Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Seven gods and demons, Zhong Linghua, made a great contribution

In the Tianling Forbidden Area, several spirits of heaven and earth looked at the stolen Innate Five Fang Qi, heartbroken and furious.

Someone was hit hard, and anger attacked the heart, and the spirit body almost fell apart.

"Who on earth is this person, with such strength, has taken away the Five Flags, please check it out for me!"

"This matter, you can't just leave it alone."

Several spirits of heaven and earth said angrily.

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded in the void, "Stop this matter."

After hearing this voice, the eyes of the spirits of heaven and earth showed incomprehension.

"Sovereign, why do you want to let this guy go?"

The person who made the noise was the supreme of the restricted area!

In the face of the supreme command, the spirits of the heavens and the earth are extremely puzzled.

"I said that I'll just let it go. Why, isn't my words clear enough?"

Tianling Zhizun's tone became colder.

He seems to be in a bad mood.

When the spirits of the heavens and the earth saw this, although they didn't know the reason, they didn't ask any more, so they could only give up.

Deep in the restricted area.

A man in white is standing on the top of the mountain.

The breath of this person is unfathomable, and he is also the supreme of the Tianling Forbidden Zone, and he has also prevented everyone from continuing to pursue the Mad Man Chu.

It is not that he is magnanimous.

It was because... Opposite him, there was a cyan storm surrounding him.

That storm contained an astonishing mighty force and contained countless principles. Vaguely, there was a slender figure looming.

This is the existence of Hedao Realm!

"Oh, thank you Tianling Supreme for being magnanimous."

The slim figure in the cyan storm smiled faintly, it was an empty valley and orchid-like female voice.

When Heavenly Spirit Supreme heard this, his face sank and he snorted coldly, "Your gods and demons are all bandits!"

"The Heavenly Spirit is very serious."

The figure in the storm chuckled again, and then said: "It's late, then I will leave first, that little guy, I'm going to see you."

"Hmph, he is so fate, he is still alive."

"This is the fortune of the Pangu universe."

"Really? But what do I think of what he has done over the years, everything has caused anger and resentment? This is also the luck of the universe?"

"The merits and demerits, let future generations comment on it."

The cyan storm gradually dissipated in place.

Heavenly Spirit Supreme stood on the top of the mountain for a long time, his eyes deep, "Madman Chu...I want to see, what changes can you bring to the Pangu universe?!"


In the universe, Madman Chu's figure passed by like a meteor.

Countless stars retreated all over him.

His immortal knowledge surged, and he was relieved when he was sure that there were no people in the Tianling restricted area behind to catch up.

"It's weird, I made such a big noise, but the Hedao in the Ling Forbidden Zone didn't make a move that day?"

Madman Chu couldn't help whispering.

But in any case, it is always a good thing that he can leave successfully, not to mention that he also got the Innate Five Fangqi.

With this thing, this Qinglian incarnation of oneself will be able to get a lot of increase.

"Little guy, you run so fast, are you afraid of being overtaken?"

A chuckle suddenly sounded.

Madman Chu's eyes condensed.


Being able to come to oneself without noticing it, this strength is definitely not something that Da Luo Realm can achieve.

The other party is Hedao!

Is it possible that it is the harmony of the Tianling Forbidden Zone?

If this is the case, then he must be prepared desperately if he wants to leave.

"Heh, don't be so vigilant, I was for you back then, but I fought Xianting with Wu Wu."

A cyan storm appeared.

In the storm, a slender figure was looming.

As the storm dissipated, a stunning woman also appeared in front of Madman Chu.

Three thousand cyan colors are randomly scattered on the shoulders, the roots are crystal clear, there seems to be an invisible Tao Yun entangled in it, and a white and flawless face is even more stunning.

Wearing a turquoise robe, the curve of the person who is tightly wrapped is bumpy.

Of course, beauty is not what attracts mad people in Chu.

What surprised him most, and was also relieved, was that the opponent's body carried the spirit of gods and demons.

The other party is a person of the same line of gods and demons.

"Senior is..." Madman Chu was a little curious. He Dao realm, this should be one of the seven gods and demons.

"My name is Linghua."

Linghua smiled faintly.

Linghua, one of the Seven Gods and Demons, was the third God and Demons Seven that Chu Madman had seen besides Beiming and Nothingness.

"I have seen Senior Linghua." The madman Chu bowed his hands in salute.

"You dare to **** things in the Tianling restricted area, are you courageous, or do you have the means to resist the supreme restricted area?"

Linghua asked curiously.

"Senior thinks of me too much, I just feel helpless."

"Oh? It's also helpless to grab something in the restricted area?"

"Uh... well, that innate five-sided flag is of some use to me, so I took it now."

In the face of the seven gods and demons, Madman Chu did not conceal much.

And he also knew that the reason why he was able to leave the restricted area safely was because he couldn't get rid of Linghua's relationship with Linghua. It was probably because the opponent dragged down the forbidden area.

"The way you take it is a bit special."

Linghua smiled.

"Senior, why did you appear in the restricted area?"

"It's nothing, just happened to pass by. I used to talk to Tianling Supreme, but I didn't expect to meet you by chance."

"On the Tao? Isn't the restricted area forbidden to enter outsiders?"

Madman Chu was a little surprised.

"My gods and demons asked him to talk about it, he dare to refuse?" Linghua Meiyu asked.


It seems that the prestige of the line of gods and demons is afraid of even the restricted area.

"Little guy, where have you been in the past few decades? In order to find you, Nothingness and Beiming have almost searched the entire universe."

Linghua said.

At first, after the passage between the two realms disappeared, Bei Ming received the news of the fall of the Madman Chu.

Immediately afterwards, nothingness was also known.

The two of them didn't believe this, and they had traveled almost throughout the Pangu universe, but they still couldn't find any trace of Madman Chu.

As if it really fell.

Over time, the two became increasingly desperate.

But Linghua didn't expect that the two of them couldn't find it, but let him run into each other.

"This matter is a long story. I went to Tianyuan Universe."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, Linghua's face suddenly became extremely solemn, "Speak clearly, what's going on?"

She had to be cautious about Tianyuan Universe.

Madman Chu simply said how he fell into the unknown void and how he returned with the Time and Space Treasure Mirror.

However, UU reading he deliberately concealed that his body was still in the Tianyuan Universe.

Only by hiding three points and revealing seven points can you be invincible.

Even in the face of the seven gods and demons who can be trusted, Madman Chu concealed some subconsciously.

"You kid, your fate is really big."

Linghua also had to sigh with emotion about the encounter of the madman in Chu.

Then, Madman Chu took out a jade slip and said, "This is the information I collected about the Tianyuan universe. This thing will be handed over to the senior. I believe that the senior knows how to use this thing."

"Understand." Linghua took the jade slip with a solemn gaze, "With this thing, if the void battlefield opens again, we won't be too passive."

She is very aware of the weight of this jade slip in her hand.

Madman Chu can be said to have done a great job for the Pangu universe!



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