Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Red Dragon Shadow’s unwillingness, evil dragon dagger, blood devouring magic dragon

"Hmph, Heavenly Sword, it's too easy to break, so please do it yourself!"

"It's sharp and sharp, hurting others and hurting yourself!"

"Overlord clan, do you think that the Heavenly Sword has the Heavenly Overlord Body, so it can be used by you? You are too naive, he is an uncontrollable anomaly!"

"Heavenly Sword, do you think you can really stay above the sky? I'll wait for the moment you fall into the dust!"

The minds of the **** king left after pressing a harsh word.

For the Heavenly Sword, they have no good way to contend for the time being. As the **** king, they have many concerns and cannot easily take action.

The only hope is that there will be a Tianjiao of the same level to compete with the opponent.

Emperor Qianqiu is one.

But he was defeated by Madman Chu, proving that his ability was not enough.

But the Emperor Dacheng's body is not the opponent of the Heavenly Sword, so what else can they look for?

"One is not enough, then one group!"

"Yes, the list of gods is just the evildoers on the bright side, the sleeping evildoers, but they have not yet been included in it."

"In this era, the Dacheng emperor body and the Dacheng overlord body appear one after another. It can be seen that the rumors of the seven stars and the return of the nine kings are likely to be fulfilled in this life. It’s time to surface one by one."

"Although the Heavenly Sword is strong, is it easy to walk on the road of invincibility?"

The gods and kings had different minds and left each.

When Madman Chu saw this, he ignored him, glanced at the direction of Emperor Qianqiu's departure, ignored him, and turned back to the King of Gods Pit.

Young Master Hanlong and the others had already left, fearing that Madman Chu would come back and kill him with a carbine.

The rest of the enchanting Tianjiao looked at Madman Chu with amazement in their eyes.

This battle shocked them too.

There are so many devilishes on the Celestial List, and most of them are among the top ten existences on the Celestial List, but they were killed by Chu Madman alone!

Even Emperor Qianqiu was defeated at the top of the list of gods!

This battle completely established the invincible reputation of Madman Chu!

"The gods are on the top of the list, it's time to change!"

"The power of the heavenly sword is so terrifying. From now on, he will be the object of my life!"

"I declare that Heavenly Sword is my idol!"

"It's also my idol..."

Facing everyone's enthusiastic gaze, Madman Chu didn't pay much attention, throwing Wudao in his hand, and inserting it into the scabbard in Han Xingyu's arms extremely accurately.

"Let's go."

His breath has completely converged, without any fluctuations in his cultivation.

Except for that handsome, earth-shattering face, everything else looked just like an ordinary person.

No one would have imagined that such a person had killed many evil spirits in the celestial list just now, and also openly provoked the **** king and was safe.


"Heaven Sword!!"

"The shame you gave me today, one day, I will definitely get it back personally!"

On an ancient star.

Emperor Qianqiu suddenly appeared. At this time, he was a little embarrassed, looking like a down-and-out emperor.

He was seriously injured in the battle with Madman Chu.

Before encountering Madman Chu, he didn't believe that he was killed to death. In the contemporary era, someone could hurt him to such a degree, especially after he completely broke the shackles of the avenue and became the emperor of Dacheng.

"Could it be that he, like Feng Qiyu and me, is reborn with great power?"

Di Qianqiu secretly guessed as if he had guessed something.

This is not impossible.

After all, he can follow Feng Qiyu, but Chu Madman can't do it without reason, and if this is the case, it can explain why the opponent has such a terrifying combat power.

"No, if he is a rebirth like me, why is there no breath of rebirth on his body?"

Di Qianqiu frowned and thought.

Before he was reborn, a supreme king was forced to divide his soul and rebirth after he failed to attack Hun Yuan.

Compared with Feng Qiyu's previous life, it is much stronger.

Even he couldn't perceive the rejuvenation of Madman Chu. Could it be that the opponent is still a terrifying power than him?


Impossible, the existence of the Hunyuan realm is almost immortal, and for no reason, why should we be reborn?

For the nine kings?

The Nine Kings have the opportunity to attack Hun Yuan, and all the powerful abilities will make plans in the era of the Nine Kings, and will not hesitate to cut themselves for rebirth.

However, Hunyuan is already Hunyuan, and they will not be reborn for the sake of the Nine Kings.

"Could it be that I think too much? He is not a rebirth, really just a monster born in this world?!"

If this is really the case, it would be terrible!

Such a monster, no monster, how terrifying its future achievements are, it is hard to predict!

"It doesn't matter, in short, let's recover the injury first, and then refine some of the background of the previous life as soon as possible, so that we have a chance to compete with the Heavenly Sword!"

Di Qianqiu thought to himself.

In this visit to Tian Yuan Gu Xing, in addition to repairing the remnant soul, the most important thing is to get back some of the things left on this Tian Yuan Gu Xing in his previous life.

Now, those things have been taken back.

Among them, some spiritual resources and their own treasures are included.

With these, he believed that after a period of time, he could make a comeback and compete with Madman Chu!

"Heaven Sword, you wait for me!"

Di Qianqiu gritted his teeth and said.

the other side.

Two embarrassed figures appeared on a certain mountain range of Tianyuan Ancient Star.

But it was Dragon Crystal and Red Dragon Shadow.

These two dragon clan evildoers glanced behind them with lingering fears, and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing no one catching up.

"This Heavenly Sword is really a monster!"

Long Jingjing said with lingering fear: "So many enchanting evildoers were killed by him, and he is still a great overlord!"

"Why is this guy's luck so good?!"

Chi Longying was a little unwilling.

This is the legend of kendo, now with the Dacheng overlord body, who else can compete with this young generation?

Even Emperor Qianqiu was defeated!

"This person is too terrifying. If it is not necessary, you should not provoke him anymore, brother, don't make him an enemy anymore."

Long Jingjing took a deep breath and said.

She could see that Chi Longying had a deep hatred for Madman Chu, but Madman Chu was too strong, and she didn't want the other party to die in vain!

"I know."

Chi Longying clenched her fists, her heart was full of resentment and unwillingness.

"Brother, I want to adjust my breath, please help me protect the law."

"it is good."

Long Jingjing found a cave and began to adjust his breath.

However, Chi Longying did not participate in the battle after being torn off half of his dragon claws by Madman Chu. On the contrary, he survived by chance without much loss.


Recalling his performance in the battle, Chi Longying was extremely frustrated.

I was so scared that I was hiding.

But when he thinks of Kuangren Chu's terrifying strength, he can't help but feel a little desperate. Facing such an existence, is he really hopeless for revenge?

Suddenly, he thought of something and took out a **** dagger.

This dagger was blood-red with dragon-scale lines on it, revealing evil spirits.

This is a treasure he selected from the treasure house of the Galaxy God King. It is called the Evil Dragon Dagger. It is a lost treasure of the Dragon Clan, and the most important thing contains an evil technique.

Name Call...Blood Devouring Devil Dragon Art!

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