Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Tianmen Guardian, cut Sendai, none of you can cut it

Outside the Kunlun Fairy Garden.

Madman Chu cut through the thirty-third layer of Xian Ting with a sword, and the thirty-third layer of fortifications exploded!

The power of this sword is too powerful!

At the same time, it is extremely exciting!

After countless monks saw the power of this sword, their confidence greatly increased.

"With the fairy king, we will definitely be able to win this battle!"

"Yes, the fairy king is invincible!"

"I want to see, who can compete with the fairy king!"


Madman Chu stood on a battleship, the immortal essence in his body converged, and he immediately raised his hand.

Not far from him, the ancient emperor understood his mind, and yelled loudly, "The sons of the human emperor sect, for the human race, kill!!"

The disciples of Human Emperor Sect suddenly rushed out to fight for the vanguard!

And even though the fortifications in the 33rd Heaven were severed by the Madman Chu with a single sword, there were still many Xian Ting soldiers who survived.

These people quickly organized their manpower and collided with the people of the Emperor's Sect.

Like two torrents, the most extreme collision broke out the most extreme killing, and the light of various immortal magical powers reflected in the void.

"After Xing Tianerlang, the opportunity to avenge the ancestors has arrived!"

Xing Cangfeng roared.

The people of Xing Tian's line then rushed out, Xing Wangu rushed to the forefront, swinging a big axe in his hand, and the horrible power fluctuation spread, shaking the stars.

Often a swath of the axe would cause a large number of monks to fall.

Except for the people of the Emperor of Humanity and Xingtian.

The rebels that formed spontaneously in the human race also followed suit.

"Want to break my fairy garden, you dream!"

On the side of Xian Ting, four armies came out.

The energy of wind, thunder, fire, water, and several attributes exploded, forming a four-image formation, which was extremely powerful.

In addition to the four armies of Kunlun Fairy Court, the Imperial Spirit Army of the Eastern Emperor Fairy Court also arrived.

Huang Huang Lingyin echoed the world.

The Yuling Army, the four armies once again cooperated, and confronted the Emperor of the People, the Xingtian Line, and the rebels of various human races.

"The two immortals really joined forces."

Madman Chu said lightly, he was not surprised at this point.

Behind him, Jue Wushen walked out, "Wang, let me do it."

"it is good."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Absolutely Wushen stepped forward and came to the battlefield.

I saw the crape myrtle crown on his head, and the spirit of the gods and demons burst out all over his body, and the power of the chaotic gods and demons was exerted to the extreme by him, extremely terrifying.

Wherever he went, everything in the world turned into ashes!

And as Jue Wushen took action, the Ziwei Star army who came with him also took action.

More tragic fighting broke out!

But this is not over yet.

Madman Chu raised his hand and slammed his fist into the void.

The terrifying power of the immortal element was like a raging wave, madly impacting this piece of void, and the world was cracking every inch.

In a treacherous yin air, a towering ghost gate shines out!

The ghost door is closed now!

Yin soldiers charged out one by one, millions of Yin soldiers, Ten Temple Yama, Taishan Mansion, etc., all joined the battlefield.

But this is not the most shocking.

From the ghost gate, three bold figures slowly walked out!

Everyone is surrounded by the power of Taoism, and the strength of that power suffocates the monks on the battlefield.

That's three hedos! !

"He Dao, there are three He Dao realms in the underworld!!"

"Oh my god, Madman Chu is hiding too deep."

Those who walked out of the Guimen Pass were the high priest, Lu You, and Yan Luo Patriarch, the three underworld monks.

And these three shots, the terrifying breath, instantly flooded the world.

Even the Hedao in Xian Ting couldn't help his pupils shrinking slightly.

"The power that Madman Chu has hidden cannot be underestimated."

"Yes, not to mention the line of the gods and demons, only his identity as the ghost emperor of the underworld has three ties to him!"

"Yin and Yang are separated from Yin and Yang. It is very difficult for Yin Jian Dao to come to this Yang, but now it is different. Madman Chu is the ghost emperor of the underworld, and even the immortal king. Both yin and yang are in his hands. He wants to let the underworld. It’s not impossible that the harmony comes."

"Yeah, things are getting more and more troublesome."

Xian Ting's several Hedao looked at each other, and they all saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Don't worry, the background of my two great fairy gardens is not a vegetarian. As long as Madman Chu dares to attack, let him taste it today!"

Immortal Emperor Wuming said with a cold snort.

The rest of the people thought of the various preparations they had made, and felt a little relieved in their hearts.

The battle is in full swing.

After the three Hedao of the Underworld appeared, they did not join the battlefield for the first time.

They stared into the depths of the fairy garden, their eyes like electricity.

As Hedao, their perception is extremely powerful, and they can clearly feel that in the depths of the fairy garden, there are several cultivation bases no less than their existence.

Maybe even stronger!

Once they join forces to make a move, the other party will never stand idly by.

"Xian Ting's background is indeed extraordinary."

"Yes, there are at least five Hedao hidden in this fairy garden!!"

Old Ancestor Yan Luo said solemnly.

He looked at Madman Chu, wanting to see what kind of attitude the other person had.

However, Madman Chu seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and was not shocked. His eyes were still watching the battlefield extremely calmly, estimating the casualties.

"Lan Yu, Xiao Hong, Hong Hua, go help Wushen and speed up the attack into Xian Ting."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"it is good."

Lan Yu's trio shot, with their current strength comparable to that of Dzogchen, once they join the battlefield, they will be three big killers.

Wherever he goes, he is invincible, almost no one can stop.

Not only that, the Madman Chu also released the flower of desire, and Hua Wuai helped each other.

They are almost the most terrifying existence under Hedao.

As they joined the battlefield the scale of victory tilted towards the Madman Chu.


Yin Honghua's dragon spear pierced out, and the violent Ssangyong power swept out, and in an instant, several big Luo Jinxians were blasted into scum!

Lan Yu and Chu Hong were not to be outdone either.

The power of light and phoenix fire raged on the battlefield, and few people could stop it.

This battle, although fierce.

But the human army was constantly advancing, and soon came to an incomparably huge gate of heaven.

This is Xianting Tianmen!

As long as you enter it, you can go straight to Huanglong!

Under the heavenly gate, there are two men wearing silver armor, one holding a sword in hand, with a magnificent aura and a strong aura that has reached the Great Perfection of Da Luo.

The other person, holding a big knife in his hand, has a hideous face and is full of evil spirits!

These are two heavenly gatekeepers!

"Those who are good at Xiantian, die!!"

The man holding the sword let out a long roar, and the horrible sword aura poured out like a wave!

The other one also roared and slashed out, the sword was majestic and majestic.

The most important thing is that the air of the sword is intertwined in the void, turning into a high platform engraved with countless mysterious runes.

That is the treasure of Xian Ting...Zhan Xiantai!

Zhanxiantai came out, and the boundless killing air spread out, faintly visible, in that Zhanxiantai, all kinds of evil spirits were full of evil spirits, roaring and roaring!

Everyone was shocked upon seeing this.

The power erupted from Zhanxiantai, Hedao felt a trace of heart palpitations.

"If I don't agree, none of you can cut it!"

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