Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : In the danger of Luoshui, the flower of desire comes to help

After meeting with Linghua, Madman Chu found an ancient star and refining his newly acquired Innate Five Flags.

This thing was transformed by the chaotic green lotus leaf, which was extremely useful for him.

A few months later.

Beyond the ancient stars, warships sailed in, and laser beams struck across the starry sky like meteors, and they were confronting each other.

There was a loud explosion, resounding all over the world.

On one of the warships, there was a woman holding a scarlet spear and staring coldly at a group of monks in front of her. Behind her, there were monks in battle armor.

"Luoshui, your defeat is determined, surrender."

Opposite the woman Luoshui, a young man said lightly.

When he raised his hand, a terrifying coercion swept out, like the glory of the sky, it was heart palpitating!

"In my empire, there have always been only generals who died in battle, and never surrendered or defeated!"

"If you want to fight, I will stay with you to the end!"

Luo Shui held a spear in his hand, and the immortal yuan in his body was surging, like a torrent of shocking heaven, it was shocking!

"Then I have to see you off!"

The young man snorted, before raising his hand, a wave of magnificent power swept out.

Luo Shui swept out with a gun, but was blasted back by a palm!

The gap between them is really too big, the youth is already at the pinnacle of true immortals, and Luoshui is only the third rank of true immortals.

"From now on, the Sky Empire will have one less general."

"The thirteen generals in the sky, the 1,500 elements of the shadow army across the universe, no one can beat me, what's wrong with me?"

Luo Shui smiled faintly.

Hearing her words, the youth's face was a little unsightly.


Over the years, the sky empire has risen too fast, and there seems to be a mysterious force behind it. In just a few decades, it has become one of the best forces in the universe, with hundreds of galaxies under its jurisdiction. Thousands!

Even veteran forces like Tiandaozong can't be underestimated.

"Huh, Luoshui, don’t think I don’t know the status quo of the Sky Empire. The biggest reliance of the Sky Empire is the Five Elements Divine Shadow Army. The army fell into a deep sleep, and there was no more movement."

"As for the thirteen generals in the sky... Oh, the thirteen generals are no matter how strong, but the strongest is no more than Jinxian. How is my Heavenly Dao Sect's opponent?"

The young man said lightly.

After seeing Luoshui’s face gradually becoming ugly, the young man continued to proudly say: “We’ve already found out clearly that the reason why the Sky Empire can rise at such a fast speed is nothing more than the Chu Kuangren’s backing behind, and now, Madman Chu is dead!"

"And those few of his followers in the immortal realm are being held back by other forces, unable to return to the empire, you, the defeat is set!"

When the young man said this, he couldn't help but feel a little sighed, "The Madman of Chu is indeed the overlord of the first world. With just one person, he can support the great empire and make an impenetrable star jump into the overlord of the universe in a short period of time. I'm still alive, I really want to see it."

"You are also worthy of being compared with the king?"

Luo Shui snorted, "As far as I know, all the eight princes of Tiandaozong were beheaded by the king, so what are you?"

"Hmph, no matter how great he is, isn't he dead? And his empire is about to perish!"

The young man stopped talking, and raised his hand to let people continue to shoot.

The tragic fighting continued.

Soon, only a few soldiers of the Celestial Empire died, and Luoshui's power was also consumed by most, his face was pale, and his body was severely injured.


The youth blasted out with a palm, knocking Luo Shui away, and smashing it on an unnamed ancient star.

The warships turned their muzzles and aimed at Luoshui.


In an instant, laser beams burst out, locking in Luoshui!

"Is it all over here?"

Luoshui whispered.

In a daze, a figure in white appeared in her mind.

That is to lead the Celestial Human Race to rejuvenation, to the peak, the greatest king since the Celestial Human Race!

Everyone said that the king was dead.

Died in the fairy world.

But she didn't believe that the king was invincible, how could he die?

But if Wang is still there, where is he?

Luo Shui's mind was full of thoughts, and countless lasers had already arrived in front of her, and it only took a moment to completely decompose her body.

But at this moment.

In the universe, a magnificent flower blooms slowly.

As the petals danced, the laser beams were all dissipated and turned into nothing.

"what happened?"

Luoshui was a little surprised.

I saw the magnificent flowers floating in the void, and in the delicate flower buds lay a beautiful and charming woman.

The woman's posture is lazy, and her snow-white skin is fascinating.

Just a glance, the eyes of countless monks couldn't help but be blurred, endless desires poured out, almost swallowing their sanity.


"This flower is not right!"

The Tiandaozong youth's complexion changed, his Dao heart was firm, and a piece of jade pendant hung on his waist with a faint fairy radiance.

It is this jade pendant that can stabilize his Taoist heart.

But the others were all caught in the whirlpool of desire in an instant, and the flesh and blood essence and even the soul of their bodies turned into countless points of light to be absorbed by that strange flower.

"This, this is the flower of desire?!"

The Tiandaozong youth remembered an ancient book he had read before, and there was a record about the flower of desire.

This thing is the embodiment of desire, the source of sin!

It is one of the greatest disasters in the world!

But how can there be flowers of desire here?

The Tiandaozong youth was puzzled, but he knew that with his own strength, he would never be an enemy of this flower of desire, so he left immediately.

And the flower of desire is absorbing the desires of other people, ignoring each other.

Soon after, above the starry sky, the desires of hundreds of thousands of cultivators were absorbed even with the essence of flesh and blood.

"I had such an appetizer right after I woke up, it's not bad."

Desire flower stretched her waist and said.

Not far away, Luo Shui watched this scene, only feeling frightened, and there was a touch of fear in his eyes.

"Just now I heard you talk about Madman Chu, you are Madman Chu's person?"

Desire Flower looked towards Luo Shui and said lightly.

"Do you know the king?"

"Wang...Well, there is indeed a woman who calls him by his side. It seems that you are indeed his person."

Desire Flower said, the person in her mouth is naturally Yin Honghua.

"What's your relationship with the king, where is the king now?" Luoshui asked a little excitedly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"You have too many questions."

"Sorry, please tell me the whereabouts of the king."

"Far away in the sky, right in front of you."

The words of the flower of desire make Luo Shui's eyebrows frowned, is it possible that the king is nearby?

She glanced at the ancient star behind her, pondered for a while, the figure flashed into it, and began to search, but a few days later, she almost searched every corner of the ancient star, but there was no whereabouts of Madman Chu. .

"Why do you want to find him? Ignorance." Desire flower looked at all this in the air and sneered.

Madman Chu is indeed refining the five-sided banner in this ancient star, but he has set a restriction around him, how can he find it with the cultivation of Luoshui?

And just today, the whole ancient star was shaken.

A burst of cyan arc light spread out in all directions, centered on a certain place like ripples.


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