Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Patch the sky, play 8 hexagrams, taste 0 grass, the wheel of history

"People...they are called people!"

Nu Wa's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on her face, "They are human!"

Terran is born!

And the next moment.

Madman Chu only felt that the situation had changed.

In the sky, a huge crack appeared, frantic storms, flames, and meteorites poured out from it, raging on the ground.

The earth is out of balance, and the flood is terrible!

Countless creatures and human races died in this terrible disaster, and the world is like the end of the day.

"This is... the scar of the sky?"

Madman Chu looked at the huge crack in the sky and couldn't help muttering.

There is a record of this important event in the history of the Emperor.

Its name is... Nuwa Patching the Sky!

I saw in the distance, a stream of light, fearlessly, rushing into the sky, surrounded by countless five-color stones.

That streamer is exactly Nuwa.

Compared with the Nvwa that the madman of Chu saw in the chapter where Nvwa created a man, the current Nvwa is more mature, with a kind and holy meaning between his eyebrows.

That is the change brought about by being the mother of the human race and the first human emperor of the human race.

Nowadays, seeing the collapse of the heaven and the earth, the suffering of the human race, and Nuwa can't bear it, so refine the stone to repair the sky!

I saw Nuwa come to the huge trace of the sky, and between her hands, five-color divine stones swept toward the trace of the sky, containing infinite power of good fortune, actually reshaping the world!

The huge scar of the sky began to be repaired.

At this time, one by one meteorites smashed into Nuwa, and Nuwa was working to mend the sky, and there was no time to get distracted.

When Madman Chu saw this, his figure flashed and disappeared.

In the next instant, he appeared next to Nuwa, and with a wave of his sleeves, the majestic immortal yuan gushed out, smashing the meteorites.

"Thank you fellow daoist."

Nu Wa glanced at Madman Chu and said gratefully.

But it doesn't seem to know him.

Madman Chu is not surprised, this is the world created by the human Emperor Benji, not the real world.

One chapter, one scene.

It is not a coherent river of history.

Madman Chu watched Nuwa mend the sky, while dispelling the meteorites that were constantly blasting around her.

The power of these meteorites is extremely terrifying.

Some of them could even threaten him. A meteorite hit his chest and made him almost vomit blood.

He doubted whether this was real history or space-time fantasy?

If you die here, will you really die?

It's just that he didn't stand by.

Because he is the emperor!

The human races who are suffering now are all his people, whether it is true or not, he will not be indifferent.

Madman Chu guarded Nu Wa, prevented countless attacks for her, and let her concentrate on repairing the sky.

It's just that, through the scars of that day, Madman Chu saw a large area of ​​chaotic aura, in which countless creatures seemed to roar and roar.

A breath of rules that does not belong to this universe, pervades.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

As early as this time when Nu Wa was replenishing the sky, had the invasion of another universe happened?

The Scar of the Sky, is actually a passage for another universe to invade Pangu universe?

Nuwa repairing the sky is to prevent the invasion of the universe and close the channel?

Madman Chu's thoughts flowed, and thoughts passed by one by one.

Shortly after.

The scar of the sky was completely repaired, and the remaining five-color stones flew in all directions and fell into the wild land.

The patching of the sky was completed, and the earth gradually returned to calm.

"Thank you fellow daoist."

Nuwa looked at the Madman Chu and bowed slightly.


The situation in front of Madman Chu changed again.

This time, he met a man who was holding a bamboo and was carving something on the ground.

Madman Chu leaned over to see that they were mysterious characters.

Those characters seem to correspond to the nature of the heavens and the earth, and even the evolution of the stars in the universe is hidden in them, so mysterious.

"This is... gossip."

Madman Chu whispered.

Hearing his voice, the man on the ground raised his head and looked at Madman Chu curiously, "This friend, what did you say?"

"No, nothing, what are you painting?"

"I paint this world?"


"Yes, you see, this symbol represents mountains, this represents thunder..."

Madman Chu looked at the man in front of him, and instantly knew who the other party was... Fuxi!

Fuxi plays gossip!

A pair of hexagrams, countless stars and all phenomena, endless changes in heaven.

It can be described as the first person in ancient and modern times.

"It's just that I always feel that this picture is a bit incomplete, but I don't know what went wrong."

Fuxi said with some distress.

Madman Chu glanced, he still had a little research on gossip.

After all, he is a master of formations, and changes in formations often require gossip changes.

"You add a few more symbols here..."

Madman Chu pointed based on the memory in his mind.

Suddenly, this incomplete gossip picture became complete, like a finishing touch, and the mystery contained in the whole picture seemed to come to life.

"That's it, that's it..."

Fuxi's face suddenly showed joy.

He got up and bowed his hand to the madman Chu, "Thank you for the guidance of this friend."

"Don't dare to be."

Madman Chu said with his hands folded.

Next, the situation changed again, and he came to a brand new scene.

This is a meadow.

On the ground, there was a young man lying, foaming at his mouth and convulsing all over.

Madman Chu took a look and knew that the other party was poisoned, and the other party was still holding a herbal medicine in his hand.

The herb looks weird, and even normal people would not eat it.

He rescued the young man.

"Hoo... Saved!"

The young man stood up, looking like a survivor.

"what are you doing?"

"I'm eating grass, and I found that some of these grasses have a certain miraculous effect and can be used to treat diseases, but some grasses can cause various discomforts when people eat them. I want to try it myself. UU看书wwww distinguishes those that are good for people and those that are bad for people..." the young man said in a simple and honest manner.

The madman of Chu said secretly in his heart, Shennong tasted the herbs.

"This world is so big, there are countless strange flowers and weird plants, how can you finish the test alone? I'll accompany you."

"Really? Thank you brother!"

Shennong was extremely excited.

Madman Chu spent an unknown amount of time, accompany Shennong to try countless herbal medicines, and compiled the medicinal properties of various herbal medicines into a book...

After doing these things, he came to a battlefield again.

There is a clash between the two armies here.

Among the two headed, one holds a golden long sword and the other holds a bronze halberd.

"Chi You, for the people of the world, I must defeat you in this battle!"

"Haha, Xuanyuan, don't worry about so much, let's have a good fight!"

Swords and halberds clash, flying sand and stone.

This is a battle of competition.

Madman Chu looked at the two warring parties, for a moment he didn't know who to help, and simply ignored anyone.

Then, there was another change...

The madman of Chu had personally experienced a personal memorabilia in the history of the emperor.

Created people with Nuwa, made up for the sky, instructed Fuxi to evolve gossip, accompanied Shennong to taste the herbs, witnessed the battle of the deer, discovered the flames with the Suiren clan, cured the water with Dayu in the great water, and slashed the fierce beasts in troubled times. Xiang Liu and Wu Zhi Qi divide the world into Kyushu...

The years are rushing, and the wheels of history roll forward.

Madman Chu witnessed the ups and downs of the human race in the process of participating in many events of the Emperor...

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