Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: :The origin of the human emperor’s benevolence, Xingtian’s pulse, the opportunity cann

Inside the emperor's clan, in front of the stone stele of the emperor.

A series of golden runes surrounded the Madman Chu's side, filled with a sacred and inviolable aura.

Even the ancient emperor who is in harmony can't help showing a feeling of worship.


Madman Chu opened his eyes and smashed, an incomparably majestic breath poured out, and dragons poured out from the stele and rose into the sky.

In an instant, the golden dragon aura hovered over the human emperor sect, and the loud dragon roar resounded throughout the world!

This dragon aura is condensed by the luck of the human race.

Compared with the previously restrained Nine Dragons by the Emperor of Humanity, I don't know how much stronger it is.

The monks of the Emperor's Sect were shocked, and swallowed his saliva while watching the dragon Qi that almost dyed the entire sky golden.

"Oh my god, what is going on with this scale of dragon spirit?"

"This, what is going on?"

"It's Madman Chu, it's definitely made by Madman Chu."

On the side of the stone stele of the Emperor Benji, the ancient emperor was completely dumbfounded.

This stone stele actually contained human luck of this scale, and he hadn't noticed it before!

Not only that, but he was keenly aware that these dragon auras contained a very ancient aura, which was definitely not the human luck of this era!

This is the dragon energy that originated from the human luck of the immortal ancient period!


At this moment, I saw the terrifying dragon gas swooping down from the sky, rushing towards the Madman Chu!

Madman Chu stood still, and the Emperor Ji Shocking Art in his body automatically operated, and all the dragon energy, such as the return of the rivers to the sea, was completely absorbed by him!

The emperor's true dragon in his body has grown several times again!

"What a man Huang Benji!"

Madman Chu looked at the stone tablet in front of him and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After absorbing all the dragon energy, he already understood the cause and effect of the matter.

This stone stele of the Emperor of the Emperor is a humane treasure that records the memorabilia of the Emperor and collects the luck of the human race!

It is closely related to human luck.

Every time a human emperor appeared in the human race, it condensed a dragon spirit.

Its body is one of the few five-color stones left by Nuwa to patch up the sky in the past.

It's just that after the end of the human emperor, this stone stele fell into endless sleep with the dragon energy condensed by human luck.

Until now, I met the emperor of Chu Madman.

Under the resonance of the two, the stone tablet was activated and set a test for the Madman of Chu, which is the memorabilia he experienced time and time again in the history of the Emperor of Humanity.

After the test, the stele judged that he was a qualified emperor, and gave him all the luck of the ancient human race.

Madman Chu stroked the Renhuangbenji stone tablet and muttered, "I won't let you down. I will reproduce the glory of the human race in this era!"

He turned to look at the ancient emperor, and said indifferently: "Prepare well and wait for my order."

In the tone, there is no doubt about it.

The ancient emperor was involuntarily involuntarily, and bowed like a courtier, "Yes."

When he lifted his body, Madman Chu had disappeared.

The ancient emperor walked to the stone stele of Human Emperor Benji, and looked at the good Taoist rhyme circulating on it, no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't comprehend the slightest mystery.

For a long time, he said with emotion: "The glory of the emperor should be reproduced in this world."

There was a slight throbbing in his heart.

In the final analysis, human blood is flowing in his body!


Madman Chu, who had left the Human Emperor Sect, went to the next destination.

This is a towering ancient mountain.

In the mountain peak, there is a terrifying warfare that has lasted for a long time, making this mountain look like a soldier.

In fact, in ancient rumors, this mountain has buried an ancient powerful head.

That mighty man is called Xingtian.

A fierce man who fought against Xian Ting.

Historically, the 33rd Heaven of Kunlun Fairy Court was beaten through twice.

Once it was Yuan Zu Zhan Tian.

And another time, even older than the time of Yuan Zu Zhan Tian, ​​it was the battle between Xing Tian and Xian Ting.

However, like the ape ancestor, Xing Tian also failed, and his head was cut off, fell into the fairy world, and escaped into a big mountain.

This is the mountain in front of Chu Kuangren...Changyang Mountain.

The madman of Chu came here to find a tribe, that is, the Xingtian line.

After the defeat of Xingtian and Zhantian, Xingtian's line stayed in the Changyang Mountain to avoid Xianting's revenge.

They will be one of the helpers of Madman Chu's battle with Xian Ting this time.


A figure came in front of Madman Chu.

This man held a big axe and a shield, and when he saw Madman Chu, there was a touch of surprise in his eyes, "It's you?!"

The person here is Xing Wangu, who had participated in the battle of Xianwangtai.

"What are you doing in Changyangshan?"

There was a touch of caution in Xing Wangu's eyes. This guy, isn't he here to retaliate against me?

"Let your guard down, come today, I am not hostile."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Xing Wangu, let the fairy king come in."

An old voice came from the depths of Changyang Mountain.

Immediately, Xing Wangu took the Madman of Chu into Changyang Mountain, passed through space restrictions, and arrived at the place where Xingtian's line was located.

Here, there is a stone house lined up on both sides, in an orderly manner.

And the people here are carrying a primitive and wild aura, this aura, with a bold vitality and fighting spirit!

Obviously, the long-term retreat did not wipe away the edges and corners of the Xingtian line.

This made the corner of Chu Madman's mouth slightly tilted, and he felt dramatic.

If Xingtian's line is truly indisputable, then he is afraid it will be a trip for nothing.

Coming to a stone palace and entering it, Madman Chu saw a white-haired old man. Although the old man was full of white hair, he had a strong body and a white robe. I don't know how powerful it is.

If Xing Wangu was just a lion cub with a slightly immature fighting spirit, then this old man would be a lion dominating the grassland, mighty and domineering.

"Xing Tian's clan chief, Xing Cangfeng, has seen the immortal king."

The old man Xing Cangfeng said with his hands folded. UU reading

"The patriarch is courteous, so I won’t be polite. The purpose of coming here today, I believe that you should be able to guess the patriarch. I want to invite you to fight against Xian Ting!"

Xing Wangu's eyes lit up beside him, eager to try.

It was the old **** Xing Cangfeng who was there and said lightly: "My Xingtian line has been hidden for many years, and I haven't been in the world for a long time. The risk of crusade against Xian Ting is too great.

"Well, if that's the case, then I will leave first."

Madman Chu got up and left.

Xing Cangfeng was dumbfounded.

Just that, don't you persuade more? You are too insincere!

"Ahem, the immortal king stays."

Xing Cangfeng asked to stay, "Although the risk is high to crusade against Xian Ting, we can't agree to the invitation of the Immortal King..."

"The patriarch doesn't need to be too reluctant."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

When he saw Xingtian's line, he knew that his trip would achieve his goal in all likelihood.

The Xingtian line was forced to escape from the world because of Xian Ting.

If anyone wants to overthrow Xian Ting the most, apart from Madman Chu, it is Xing Tian's line.

"Don't force it, my Xingtian line... agreed!"

Xing Cangfeng said, an intent to fight broke out from his body, and all the people in Xing Tian's line felt this intent to fight and shouted in unison.

"War, war, war!"

Obviously, they had already guessed the purpose of Madman Chu's coming here.

And also ready to fight Xian Ting.

After waiting for countless years, this is their only and best opportunity to overthrow Xian Ting. The opportunity is not to be missed!

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