Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The king of the gods, the kings of the gods speak out, check and balance each other

  Chapter 1740 Divine King, the great kings speak out, check each other

  The wrath of the **** king is terrifying!

  Everyone only felt that the stars were shaking, and the sky seemed to collapse.

After sensing the breath of the Sword God King, the **** king of the   Emperor clan slightly shrank his pupils, and then said coldly: "Sword God King, are you trying to protect the Heavenly Sword?"

   "Why, Heavenly Sword is a member of my sword spirit family. Is it wrong for me to protect him?"

   "Hmph, Sword God King, think about the consequences of the battle between the Sword Spirit and the Emperor Clan!" The King of the Emperor Clan said in a cold voice.

  It's not just him.

  In the Dao King clan, there was also a thought of a **** king who broke out, "The Heavenly Sword killed the evildoers of our clan, this account cannot be easily forgotten!"

  There is also the **** king of the Shenji clan, "The sword spirit clan, Heavenly Sword has done too much this time."

   "The enmity of the turbulent Ming, you can't just let it go!"

  The **** king of the evil eye clan also spoke out.

  This time, the madman Chu killed too many evildoers, and each of them was a famous top evildoer.

  Mo Wuji, Ji Feiyun, Zhuo Ming, Liu Chuanxing, etc., which one is not in the top ten of the gods list?

  But now, these people have all died in the hands of Madman Chu.

  It's strange that these royal kings can still sit still, and it's because their bodies are not in Tianyuan Guxing, otherwise, I'm afraid that they would have done something to Chu Kuangren a long time ago.

  The mind of the **** king converged in the starry sky.

  A wave of cold killing intent enveloped the Madman Chu. This time, he had offended many royal families.

  It's just that he stood in the air, looking like an old **** is there.

  The killing intent of each of the gods fell on him, and he did not move at all. He was really calm.

  Many people are secretly speechless.

  Aside from other things, few people in the younger generation can match this character alone.

  Just ask, who can be so at ease under the killing intent of the gods?

  "Heavenly Sword, you can decide on your own. In this way, you may preserve the sword spirit family!"

  The **** king of the emperor clan said lightly.

  He actually threatened Madman Chu with the safety of the sword spirit clan, but unfortunately, it was useless.

  "Self-decision? Is your mind flooded?"

Madman Chu looked at the void, his indifferent eyes seemed to look at the divine king of the emperor clan through the endless starry sky, "Your evil spirits are coming to encircle and kill the heavens. They are not as good as humans. It seems that living a long time does not mean that you can see through it. Your ignorance of waiting has opened up the horizon!"

  His words were undisguised, and the irony made the faces of many **** kings extremely ugly.

   "Heaven Sword, you are too presumptuous!"

  "A young man who dares to be so arrogant, do you really not put us in your eyes?!"

   "If I want to kill you, I just turn my palms!"

   "Yes, Xiao Da Luo, dare to confront the King of God, really reluctant to live and die!!"

  A wave of thoughts of the **** king flooded one after another, and the killing intent became even stronger!

  The madman of Chu didn’t pay any attention to his heart. He stood with his hands behind, surrounded by a domineering spirit, proudly surrounded by sword intent, “If you want to kill each other, God, please wait anytime!”


  When he heard the words of Madman Chu, everyone was confused.

  This is too rigid! !

  As Ronaldo, he directly provokes the King of Gods, and if the other party really wants to take action at all costs, how do you live as a Ronaldo? !

   "So courageous!!"

  "Heaven Sword, believe it or not, I can now cross the galaxy and come to kill you!!"

  The **** king of the emperor clan roared.

"you dare!!!"

  At this time, a loud shout suddenly resounded throughout the world, filled with the starry sky with the domineering intention.

  The madman Chu's eyes flashed slightly.

  He knows that his back hand is coming!

   "Is the king of the overlord clan!"

   "They really couldn't sit still."

The moment when the   God King idea of ​​the Overlord Clan appeared, the God Kings were not too surprised.

  Only listen to the King of the Overlord clan continue to say: "A group of shameless guys are here to bully a young junior. Some kind of come to my Overlord clan, I will teach you how to behave!"

   "Yes, although my sword spirit clan is not an ancient royal family, it is not bullied. Whoever dares to attack the sky sword, I will never die with you!"

  The Sword God King also made a sound.

  It's not just him, the Star River God King also echoed it.

  The sword spirit clan now has one more Star River God King, and his strength has improved a lot. The weight of this speech is different, and some royal families are still extremely afraid.

  Not to mention, there is a more powerful overlord family!

   "My Wind Clan and the Sword Spirit Clan have always been good friends. You wait, my Wind Clan can't stand it anymore."

  There is another **** king speaking.

   is the **** king of the wind clan.

   His utterance surprised the madman Chu.

  Although the Feng Clan and the Sword Spirit clan had a good relationship, in this case, it was not easy to be able to speak for him.

  Did the Sword God pass the anger with the opponent?

   "Oh, the sky sword is my friend, you guys give me a face, what about today?"

  At this time, a chuckle sounded.

  A divine king's mind that was strange to everyone suddenly appeared.

  But the **** kings of the Dao King clan are very familiar with this idea, "It's you, Shen Luo Pirate! Why did you intervene in this matter!"

  This idea of ​​a **** king is the **** robber among the 36 thieves of Tianyuan Universe!

   is also known as the existence of the king of thieves!

  It is a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of the Dao King clan!

   "I said, Heavenly Sword is my friend."

  Chu madman heard this and rolled his eyes secretly.

  He has never met this Shinra Thief, so how come he became friends?

It’s just that he knew that the other party’s voice to help him this time might have two reasons. One was that he simply wanted to fight against the Daowang clan, and the other was that he had traded with the other party’s subordinate Helou Liangyi in the past, and the other party may also be because of this. This, coupled with the fact that I have an enmity with the Dao King clan, so I want to win over myself.

  After all, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

  Shinra made a robbery, which surprised many people.

  Especially the Dao King clan, their complexion turned black.

   "Shen Luo Pirates, you are against us!"

  "Stop putting gold on your face, what qualifications do you have to represent the gods here?"

  Shinra Thief said lightly.

  The **** king of the Dao King clan was so tempered, in fact, he really couldn't represent it.

   "I have put the words here today. From now on, Tianjian will be an ally of the Overlord clan. Who dares to move him, don't blame Lao Tzu for coming!"

  The **** king of the overlord clan said again ~ In the case of several great royal families and the Shen Luo thief, the rest of the **** kings were silent.

  It's not that they can't fight the Overlord Clan and the Sword Spirit Clan together, but that this matter involves too much.

  Let’s not talk about the background of the overlord family, the sword spirit family, and the wind family.

  These royal families against the mad people of Chu couldn’t just unite casually.

  The great royal clans are intrigue, and they cannot easily join forces.

  Moreover, the emperor clan now has a Dacheng emperor body. If it grows up over time, no one can check the Dacheng emperor body. What should they do?

   Killed the madman of Chu, without the checks and balances of the Dacheng Overlord Body, after Emperor Qianqiu grew up, his family was dominant.

  Among them, the emperors have benefited the most.

  It is precisely because of this that everyone has no real confidence to tear their skin.

  They need Chu madman to check and balance Emperor Qianqiu.

  Either neither of them are present, or they are both present and check and balance each other.

  (End of this chapter)

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