qiyu and Feng Qingxue sisters are also watching this battle.

"Heavenly Sword, even as a rebirth power, but in the face of such a lineup, can you still stand out from the crowd?!"

Feng Qiyu whispered.

She had already thought that Madman Chu had been reborn as a mighty power that was stronger than herself.

But the power of rebirth, the road of practice must be re-walked step by step, and the realm still needs to be improved step by step. The current Madman of Chu is only the realm of Sanhua, and now all those who encircle him are people of the same realm, and there are also Ji Feiyun Taboo, ancient evildoers like Master Hanlong.

Feng Qiyu asked herself, if she faced such a siege, it would be a lifetime of nine deaths. Madman Chu, would he be able to break through?

Except for these evildoers on Tianyuan Star.

In the starry sky, one by one powerful immortal consciousness gathered, and they also noticed this scene.

"Monsters besieged and killed, there is no precedent in history!"

"The Heavenly Sword of the Sword Spirit Clan is too sharp and daunting!"

Among the sword spirit clan, the sword **** king and the star river **** king's face was a bit ugly.

If Madman Chu couldn't pass this level, the blow to the sword spirit clan would be too great!

Tianyuan Guxing, on the Shenwang Pit

Di Liufang stood with his hand in his hand, looked at Madman Chu, and said lightly: "Heaven Sword, we finally met, introduce ourselves, I am..."

"No need to say more, the name of the dead, there is no need to remember it!"

The madman of Chu stood with his hand held, and the vast immortal yuan enveloped the Quartet.

Seeing the enchanting Tianjiao in front of him, instead of the slightest panic on his face, a smile appeared on his face.

"Since this world, the sword of the sky has never been fun. Can you please make the sky happy?"

His sword fingers condensed, the sword flowed, and the color of gaze remained unchanged, but he was even more arrogant!

Everyone frowned upon hearing this.

"Heavenly Sword, you are too arrogant, do you think you can escape to the sky in the face of our siege?!"

Ji Feiyun said coldly.

"Escape? It has always been you who fled in embarrassment in front of the sky?"

Madman Chu said lightly.


Ji Feiyun's face turned green when he heard the words.

Not only him, but also Mo Wuji, Chi Longying, and Liu Chuanxing in the distance were so angry that the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

Because they all escaped in front of the Heavenly Sword, facing the Heavenly Sword, they had nothing but to escape.

"No need to say more, kill!"

Mo Wuji took the lead.

I saw the evil spirit demon ape behind him roared and blasted towards the Madman Chu!

The violent evil spirit stirred all around!

Madman Chu didn't retreat, his sword fingers condensed, and a sword aura shot out, two forces struck each other, and saw that evil demon and devil ape was torn apart most of his body abruptly!

"Your strength is stronger!"

Mo Wuji's pupils shrank in disbelief.

Compared with the battle in the Star River God King Gudao, Madman Chu's strength has improved greatly, and it is even more difficult to deal with him.

"Oh, you are as weak as ever!"

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"Don't underestimate people!"

Mo Wuji let out a low roar, UU Reading has a large number of immortal yuan surging out, spurred by the wild and wild, a terrifying beast with horns, a tiger's head, and a cow's body appeared.

It is his latest power, the Azure Bull Tiger!


With a roar, a more terrifying breath poured out than the evil demon ape.

"Oh, did you change a pet?"

The madman Chu gave a soft voice.

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help their mouths twitching, saying that the evil spirits, devil apes, and the azure bull tiger were pets, and there was only Madman Chu.

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