Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Minglingdongtian, Tianjiao is falling like rain, do you need help?

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Mingling Dongtian, this was opened up by an ancient **** king who called the Mingling God King.

The God King of Hades is one of the God Kings who are best at soul power in the history of the Tianyuan Universe. Besides, this God King is also an ancient God King of the Hades family.

This time the Pluto Cave was opened, and the Pluto clan had already spoken out publicly, not allowing the rest to intervene.

Otherwise, it is an enemy of the Hades!

The Pluto clan is an ancient royal family with a deep heritage. They did this, and few people dared to resist, or even basically none.

Royal clans like the emperors and the overlords that can compete with the Hades did not take action.

There are many opportunities in Tianyuan Ancient Star.

They don't need to be in a bad relationship with the Pluto clan for a Pluto Cave.

Besides, the Pluto Heaven is left by the **** kings of the Pluto clan, and the Pluto clan has a natural advantage over others, and it is difficult to compete with them.


Above a certain mountain, a mountain stands here, and on it, there is a spatial crack.

This crack is the entrance of the Mingling Cave.

Outside of the cave, the heavenly arrogances of the Pluto clan were guarding them, not allowing others to enter.

"The son of the Underworld, you should be able to get the chance in the Underworld Cave smoothly."

Said a Tianjiao from the Hades family.

The person next to him nodded, "Well, it should be possible. If even the strongest child of the Underworld among us can't get the inheritance, the others will be even more impossible."

Several people talked about it.

"If the Son of Underworld gets the chance inside, I don't know if it is possible to compete with the Heavenly Sword?"

At this time, a Pluto clan Tianjiao said.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being a bit silent. Although they were very reluctant to admit it, it was difficult to compete with the Heavenly Sword!

Even if the Son of the Underworld gets the opportunity within the cave, it is still likely that he is not the opponent's opponent.

"How can there be such a monster in this world?"

"Yeah, his three flowers are really incredible. The flowers of longevity, the flowers of immortality, and the flowers of soul are all above the bizarre 20-Rank."


Everyone said with emotion.

At this moment, not far away, a figure in white clothes walked slowly.

The people of the Pluto clan frowned slightly.

You must know that the three million miles away of the Mingling Cave has been blocked by him, and no one is allowed to approach it. Who is it that dares to ignore the warning of the Pluto clan?

"Hmph, it seems that someone is driven by greed in his heart and came to find death."

One of the Pluto clan Tianjiao sneered, and then a magnificent palm whizzed out between raising his hands, locking the incoming person.

boom! !

Accompanied by a roar, the energy swept the Quartet!

The Tianjiao of the Pluto clan curled his lips, "I thought I had some strength, uh, I didn't expect it to be a rookie, and I couldn't stop it with a single move."


Someone exclaimed.

I saw the person who was blasted by the palm, still walking towards everyone without a hassle.

at the same time.

A sword aura shot out from the opponent's body!

Puffed out.

Flesh and flesh shot.

The Tianjiao of the Pluto clan who made the move had no resistance, and was torn in half by the sword qi in an instant!

"Who is this strength?!"

Everyone couldn't help looking at the people coming in horror.

And as the person came closer, they gradually saw the person's face, and immediately took a breath of air-conditioning!

"Heaven Sword!"

That's right.

The man who came was Chu Madman.

Da Luo Sanhua, Shouyuan Flower, and Xianyuan Flower have all been upgraded to the twenty-fourth rank, and there is only one soul flower.

Nowadays, the Mingling Dongtian is present, and the treasure of the soul is hidden inside, how can he not come?

As for the Hades...

He has only eight words, people resist killing, and gods resist killing gods! !

"It's Heavenly Sword!!"

"What did he do in the Mingling Cave? With so many opportunities in the Primordial Stars this day, why did he just stare at the Mingling Cave?!"

"Is he against our Pluto clan?"

"Damn it!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they were extremely frightened.

Heavenly Sword...

This is simply not an existence they can contend with!

"Heaven Sword, what are you doing?!"

A Tianjiao swallowed his saliva and asked bitingly.

"What's inside, I want to take away."

Madman Chu said lightly and bluntly.

Everyone sighed inwardly.

Sure enough, it was aimed at Mingling Cave.


What about the Heavenly Sword, are they really bullying by the Pluto clan? !

This cave sky is our thing, you say take it away, take it away? !

"Everyone, the son of the underworld is undergoing the test of the underworld in the cave. You must not let the heavenly sword enter!"

A Tianjiao stood up and said loudly.

Some of the other people gradually showed a solemn color, and they were obviously ready to fight to the death.

They can only expect Wu Tianming in the Mingling Cave to complete the test soon.

They have no confidence in how long Madman Chu can be held back.

"Let's do it together!"

"Let the Heavenly Sword see the ability of my Pluto clan Tianjiao!"

"Even if it is true that the sky has come, what if the monks of my generation are going to go against the sky!"

The monks of the Pluto clan successively took action.

All kinds of immortal magical powers were displayed one after another, vast and mighty, like a large black cloud, swept out towards the Madman of Chu.

There is the desire to suppress the physical body, and the shadow of the underworld stuns the soul...

Madman Chu stood still and did not move his sword, but his sword fingers condensed, and the sky full of sword aura immediately converged, condensing on the sword fingers, "Heaven, I appreciate your courage."

The words fall.

His sword fingers flicked in the void, and a sword aura was cut out across the air!

In the rumbling noise, the sky was torn apart.

And the huge dark cloud condensed by countless fairy magic supernatural powers was easily torn in half by this sword, and with a bang, the smoke disappeared!

But the sword energy is like a broken bamboo, wherever it goes, the sky is broken and the earth is cracked!


The Tianjiao of the Pluto clan was swept by the sword qi, or cut off in the middle, or bombed into blood mist...

For a time, Tianjiao fell like rain!

The horrifying sight made some of the surviving Pluto clan people no longer have the courage to continue to fight, and they all sat on the ground with horror on their faces.

They looked at Madman Chu, as if they were looking at a **** of death! !

Madman Chu ignored the people who had survived, he walked towards the Heaven of Mingling Cave, swished into it.

"It's over now!"

"No matter how strong the son of the underworld is, how can it be comparable to this monster?"

Many people are desperate.

They didn't think that with Wu Tianming alone, they could contend with Madman Chu.

Don't you see, Wu Tianming has also been beaten to abandon his armor and abandon his armor with so many enchanting gods?


Within the Mingling Cave Wu Tianming, the son of the Underworld, was struggling with a phantom. Looking closely, it was an existence wearing a black robe and holding a sickle.

And this phantom is the remaining power of the soul of the King of Underworld!

Only by defeating him can he get the chance to stay in this ghost cave.

Bang, bang, bang! !

Wu Tianming has no less than a hundred moves to fight against the Underworld God King, but it is still difficult to obliterate the other's soul power incarnation.

"Do you need help?"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

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