Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Young Master Hanlong is out, what on earth is he doing?

  Chapter 1759 Young Master Hanlong goes out, what is he doing?

"I deliberately attracted me with the secret of breaking through Dzogchen, making me involuntarily lower my posture, and then tell me the news of the three-flower twenty-fourth rank, bluntly saying that the manpower is limited, and you don't have it, thus damaging my confidence and almost falling into a magical obstacle. Among them, Heavenly Sword, your thoughts are really deep!"

  Emperor Qianqiu stood with his hands on his hands, looking at Tianjian Peak, his eyes showed a solemn color.

  In this world, how can anyone easily tell the secret of their practice?

  This must be a trap.

  A trap that uses words to strike my heart and soul!

  Di Qianqiu thinks about it, the more it is possible.

   "It's just that you are doing everything possible to deal with me. I think it's because you are afraid of my great imperial body."

   "The imperial body, the overlord body, is an old enemy, a heavenly sword, and you are afraid of me if you want to come."

  Emperor Qianqiu laughed, only feeling that the depression in his chest had disappeared.

   "Heavenly Sword, you wait, our Emperor Qianqiu will step on you one day!"

  Emperor Qianqiu stood with his hand in his hand, and said lightly to the man in the golden robe next to him: "Emperor Seven, go and fetch some of the resources left by my previous life. I want to retreat and practice and strive for an early breakthrough!"

"it is good!"

  Di seven nodded.

The Madman Chu who returned to Tianjian Peak didn't know what Emperor Qianqiu was thinking, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care too much.

  He was sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the stars, lost in thought.

  There are several **** kings in this Tianyuan Temple, is there any existence above the **** king?

   During this period of time, he traveled in the Tianyuan universe, and he also had a general understanding of the situation of the ten thousand races.

   Originally, he felt that if Tianyuan Universe and Pangu Universe had a full-scale battle, the outcome would be five to five, but now, another Tianyuan Temple has emerged.

  There are hidden powerhouses in this, I'm afraid there will be many.

  There are also the nine kings who have not yet appeared.

   "The pressure on the Pangu universe is huge."

   Chu madman whispered.

  In his hand, a jade slip appeared. In the jade slip, he recorded various information about the Tianyuan universe.

   "If this thing can be sent back to Pangu universe, it might be helpful."

   "But, how do I send it back?"

  The barriers of the two universes, how the Tianyuan universe was opened up, he still doesn't know, this is the method of those high-level gods, and it also consumes countless resources.

  It is estimated that it is impossible to open another two-world channel in a short time.

And I heard that Tianyuan Universe and Pangu Universe have a fixed channel, but that channel is heavily guarded and difficult to approach. The most important thing is that on the other side of the channel, there is a strong man in Pangu universe suppressing it. That is also the main reason why Tianyuan Universe has not yet fully invaded.

  Chu madman guessed that that person should be the strongest in the line of gods and demons.

  He estimated that if he went back through that passage, he would be beaten to death as an intruder before he went out.

   "Can I create a channel myself?"

  Chu madman thought to himself.

  This is difficult.

  God King spent countless resources to complete the channel, how can he do it alone?


  Chu madman’s eyes lit up, remembering that there is a super god-level reward time and space treasure in his body!

  If this object is used, coupled with his current cultivation base of Dzogchen Dzogchen, is it possible to open a channel and return to the Pangu universe?

  Chu madman thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible.

   "Little Ai, what do you think?"

  Ask Xiao Ai in case of trouble.

"Report to the master that it is under analysis...The probability of not being able to check in the channel is 60%, the probability of being lost in the unknown void is 30%, and in other cases 9%, the probability of returning to the Pangu Universe is less than... One percent." Xiao Ai said lightly.

  Looking at the parsed data, Madman Chu suddenly felt a little cold. This probability was too low.

   is less than one percent.

   "It's just that you have to try everything, what if it succeeds?"

  Chu madman said lightly.

  He did not give up, but continued to study with Xiao Ai the matter of returning to the Pangu universe.

  A few days later.

  He came to the conclusion that the key lies in the time and space treasure.

  If you can master the greater power of the Time and Space Mirror, the greater the chance of returning to the Pangu universe.

  Researching the Time and Space Treasure Mirror, he listed it as one of the focus of the next practice.

  Except for the other.

  He has to refine a clone.

  This avatar must have enough strength to enter the open channel to do experiments. This is to prevent the body from getting lost in the unknown void. That would be troublesome.

  Last time, it was pure luck that he was able to come to Tianyuan Universe from the unknown void.

  A few days later.

   Just when Madman Chu was still studying Time and Space Baojian, a figure suddenly came.

"the host."

  Laren is a coquettish woman in a gorgeous colorful long dress. It is the dragon crystal he conquered.

   "You are here too."

   "Well, Ling Fei, Han Xingyu and others can't come up to this Heavenly Sword Peak, so ask me to come up and say hello."

  Dragon Crystal said.

  The Heavenly Sword Peak where the madman of Chu is located is the closest to the Dao Zexing sky, shrouded in a powerful Dao Ze starry sky, and not everyone can come up.

  Han Xingyu, Ling Fei and others' strengths have improved a lot, but they still can’t make it here.

   "Well, since it's here, let's find a place to live."


  Dragon Crystal found a mountain near Tianjian Peak as it is said, and learned that the madman of Chu engraved on the mountain and called Qicaifeng. After all, she was pregnant with the blood of a colorful Tianlong.

  Following the Dragon Crystal, Luo Xue also came up.

   and also found a mountain near Madman Chu, named Piaoxuefeng.

  Qicai Peak and Piaoxue Peak are located on both sides of Tianjian Peak, just like the guardian of the left and right sides. This matter spread in the Tianyuan Temple, causing a commotion.

  "Tsk, this heavenly sword is so blessed, the two goddesses were actually willing to protect him from left and right."

   "Yes, Yanfu is not shallow."


  Atop a mountain shrouded in endless cold.

  Today, a person rose into the sky, and the terrifying cold air escaped around, freezing the void. This person is the cold dragon son!

   "Haha, I finally succeeded in breaking through the realm of five auras!"

  Young Master Hanlong was a little excited.

  You must know that since entering this Tianyuan Temple, he has been practicing almost day and night, and he dare not neglect one day.

  With his hard work and the help of Dao Ze Xingkong, he finally succeeded in breaking through the five qi realm, and his strength has risen greatly!

After his strength increased, he couldn't help but think of Madman Chu.

   "I don't know how I am now compared to Heavenly Sword?"

  Young Master Hanlong whispered.

Suddenly, at the end of his gaze, he saw a mountain that was as straight as a sword. There were three characters carved on it, Heaven Sword Peak!

   "It's a heavenly sword!"

   "Heavenly Sword is here too. It's a good one, just to try the gap between me and him now!"

  Young Master Hanlong showed a bright light in his eyes.

   Then, his figure flashed and flew towards the Tianjian Peak, and said loudly: "Heaven Sword, I am here to ask you how to do it, Han Long, please give me some advice!"

   "No way, there are people who dare to challenge the Heavenly Sword?"

   "Yeah, don't you know that he has been promoted to Dzogchen?"

  Some people couldn't help being surprised when they saw Master Hanlong's behavior.

  And Young Master Hanlong, who had just left the customs today, couldn't help taking a breath after hearing the crowd's comments.


  Heavenly Sword has been promoted to Dzogchen Dzogchen?

how can that be? !

  Looking at Jianfeng that day, Young Master Hanlong suddenly felt that he was facing a ghost gate, what on earth was he doing? !

  (End of this chapter)

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