Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : All forces, 9 united ways, a real gift

Zhanxiantai came out, and the boundless slaying aura flooded the world!

This is a top-notch killer treasure, and it is the place where Xianting kills prisoners. Since ancient times, I don't know how many immortals' blood has been contaminated.

Among them, there is no lack of Da Luo Jinxian and even Hedao!

Zhanxiantai came out, killing the air to lock the coalition forces, if this were to fall, the coalition forces would be destroyed by at least 30%.

I'm afraid that even the existence of Dzogchen Daluo will not be spared!

"If I don't agree, none of you can cut it!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

It is a madman of Chu.

Just when Zhanxiantai was about to fall, Chu Madman Xianyuan surged and turned into a huge Xianyuan palm, grabbing the entire Zhanxiantai in his hands.

boom! !

The terrifying slaying air madly impacted Madman Chu's Xianyuan hand, trying to break free!

But Madman Chu gave a cold snort, and even more domineering power burst out of it!

The air of killing and cutting all over the sky, crashed!

After cutting Xiantai, he gradually lost Xianhui and fell to the ground!

Xianyuan's impact caused the two Tianmen guards to fly upside down, and their expressions became extremely pale.

"To grab Zhanxiantai with only one hand, this is the power of the Immortal King!"

"Mad Chu, a terrifying existence!"

The gatekeeper Tianjiang swallowed his saliva, and there was a deep sense of horror in his eyes.

at this time.

Madman Chu's figure has slowly fallen from the sky.

The terrifying coercion covered all sides like a tide, and the entire battlefield became deadly silent because of his landing, and he dared not make a sound.

Madman Chu landed on the Zhanxian Platform, and the killing aura on it suddenly stopped, and he didn't dare to leak a single bit.

For fear of disturbing this supreme king!

Slashing Xiantai, you can cut the immortal, but in this immortal world, no weapon dare to point to the immortal king!

Madman Chu looked at Absolute Wushen next to him, and said lightly: "No God, the gods and demons were crowned in the past, and I ruined a high platform for you. I said that I will pay you a slashing platform."

Hearing this, Absolutely Wushen froze for a moment.

The memory of decades ago slowly emerged, and a smile on his face couldn't help.

"Thank you for the king's reward."

"Ha, it's not a reward, but an apologize."

Madman Chu laughed.

And Jue Wuhen's face suddenly showed pride. In this fairy world, the person who can get the fairy king apologizes, I am afraid that he is the only one who has no god.

Thinking of this, he became more devoted to Chu Madman.

A casual remark many years ago can be remembered and realized now.

What reason does he not follow such a king?

"Everyone, now who I am stepping on the fairy garden!"

Madman Chu said.

One step forward, the terrifying Xianyuan power whizzed out, just for a moment, the impact of Xianyuan directly turned the two guards of the Tianmen into blood mist and scattered, and blood splashed the Tianmen!

Madman Chu took the lead and stepped into the fairy court!

And one by one monks rushed in, waiting for them is an army with more numbers and better equipment!

"It seems that you are ready to fight."

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, and rose into the sky, violently screaming from the immortal yuan, mixed with the will of the immortal world, so that everyone present felt the pressure of the immortal court soldier.

What they are facing now is the ghost emperor of the underworld, the human emperor of the world, the fairy king of the immortal world!

Such an extremely noble existence has been counted in ancient and modern times, and few people can compare it with it.

"Madman Chu, you are finally here!"

In front of the army, several figures stood in the air, and the whole body was filled with endless celestial glory.

These people are exactly the harmony of Xian Ting.

They are Immortal Emperor Wuming, Immortal Emperor Juexin, and Immortal Dragon Shadow of Kunlun Xianting!

There is also the Black Cloud Immortal Emperor and Baiyue Immortal Emperor of the Eastern Emperor Xianting!

And the one who made the noise was the Immortal Emperor Xianting Wuming, who was also the one who tried to kill the Madman Chu in the previous battle of the Ji family.

"Are you just a few of you? There are others, let's show up together!"

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand and said indifferently.


Who else?

Everyone has some doubts.

But behind Chu Kuangren, the three gangs in the underworld, the academy Zhangzi, the ancient emperor of the human emperor, and the Xing Cangfeng, were a little dignified.

Because after entering the fairy garden, they noticed a few extraordinary breaths hidden in the void.

These breaths were hidden very secretly, and they didn't even know if they didn't enter the fairy garden.

"Amitabha, the immortal king attacked the immortal court, do you know that he has committed heinous killing karma?"

An indifferent voice sounded slowly.

In the void, a Buddha appeared wearing a golden robe, sitting cross-legged on a golden lotus platform.

A breath of sanctity and peace, permeated out.

"It's a Buddhist!"

The high priest frowned slightly.

The Buddha's light on the opponent made them feel a little uncomfortable for the underworld creatures.

Kuangren Chu glanced at the other party and then moved his gaze to another place.

Another void.

Another figure slowly walked out, and the person who came looking at Madman Chu with a look of extreme hatred in his eyes.

"It's you, the Ji family works together!"

Zhang Zi recognized the visitor and his eyes sank.

The other party was the Hedao monk who had escaped from Ji's house in the past.

It's not just him.

A charming woman walked out beside the Ji family, her eyes showed a strange purple.

A strange aura fluctuated, spreading out.

This is also a co-Tao, and it is also an extraordinary co-Tao existence.

Madman Chu is very familiar with this breath, "Oh, the soul is supreme, do you also intervene in the soul forbidden zone?"

Soul Supreme smiled charmingly, "No way, the group of children underneath are begging me to take action, saying that you can't be the fairy king, otherwise, the soul forbidden zone will never be peaceful, and it will make me a headache, so I Reluctantly came. UU Reading"

"Not only the soul is supreme, but also me, the king of heaven!"

A magnificent breath of heaven descended from the sky.

I saw an overbearing middle-aged walk out of the void, it was the King of Heaven from the Tianling Forbidden Zone!

In the old days, the madman of Chu annihilated the Heavenly Dao Sect, a force cultivated by the King of the Heavenly Dao, and also destroyed the Shao Zun Shi Jiuqiao in the Tianling Forbidden Area.

The enmity between Tianling restricted area and him is not small.

So at the invitation of Xian Ting, he also came.

Seeing several Hedao appearing one after another, everyone suddenly felt a great pressure.

"Buddha Gate, the restricted area, and the Ji Family He Dao, this time there are four more He Dao, the other party has nine He Dao realms! How to fight this battle?"

"Can the fairy king handle it?!"

Everyone looked at Madman Chu, but they saw that the other person looked calm, "Very well, all the things that should come today are here, and it just happens to be...all in one go!"

He stepped forward, and endless fairy radiance surged from his body, and the terrifying immortal king's coercion spread out!

I saw a black robe added to the body, a crown dropped to the top, a large seal suspended, and the Three Treasures of the Immortal King suddenly appeared!

At this moment, Madman Chu completely showed the coercion of the fairy king!

There is a feeling of being equal to each other for the existence of nine Hedao alone.

Seeing this scene, everyone swallowed.

"This is the real fairy king!"

"This battle, we may...can win!"

And Wuming Immortal Emperor sneered, "Madman Chu, even if you have the power of the Immortal King, how about it, let you see the real gift I Xianting prepared to deal with you!"

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