Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The sword cuts the cold dragon son, dominates the jewel of the Tao, arouses public

Latest website: Young Master Hanlong exits with confidence and wants to challenge Madman Chu!

But as soon as he heard the news that Madman Chu had broken through Dzogchen, he suddenly withered, and was shocked all over his body.

Practicing the way of ice, at this moment he actually felt a chill that eroded into the bones from the soles of his feet, exploded on his scalp, and his whole person was not well.

"Oh, someone is going to challenge me?"

At this time, an indifferent voice came from within the Heavenly Sword Peak.

Young Master Hanlong swallowed, then he folded his hands and said, "Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, goodbye!"

He turned and flew towards the distance, not daring to stay for a long time.

But a sword aura shot from behind him, the speed of which made it difficult to dodge.

"Do not!"

"Five tactics of the cold road, the spear of the ice god!"

Young Master Hanlong noticed the sword qi shooting behind him, and he couldn't help being full of horror. Then he urged his cultivation to the extreme, condensing a cold ice spear!

The spear shot towards Jianqi!


The two forces crashed together, and the powerful aura caused turmoil in all directions.

But saw the sword's momentum like breaking a bamboo, smashing the spear of cold ice, and in the next moment, Young Master Han Long exploded in the air, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

"Challenge the sky, but there is a price to pay."

The indifferent voice echoed in the air.

Countless evildoers Tianjiao saw this scene, and their scalp numb for a while.

"This guy, terrible!"

"Young Master Hanlong already exists in the five-qi realm, but in front of him, he can't stop even a sword. It really is Dzogchen, no, not even an ordinary Dzogchen!"

"Heaven Sword... a fearsome existence."

After killing Young Master Hanlong, Tianjian Peak returned to calm.

Madman Chu continued to study the time and space treasures.

He practiced the Eighteenth-turn Three-Element Soul Refining Art. This peculiar technique gave him three souls.

Therefore, his two souls are used to study the time and space treasures, and one soul is used to observe the Tao and the stars above his head, and to comprehend the Taoism in it, so as to enhance his great Luo Yi.

On this day.

Dao is shocked by the starry sky.

I saw in the starry sky of Dao Ze, there were starlights hanging down suddenly.

These starlights contained endless mystery, and the rich Dao fluctuations spread out from them, actually condensed into precious orbs.

This is the jewel of the Tao!

"The Pearl of Dao Ze has appeared!"

"This thing is formed by the condensed light of the stars of the Tao, if it is absorbed and refined, it will be of great help to the promotion of Da Luo Yi!"

"My Da Luo Yi has reached the limit of three steps. If you can get the help of these jewels of Taoism, you may be able to break through and reach the fourth step!"

The enchanting Tianjiao in the Tianyuan Temple looked at the beads of Dao Ze under the starry sky with fiery eyes.

In the temple, there are countless opportunities.

These beads of Taoism are one of them, and a batch of beads of Taoism will emerge from time to time.

With these things, it is enough to make people advance by leaps and bounds.

The cultivation conditions of the Tianyuan Temple are excellent. It is no exaggeration to say that even if a pig enters here, it can still cultivate into a golden immortal.


One after another silhouettes rushed towards the starry sky, fighting for the Pearl of Dao Ze.

At this time, within a certain golden mountain.

A huge palm leaped into the sky and grabbed those Dao Zezhu jewels in the starry sky. That was Emperor Qianqiu's move!

These jewels of Taoism are also useful to him!


There was a gust of wind blowing in the void.

These winds, swirling the Pearl of Dao Ze, converged in a certain direction. It was a mountain surrounded by a storm, and it was the storm queen Feng Qiyu who shot it.

In addition to these two people, the rest of the world's enchanting evildoers, even taboos also shot one after another.

For a time, under the starry sky, celestial splendor bloomed, the brilliant light of energy was like a colorful light curtain, covering the sky!

But just when everyone was vying for the jewel of the Tao.

On the Heavenly Sword Peak, a sky-shaking sword shadow suddenly rose into the sky, and the terrifying sword pressure swept all around like a hurricane!

The sword energy swept across the starry sky like a wave of violent waves!

Bang, bang!

The hand of the emperor shattered, the power of the storm dissipated...

All kinds of cultivation methods were disintegrated one by one by this sword aura, and the jewels of Taoism were all scattered again.

The next moment.

On the Heavenly Sword Peak, a powerful suction burst out again!

It turned out to be like a black hole, and all the jewels of Taoism converged towards that black hole uncontrollably!

This scene stunned everyone.

"This guy, what is he doing?!"

"Does he want a person to monopolize all the jewels of the Tao? My God, he is too domineering!"

The expressions of Di Qianqiu and others couldn't help but change.

You know, these Taoist jewels are one of the important cultivation resources of the Tianyuan Temple, and no one has ever dared to monopolize them.

Kuangren Chu's behavior is undoubtedly an enemy of the Tianjiao evildoers of the entire Tianyuan Temple!

"Heavenly Sword, don't let yourself be mistaken, you'd better hand over the Dao Zezhu soon!"

A cold voice came from a mountain peak.

It was a world-famous evildoer, and when the words fell, the endless coercion shrouded the Heavenly Sword Peak!

However, on the Piaoxue Peak next to the Heavenly Sword Peak, a surge of sword pressure broke out, blocking that power directly, and it was Luo Xue who made the move.

"Heavenly Sword acts, it's not your turn to beak!"

Luo Xue said indifferently.

She didn't even notice, she was already unconsciously biased towards Madman Chu.


"Heaven Sword, you are too presumptuous!"

Another coercion broke out, which was accompanied by a terrifying bloodthirsty dragon energy, which made people shudder!

It's Chilongying!

However, a terrifying dragon aura broke out on the Qicai Peak. In this dragon aura, there was a feeling of incomparable nobility, and it easily blocked the coercion of the red dragon shadow.

"You who fled in embarrassment in front of your master, what right do you have to bark here?"

Dragon Crystal's indifferent voice sounded.

Hearing this, Chilongying's pupils shrank sharply, in disbelief, "Dragon Crystal, you are not dead, and you still recognize the heavenly sword as the master?!"

"Why, I'm not dead, do you disappoint me brother?"

Long Jingjing sneered.

Chi Longying's face changed uncertainly, and her heart was shocked beyond recognition.

How could this be?

The crystal dragon bloodline of Dragon Crystal has been absorbed by him, and it should be a waste now. Why does the other party still have this kind of power?

Moreover, this dragon spirit actually gave him a feeling that he couldn't help but want to surrender.

Is it... Colorful Tianlong? !

Chilongying couldn't help but think of the colorful Tianlong chance that he encountered on the ancient star of Tianyuan in the past, UU reading, that chance, was taken by Dragon Crystal? !

The other party, because of a blessing in disguise, got the inheritance of the colorful dragon? !

Damn it!

Chi Longying's face was extremely ugly.

But at this time, another wave of coercion broke out in the Tianyuan Temple, and went toward the Tianjian Peak.

"Heavenly Sword, hand over the Dao Zezhu soon."

"You can take some, but it would be too much to monopolize all the jewels of Taoism!"

"Yes, you have attracted public anger, don't make mistakes again and again!"

Voices sounded one after another, and the enchanting Tianjiao made all the noises.

In the Tianyuan Temple, no Tianjiao evildoer can face such anger alone, and no one dares!

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