Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : One familiar act, one sword kills several ancient evildoers

The latest website: Madman Chu has taken all the Taoist Orbs by himself, attracting public outrage!

In the face of the anger and coercion of the many evildoers of the Tianyuan Temple, the sword intent on the Tianjian Peak was still flowing, and there was no movement.

After a while.

A voice came out leisurely.

"You, who would dare to take a sword from the sky?"

As soon as these words were said, there was a moment of silence in the void.

Take a sword from the Heavenly Sword?

The evildoers in the entire Tianyuan Temple, it is estimated that few people have such awareness and courage.

That's a heavenly sword!

Young Master Hanlong, such an ancient evildoer who broke through to the Five Qi Realm, was killed by the opponent with a single sword. Among them, no one dared to say that he was absolutely sure to take the opponent's sword.

"Heaven Sword, although your strength is strong, don't forget, you are only a person, are you going to be an enemy to all of us?"

"Yes, you are undoubtedly seeking a dead end."

boom! !

Pang Ran's sword pressure, gushing out of the Heavenly Sword Peak!

Like the tide, wave after wave spread out, covering most of the Tianyuan Temple, some Tianjiao evildoers could not help shaking under the pressure of this sword!

"The jewel of the Tao, yes, come to Heaven Sword Peak to get it, God, don't care if you are one or a group!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

The crowd was gnashing their teeth, but no one dared to take it easily.

In the end, the Pearl of Dao Ze was taken into the bag by Madman Chu alone.

"Damn it, **** it!"

"Heaven Sword is so presumptuous, can no one can control him?"

"Asshole, if this goes on, I'm afraid the Tianyuan Temple will be reduced to him."

The crowd was filled with indignation and discussion.

Some people even plan to find the King of Gods and ask them to come forward to punish the madman.

However, the Tianyuan Temple has rules. The **** king can point his own Tianjiao evildoers, but he cannot easily intervene in the fight of the younger generation.

"Are you going to let the Heavenly Sword continue to behave like this?"

Ye Hao, the ancient evildoer of the Dao King clan, whispered.

As an ancient evildoer, he had his own arrogance, and he couldn't understand what Chu Madman did. He planned to unite some people to find each other.

In fact, in addition to Ye Hao, several people were also extremely dissatisfied with Chu Madman.

Under Ye Hao's instigation, several people joined forces and headed to Heavenly Sword Peak.

"Today, let Tianjian know the end of the arrogance!"

"Yes, in order to deal with him, this time, I have taken out everything at the bottom of the pressure box, and I will definitely be able to make him suffer."

"Hmph, this person killed the evildoer of my Divine Machine Clan, I want him to know that my Divine Machine Clan is not easy to provoke."

These people came to Tianjian Peak one by one.

This kind of movement is naturally hidden from others, and many enchanting Tianjiao are watching.

But when Ye Hao and a group of people went to find Madman Chu, Wu Tianming, Chi Longying and others couldn't help but twitch their mouths, remembering some extremely unpleasant memories.

"How is this scene so familiar?"

"Can you not be familiar with it? That's how Emperor Liufang asked us to deal with the Heavenly Sword together."

"Damn! These people are going to be unlucky."

"These ancient evildoers have not yet experienced the most terrifying taboo of this era."

Wu Tianming, Chi Longying and others were defeated by Madman Chu, and even those who almost died in the opponent's hands knew exactly how terrifying the Heavenly Sword was.

Ye Hao came to the sky above Tianjian Peak and said loudly, "Heavenly Sword, hand over the Pearl of Dao!"

What responded to him was just a sword aura.

But in the face of the sword energy that swept through, and could even kill Young Master Hanlong, Ye Hao didn't dare to be careless, pushing the cultivation base to the extreme, blasting out a palm.

Palm Jin and Jian Qi entangled, and Ye Hao's entire arm became blood dripping with a brush.

He was hit hard by a sword!

"So strong sword spirit!"

Ye Hao swallowed, facing the sword aura of Tianjian, which was more intuitive than looking at it.

"Huh, look at my Jiujuetian Sword Formation!"

An ancient evildoer said with a cold snort.

With just a move of his mind, between waving his hands, there was a dark long knife whizzing out, turning into a collision in mid-air, forming a huge knife circle, surrounding the Heavenly Sword Peak!

This is an extremely powerful formation!

The terrifying sword aura diffused from this formation, and every strand of the sword aura seemed to tear a person apart!

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath of air, and said: "This is the Jiujue Heavenly Sword Formation. It is said that it is the tenth horror formation in the Tianyuan Ten Great Killing Formation!"

Tianyuan's Ten Great Killing Arrays are recognized as having the strongest killing power among the ten Tianyuan Universes.

The Nine Jue Heavenly Sword Formation performed by this ancient evildoer is one of them. Although it hasn't reached Dacheng, its power is still extremely astonishing, and the general Dzogchen may also be difficult to contend!

This is probably the reason they dare to find Madman Chu.

After all, it is a powerful evildoer in ancient times. How can it be done without one or two tricks to press the bottom of the box?

Ye Hao didn't hesitate, and directly took out a weird statue.

On the statue, a brilliant brilliance bloomed, and then suspended in mid-air, turning into a huge Dharma image.

In this way, he holds a pitch-black giant sword, his eyes are like stars, his black hair is arrogant, and he is overbearing!

In the distance, on a certain mountain peak, the pupils of Tiancang shrank slightly, "This kind of breath is the breath of the overlord body, and the statue contains the mighty power of a certain member of my overlord clan."

This is not unusual.

There have been many **** kings born in the overlord clan, and it is normal that some powers are shed outside.

The magic image created by the power of the Overlord Body God King, coupled with the Jiujuetian Sword Array in the Ten Great Killing Array of Tianyuan, this power is truly luxurious.


Ye Hao let out a low cry, and the Faxiang behind him slammed towards Tianjian Peak with a fierce punch.

Not only him, but also Jiujuetian Sword Formation was also launched.

The majestic sword energy strangled towards Tianjian Peak from all directions like a torrent!

The other evildoers also performed their own tricks.

"Today, he must retrieve the Dao Zezhu from the heavenly sword, otherwise, he will be even more presumptuous in the future!"

"Yes, he can't be allowed to continue to be so presumptuous."

The evildoers teamed up to shoot.

Dao Qi, Dharma Phase, Formation Techniques are combined!

However, on the Heavenly Sword Peak, a sword shadow suddenly rose to the sky, and the terrifying sword pressure spread, and the sword aura gradually disintegrated and dissipated. When the palm of that huge magic figure approached the Heavenly Sword Peak, it was also resisted by an invisible force. , Unable to approach, and then, an indifferent voice echoed.

"Sword, Vientiane!"


The sword of Vientiane, whizzing out!

A sword aura that was so powerful that everyone on the scene inhaled a breath of air-conditioning like a It shattered all kinds of immortal techniques outside the Tianjian Peak, all of them were unbearable. !

All the phenomena of nature are hidden in Jian Qi.

"This kind of sword spirit, no, it's impossible!"

"how come!"

Ye Hao and the other evildoers who came to find the difference instantly turned extremely frightened.

They spared no effort to resist the sword qi, but it was still useless. The terrifying force was crushed out, causing their bodies to burst in an instant, turning into blood mist in the sky!

When the sword qi dissipated, everything returned to peace.

If it wasn't for the energy fluctuations of Ye Hao and others in the void, everyone thought that nothing happened just now.

In an instant, several ancient evildoers turned into ashes!

From beginning to end, Chu Madman never showed up.

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