Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Emperor Zhongtong, Emperor 0 made an appointment to fight the madman of Chu

No one knows that as the supreme **** king of the emperor family, Di Feitian has always had an unspeakable secret in his heart!

That secret made him feel terrified!

That is the Temple of Destiny!

Countless years ago, he and the other kings of the emperor clan attacked and killed a **** king of the overlord clan, the **** king Tianba.

It's just that the opponent's strength is really too strong, and a few of them shot together, but in the end they were beaten to abandon their armor and almost fell.

Later, Emperor Feitian activated a life card on his body and went to a mysterious place. He encountered an existence who claimed to be the Lord of Destiny. The other party was extremely mysterious, and his methods made him, the **** king, feel palpitation and trembling.

That is definitely a terrifying existence above this universe!

From the opponent's hands, he obtained a half-step Hunyuan Zhibao, and with this, defeated the Tianba God King of the Overlord Clan.

But he also promised that from now on, he would become a slave to the Lord of Destiny, driven by the other party.

But he regretted it.

There is a half-step Hunyuan treasure in his hand, plus he is the Supreme God King, and he is only half a step away from Hunyuan, so he actually wants to become a slave?

This is called him, how can he be willing?

No, he is not willing!

Therefore, he has been staying in Tianyuan Universe and has not fulfilled the content of the deed.

For countless years, the existence of the self-proclaimed Lord of Destiny never came back. As time passed, he thought that the other party did not have the magical powers that he thought.

But now, Madman Chu appeared.

He didn't know how the other party knew about the deed of fate, and what did it have to do with the Temple of Destiny...

But in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

"Those who violate the contract, your destiny is already on you, so you can do it for yourself!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"You tell me clearly!"

"Oh, my god, it's clear enough."

"If you don't make it clear, don't blame me for driving you out of the temple." Di Feitian threatened.

But at this time, a middle-aged man dressed in a blue shirt and elegant temperament came slowly, "Left guardian, your temper is too hot."

"God Sagong, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Heh, you are the left guardian, and I'm the right guardian, how can it have nothing to do with me?"

The person here is the God King Sagong.

He admired Tianjian very much. For countless years, the other party was the only young man who could ask his own way through his heart.

Moreover, Wen Xinlu collapsed on its own.

This kind of Taoism makes him feel ashamed.

Moreover, Emperor Feitian is a member of the emperor clan. If the power of the emperor clan continues to grow in the Tianyuan Temple, his right to protect the law, the right to speak may be much lower than that of Emperor Feitian. He needs the madman of Chu to help him check and balance the emperor. A family.

"What do you mean?"

"Heaven Sword is not guilty and can continue to stay in the Tianyuan Temple."

King Sagong said lightly.

The two great guardians confronted each other, and no one was allowed, while the **** kings on the Tao Ze starry sky watched the excitement.

Just when there was a stalemate.

A voice suddenly sounded.

"Let me fight the Heavenly Sword. If he wins, he will continue to stay in the Tianyuan Temple. Otherwise, the Dacheng Overlord will no longer exist!"

This voice contains an overbearing meaning.

Its arrogant meaning has shocked many Tianjiao evildoers.

Who, after seeing the strength of the Heavenly Sword, dare to fight with it?

Above the sky, a pair of golden eyes opened fiercely, and an extremely terrifying emperor's air swept out, shocking most of the Tianyuan Temple.

All those who saw the giant golden eyes were shocked and couldn't help but shock.

Because those eyes have two pupils!

"This is... the emperor's double pupil!"

Di Qianqiu seemed to have thought of something, and took a breath of air, with an incredible color on his face.

The emperor's double pupil!

This is the existence in the legend, this is the physique derived from the abnormal change of the emperor's body, it has the potential to be comparable to the Dacheng emperor's body, and even more powerful!

Historically, this physique appeared less frequently than the Dacheng Emperor's body!

"Oh, the fourth sequence emperor hundred!"

When God King Sikong saw the incoming person, his eyes flashed slightly, quite surprised.

Hearing what he said, everyone was also very surprised.

Fourth sequence!

There are ten sequences in the Tianyuan Temple, and Emperor Qianqiu is ranked eighth, and Chilongying is tenth.

As for the ninth and the remaining sequences, it is mysterious and no one knows.

Now, there is a fourth sequence, and the opponent is still a member of the emperor family with the emperor's double pupil!

"Interesting, not just the emperor Zhongtong, you are still one of the nine kings."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

He could perceive that the King's Seal in his body shook slightly after the opponent appeared, and he reacted to the opponent.

Obviously, the other party is also one of the nine kings!

"Oh, a little bit of insight, are you also one of the nine kings?"

Emperor Bai was a little surprised.

But he did not perceive the breath of the Nine Kings from the Madman Chu. Obviously, the other party was not the Nine Kings he thought of.

How did the other party realize that he was one of the nine kings?

"Heaven, above the nine kings!"

Madman Chu stood with his hand holding his hand, "You have to challenge the sky, do you have the consciousness of failing against the sky?!"

"I will not fail!"

Emperor Baishi said indifferently.

"Heaven appreciates confident people, your challenge, God, allow it!"

"Ten days later, see you at Tian Zhanfeng!"

Emperor Baishi said indifferently.

Then, the huge eye pupil in the sky gradually disappeared, and only the remaining imperial aura was still telling the existence of the emperor.

Emperor Feitian glanced at Madman Chu, "Heavenly Sword, I hope you can pass the level of Emperor Baishi."

It can be seen that he is very confident in Emperor Baishi.

He waved his hand and took Emperor Qianqiu away from the scene.

"Oh, God doesn't mind giving you failure again!"

Madman Chu glanced at Emperor Qianqiu's broken arm not far away, and raised his hand to put it away.

After returning to Tianjian Peak, Luo Xue, Long Jingjing and others came to visit one after another.

After learning about the changes in the Tianyuan Temple with everyone, he faintly smiled, "The Temple Sequence, among them, how many nine kings are there?"


time flies.

Ten days passed in a flash.

And within these ten days, the Madman Chu used the Book of Constitution to analyze the Dacheng Emperor's body from the truncated arm in the Emperor Qianqiu!

Dacheng emperor body, Dacheng overlord body, the two physiques are integrated into one body. Throughout the ages, he is the only one!

"The emperor, the emperor family... and the overlord family. I don't know what expression will UU look like when you see this power?"

The corners of Madman Chu's mouth were slightly raised.

In him, golden imperial aura, purple-red domineering, two powers intertwined, forming countless ancient mysterious runes.

Tianzhan Peak.

In the Tianyuan Temple, there are a total of nine Tianzhan peaks.

Before, Emperor Qianqiu and others fought Madman Chu and broke one, leaving eight remaining.

But now, the Emperor Bai is about to fight the madman of Chu. Presumably, this battle will be more intense. Therefore, the **** king has taken action to strengthen the mountain of a Tianzhan peak, and this Tianzhan peak will also be the battlefield between the emperor Baishi and the madman of Chu. .

"This Heavenly Battle Peak, unless it is the King of God, no one will break it."

The **** king who was in charge of strengthening the mountain body smiled confidently, and he was extremely looking forward to this battle.

Not only him, but the crowd outside the Zhan Peak gradually became denser that day, and the three circles inside and outside three circles became congested.


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