Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Hades, are you so afraid of me?

  Chapter 1749 Underworld God King, are you so afraid of me?

"Do you need help?"

  A indifferent voice came from behind Wu Tianming.

   "I said, give me everything out. I don't want you to interfere."

   Wu Tianming said distraughtly.

  But then, his eyebrows are slightly frowned, something is wrong, why does this voice sound so familiar? ?

  He turned around and took a look, his pupils shrank and his face was horrified, "Heavenly Sword!"

Do not!

  This is impossible, how could the other party appear here? !

   Wu Tianming was a little unbelievable, he even rubbed his eyes, but Madman Chu was still standing in front of him.

   "No, this is the illusion you used, right!"

Wu Tianming turned around and said loudly to the Underworld God King, as if I had already seen you through, "The God King deserves to be the God King. I can actually capture the thing I fear in my heart and use illusion to turn it out. It looks like Just like the real thing, this kind of illusion is the only thing I have seen in my life."

  But the King Underworld did not answer, but fixedly looked at the Madman Chu behind him.

  It seems that he was also very surprised when Chu Madman came.

   Wu Tianming's heart suddenly choked.

  Could it be...

  No way, no way.

   "So, are you so afraid of me?"

  The madman Chu said quietly.


  Wu Tianming took a breath of cold air on the spot, only to feel a chill from the soles of his feet, hitting the sky and exploding on the scalp, making him cold all over!

  Fuck me!

   is a real heavenly sword!

   Wu Tianming's figure retreated violently, and even ran directly behind the King of the Underworld, as if seeking protection, looking at the Madman Chu who entered the sky of the Underworld with a little horror.

   "Why are you here?"

   "Naturally, I have come to take advantage of this place." Madman Chu said calmly.

  Next, he looked at the God King of Underworld, and at a glance he judged that the other party was just the residual soul power of a God King.

  Not only that, but this ghost cave sky is also very weird.

  The rules here are peculiar. Only soul power is allowed. As for the power of immortality, and even the body qi and blood can not be used!

  "The God King of Hades, this person is a great enemy of my Hades clan, you must not let this person get the chance you left!"

   Wu Tianming said loudly.

  Hearing this, the God King of Underworld condensed his eyes, and he left the chance at Tianyuan Guxing. In theory, anyone can come to participate in the test, and pass the chance he left behind.

  But if this person is the enemy of the Hades clan...

  Let’s talk about it.

  After all, he is also the **** king of the Hades clan.

  "Young man, the inheritance here has nothing to do with you, you should leave."

  Nether Spirit God King said lightly.

The meaning of    is obvious, the chance here cannot be given to you.

   "Oh, fate or miss, it is not you who have the final say,'s the destiny!"

  The madman of Chu stands with his hands behind, and the biting sword pressure spreads out!

   Although immortal yuan cannot be used, sword intent still has a certain effect.


Seeing the madman of Chu exuding powerful sword pressure, the King Underworld was a little surprised, "Your cultivation is weird. You are obviously in the Three Flower Realm, but it is much stronger than the Three Flower Realm, and this sword intent is actually faint. Contains a sense of detachment that I can't see through? Who are you?!"

  The meaning of detachment in his mouth is naturally created by the madman of Chu, and he is not controlled by this universe.

   "He is the Heavenly Sword!"

   Wu Tianming said solemnly.

  Hearing this, the God King of Underworld was even more surprised, "A legend that has been circulating in the sword repair world for many years? It turns out that there really is a heavenly sword."

   "The God King of Hades, this person is the enemy of my Hades clan. This is the Heaven of Hades. He can't use Xian Yuan now, so it's better to be here...kill him!"

   Wu Tianming seemed to have thought of something, his eyes were not as frightened as before.


  Outside, he was afraid of Madman Chu, but here is the Mingling Cave Heaven who can only use the power of the soul.

  In addition to the presence of the King of Underworld, he is afraid of being a hairy!

  Today, he is going to break this famous heavenly sword here!

  At that time, I will take the first place on the gods list!

  Wu Tianming became more excited as he thought about it, and his soul power escaped, faintly turning into a powerful ghost shadow behind him!

  The Nether Spirit King next to him thought for a while, then nodded, and accepted the proposal.

   "Since you are an enemy of the Hades, then stay!"

  The legend of the Heavenly Sword has been around for a long time. If such a character is an enemy of the Hades family, if it is not eliminated as soon as possible, it will become a major disaster in the future!

   "Okay, do it!"

   Wu Tian Ming was full of vigor, and manipulated the ghost shadow to rush towards Madman Chu.

   With a palm blast, the majestic soul power exploded.

   "I can't be foolish."

  The madman of Chu shook his head, his sword fingers condensed, and he replaced Xianyuan with soul power, turning it into a sword shadow!


  The palms of the sword shadow and the underworld phantom blasted together!

  In an instant, the entire underworld space was shaken, and most of the palm of the underworld phantom was cut off abruptly!

   And the sword aura, like a broken bamboo, directly blasted Wu Tianming out.

   "What a strong soul power!"

  The Dark Spirit God King showed a little solemn gaze.

  He could see that Madman Chu did not use how advanced the soul cultivation method, and what Booming Wutianming relied on was pure soul power!

  "God King, be careful, his soul flower has reached the level of 21st rank!"

   Wu Tianming seemed to think of something and said loudly.

  Hearing this, the pupils of the **** king Mingling shrank, and he looked at Wu Tianming as if he was saying, are you kidding me? !

  In this world, how can someone practice the flower of the soul to this point?

   "Let me experience the soul power of the **** king!"

  Chu madman’s sword fingers condensed, and the same sword slashed towards the King of Underworld!

  "Young man, don't be too presumptuous!"

  Nether Spirit God King snorted coldly, and saw his soul power flow, turning out a black shield.


   With a roar, the shield cracked and cracked!

   And the Underworld God King was blasted out, his face was uncertain, "This kind of soul power is definitely not what Sanhua Realm should use, is it..."

  Is it true that what Wu Tianming said is true? In this world, there are really people who have cultivated the flower of soul to the 21st grade? !

  Monster! !

   "Wraith's Scythe!"

  The God King of Hades waved the sickle in his hand, and a breath of death permeated from it, UU reading www.uukanshu. com seems to harvest the soul of the madman of Chu.

  "The soul power you have left is too little, not strong enough!"

  The madman of Chu said lightly, the sword finger condensed, and above his head, a 21st grade soul flower slowly bloomed.

  The light of the soul is dazzling.

  A sword slashed out, and the sword aura collided with the Wraith sickle.

  Nether Spirit God King was shaken back again.

  While he saw the 21st Grade Soul Flower with his own eyes, his soul body was shocked.

  He was once also a taboo for Soul Flower to break the twelfth rank limit. Because of this, he knew how incredible it is to cultivate Soul Flower to 21st rank.

  At that time, he was hailed as a monster that the soul had encountered once in several years.

   But even if he only cultivated the soul flower to the sixteenth rank, he could no longer improve.

   "Such a monster is an enemy of my Hades clan. If it is not eradicated, it will become an infinite disaster in the future!"

  There was a touch of determination in the eyes of the **** king Mingling.

  (End of this chapter)

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