Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : The temple left guardian, the fear of the Emperor Feitian


Madman Chu gave a cold drink to Wu Tianming.

In an instant, the five-fold curse imprint exploded, and the power of the terrifying curse instantly eroded it.

The screams continued to spread, making everyone present shudder and shiver involuntarily.

"It's terrible, he even knows how to curse?"

"This guy, how did he do it?"

When everyone looked at Madman Chu, their eyes grew more and more jealous.

And another place.

Chi Longying had already had a retreat, and looked at Madman Chu in fear, then turned and flew away towards the distance.


Only if you are alive can you have revenge!

Chi Longying thought to himself.

It's just that the madman Chu's eyes flashed, and he slashed out with a sword in his hand. A strange power contained in the sword light, and it could solidify the entire time and space in an instant!

Chi Longying's body was uncontrollably affected by this force, and it was difficult to break free!

In the next instant, the whole person turned into a cloud of blood and exploded!

Red Dragon Shadow, Sequence Ten, Fallen!

"Only you are left."

Madman Chu looked at Emperor Qianqiu, his gaze calmly said: "Sooner or later, the overlord body and the imperial body will have to match up again. It's not as good as that. It's better to separate life and death now."

He suddenly cut out the innocence in his hand!


The sword qi was vertical and horizontal, causing Emperor Qianqiu's pupils to shrink and exert all his strength to resist.

The emperor's seal of Nine Dragons was printed, bombarding the sword light.

With a bang, the emperor's seal was blown out, and the madman Chu approached Emperor Qianqiu in an instant, cut out without a way, and the sharp sword light obscured the sky!

Sla screamed, and the flesh and blood splashed!

One of Di Qianqiu's arm was cut off abruptly!

In the screaming screams, Emperor Qianqiu's eyes were red, and the imperial aura in his body was urged to the extreme, the third magical power of the emperor body broke out, and the emperor's decree fell from the sky!


Rune after rune, like a big star rushing to the madman Chu.

But with the ferocity and domineering, the overlord's body urged, and there was a sound of battle roar in the void.

With a punch, the overlord has supernatural powers, and the overlord fights the world!

The purplish-red divine light engulfed the domineering, spreading out wave after wave like a tide, and the emperor's decree was twisted in a blink of an eye.

Dacheng imperial body, Dacheng overlord body!

This should be an equally powerful physique, but when it came across, the performance of the imperial body was too hip!

The madman of Chu holds no way in his hand, and the domineering flow is turning, like a king of the world who pushes the world, invincible!

When everyone saw this, they knew everything in their hearts.

It's not that Emperor Dacheng's body is too weak, but that the opponent facing Emperor Qianqiu is too strong!

"If this is what you call growth, it's ridiculous."

Madman Chu cut out a few sword lights casually.

Emperor Qianqiu was beaten to violent retreat, and he was imperial, almost collapsed, only the strength to parry, he couldn't fight back at all!

The same is Dzogchen!

The Dacheng Emperor's body is not weaker than the Dacheng Overlord's physique, but why is the gap so large? !

Emperor Qianqiu is extremely puzzled!


At this moment, above the sky, an incomparably powerful emperor's gas surged, turning into a huge palm and rolling out towards the Madman Chu!

It is the **** king of the emperor family who made the move!

On the other side, it was another purple-red big hand. This time, it was Liu Bawang of the Bawang clan!


The two powers of the gods collided with each other, and the Tianzhan Peak, which was originally shattered into seven or eight pieces, turned into powder with a thud.

The powerful energy storm swept and spread, and many Tianjiao evildoers were lifted off.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, "It's you again, God King Dihong!"

"Hmph, Heavenly Sword, don't go too far, this is the Tianyuan Temple, killing evildoers indiscriminately, you have committed a serious crime!"

The voice of Emperor Dihong echoed.

There was another question.

But then, the voice of Liu Bawang sounded, "The emperor's clan, but Emperor Qianqiu and others took the initiative first."

These two gods seem to have plans to pinch each other.

Seeing this scene, in the starry sky, some **** kings have a headache.

Why did the Heavenly Sword come back again?

Come back, this time, directly kill two enchanting evildoers, among them there is even a serial ten red dragon shadow.

If it weren't for Di Hong's timely action, I am afraid that Emperor Qianqiu of Sequence Eight would also die in the opponent's hands.

"We must not let the Heavenly Sword continue to act so recklessly, I propose to expel him from the Tianyuan Temple!"

Di Hong said loudly.


Liu Bawang retorted.

Just when the two kings couldn't argue.

However, I saw a more domineering emperor's air sweeping in the sky, and among the golden auspicious clouds, a proud voice came with his head high!

This is a middle-aged man in a golden robe. The imperial spirit on his body is more than that of Di Hong.

Seeing him, some **** kings were shocked.

"It's Emperor Feitian, the left guardian of the temple!"

Someone recognized the person and took a breath.

The Tianyuan Temple has the positions of left and right protectors, all of which are held by the Supreme God King. They have power far beyond ordinary God Kings, and they also have a great right to speak in the Temple.

It is second only to the existence of the temple master.

"How did this guy get out?"

Liu Bawang frowned slightly.

If he wants to fight, he is not afraid of the opponent, but the opponent is the left guardian of the temple and has great power.

"Heaven Sword, I now declare in the name of the left guardian of the temple that you will be expelled from the Tianyuan temple from now on!"

Di Feitian said lightly.


Everyone secretly said.

The Emperor Feitian from the emperor's clan really favored the emperor's clan even more.

"Left guardian law, it's not fair, it's obviously that Emperor Qianqiu and others took the initiative first." Liu Bawang said.

"Even so, he killed the sequence carefully selected by the temple, which is extremely heinous. It is punishable by the sin. I just expelled him. It is already magnanimous."

Di Feitian said lightly.


At this moment, Madman Chu couldn't help but chuckle, "You are a person who has broken faith and violated the contract, what qualifications do you have to expel Tian?"

As soon as this remark came out, Di Feitian's face changed drastically!

The two words of contract made him unable to help but show some past events in his mind. He looked at Madman Chu in surprise, "Who are you?!"

The other **** kings were also shocked.

what's going on?

As one of the people with the highest status in the temple, Emperor Feitian has always been happy and angry, so why did he suddenly change his face after hearing what Chu Kuangren said?

Breach of contract?

What contract?

Apart from Emperor Feitian and the Madman Chu knew well, everyone present was puzzled.

After seeing Di Feitian’s face, UU read www. The corners of the madman Chu's lips were slightly raised, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit, what a coincidence!

In the Temple of Destiny, countless people have made a fate agreement with the Lord of Destiny.

Among them, there are also some defaulters.

Emperor Feitian is one of them.

"Fate, everything has already been arranged, Emperor Feitian, you should be aware of the consequences of violating the contract!"

"Who are you!"

A large amount of imperial aura rushed out of Emperor Feitian, who wanted to oppress Madman Chu.

But the kings of the gods noticed that in the eyes of the other party, a touch of fear was vaguely revealed!

That's right.

Just fear!

The left guardian of the high temple was actually in fear!


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