Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Dragon Crystal is in danger, kill the descendant of Xuanyuan

"After I recover, I will follow you to the Heavenly Sea Continent."

Di Qianqiu said.

"When the time comes, you can go there by yourself."

Dark robbery said lightly.

Then he turned and left.

"Where are you going?"

"Contact other people."

Under the instigation of the Dark Tribulation, many evildoers in the Tianyuan Universe went to the heavenly sea continent, the strategic resource of the void battlefield.

On a certain continent.

The madman of Tianjian Chu was walking alone, searching everywhere for Hedao fragments, and after going back, he set about enlightenment and tried to break through Hedao.


His mind moved slightly, and he sensed something.

"Oh, is Dragon Crystal in danger?"

The dragon crystal has the imprint of the exorcism he planted in it.

And the curse seal is connected to his soul, in a sense, he can perceive the situation of the dragon crystal by this curse seal.

"Interestingly, Dragon Crystal's strength is not bad, and there is also the King's Mark I gave her in her body."

"Who can make her fall into a hard fight?"

Madman Chu passed the Tianjiao monsters in the Pangu universe in his mind.

Comparable to the level of the Nine Kings, he knew only a few.


There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. It just so happened that the location of Dragon Crystal was not far away from him, so let's go take a look.

The figure flashed, shuttled in the void like a sword light.

Pieces of continents passed by his side.


On a piece of land.

Dragon Crystal is in a bitter battle with several evildoers in the Pangu universe.

Among them are the descendants of Xuanyuan, Xing Wangu, and Yuan Zhan.

These three people were once the characters of the Seventy-two Immortal Pride, but if they were just these three people, it would not be enough to make Dragon Crystal fight hard.

In addition to these three people.

There is one more person.

It was a man in a black armor, with a terrifying dragon aura flowing around him, not much worse than himself.

That dragon aura is full of destruction.

"Colorful Tianlong, the dragon ancestor bloodline of the Tianyuan universe. If you can refine your bloodline, maybe I can have the strengths of the dragons of the Tianyuan and Pangu universes, and become a higher-level dragon life body." The black armor man said expectantly.

This person is Shao Zun in the alien restricted area, Long Xuan!

At the same time, it is also an alien black dragon of the dragon race!

"Huh, refining blood? You remind me of some unpleasant things." Long Jingjing snorted, his eyes cold.

In the old days, her brother Chilongying practiced the Blood Devouring Devil Dragon Art, and even the bloodline relatives could do it, which was shocking.

And Long Xuan reminded him of Chi Long Ying.

These two people are the same evil.

"Dragon King Claw!"

As the Dragon Crystal raised his hand, the dragon gas exploded and turned into a giant claw of a colorful heavenly dragon, blasting towards several people!

This blow actually forced several people from Xuanyuan Chuan to retreat.

"Try my trick!"

At this time, Long Xuan made a move.

One claw grabbed it, and the black dragon screamed.

The black dragon's destructive power erupted completely, and it was actually a forcibly shattering the colorful dragon's claws and forcing the dragon crystal back.

Long Xuan, who has cultivated the Dragon Emperor's Evil Heart Code, and has cultivated it to the fullest extent, is considered a taboo, and is extremely powerful.

"Colorful Heavenly Dragon, Golden Heavenly Dragon God Slash!"

The dragon crystal is also pointed into a sword.

Cut out with a sword, and the sword aura blasted out with the dragon shadow!

"Dragon Emperor Blade!"

Long Xuan was unwilling to show weakness. After losing the Pan Gu axe, he found a top weapon, a blood-red long knife.

Slash out, tear the void.

The sword gas exploded, raging everywhere.

"Colorful Heavenly Dragon, Fire Sea Rising Dragon!"

"Evil Dragon Tyrant forever!"

Another round of domineering shocks, powerful forces swayed the world, and the Shuanglong retreated violently, with solemn expressions.

At this time, the descendants of Xuanyuan, Xing Wangu, rushed forward.

Although these people have fought with each other, those facing the Tianyuan Universe can still stand on the same front.

The power shock is getting more and more intense.

Dragon Crystal was slashed by the descendant of Xuanyuan, and the powerful force shattered the dragon scales on her arm, and the dragon blood splashed out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the others shot at the same time.

Sword energy, axe light, stick energy, sword energy...

All kinds of powerful ultimate moves rushed forward!

Under the impact of this force, Dragon Crystal's pupils trembled violently, and a mark appeared on his forehead.

That is the mark of the king!

The imprint appeared, and the strength of the dragon crystal suddenly increased, and then it urged the dragon's energy to explode the strongest move.

"Colorful Tianlong blasts Tianyu!"

Several completely different forces exploded at the same time, turning into a colorful Tianlong, blasting together with several strands of energy at the same time.

With a roar, the Dragon Crystal flew upside down.

Even with the blessing of the King's Mark, the combined force of Longxuan and several people is too strong.

At this moment, she has no power to fight again.


In the intense energy fluctuations, a figure flew out, it was Long Xuan, who suddenly cut out with the Dragon Sovereign Blade in his hand.

With this blow, the Dragon Crystal will fall!

But at this moment, a sword aura shot from a distance.


The sword aura and the sword light fought, and the powerful force caused Long Xuan to fly out on the spot, and the hand holding the Dragon Sovereign Blade kept trembling. s

"who is it?!"

Long Xuan's face changed, and he looked not far away.

I saw Madman Chu walking slowly, his expression was indifferent, and he glanced at the injury on Long Jing's body, his eyes could not show any emotion.

It's just that the sword intent on his body is even more awe-inspiring.

"If you hurt the servants of the sky without permission, you have already provoke the killing intent of the sky!" Chu Madman said indifferently.

"the host…"

Looking at Madman Chu, Long Jingjing felt at ease.

Hearing what the other party said, there was even more tenderness in her heart. Although she was called a servant, she did not resist at all.

The faces of several people in Long Xuan changed.

The strength of Dragon Crystal is extremely powerful, and only a few of them can win it together, but such a person claims that Madman Chu is the master? !

This person's background is not trivial!

"Pretending to be the sky, it is the heavenly sword of Tianyuan Universe."

The biography of Xuanyuan has guessed the identity of the person. U U Reading

His sword intent was faintly boiling.

"Heaven Sword, the number one swordsman in Tianyuan Universe, I really want to see your strength!" Xuanyuan Chuan said coldly.

He shot.

Without Xuanyuan Sword, he changed another Excalibur.

Cut out with one sword, it was still the Xuanyuan Jianqi familiar to the madman Chu.

"Using a sword in front of the sky, you value yourself too much."

Madman Chu stretched out his fingers and clamped the cut sword.

Xuanyuan Chuanren's pupils shrank, "How is this possible?!"

Although his kendo is not as good as Madman Chu, he is definitely the top in the Pangu universe, but now he is caught by the opponent's two fingers?

He couldn't believe this kind of thing.


Then, Madman Chu's wrist shook, and the surging Immortal Yuan whistled, the sword was broken inch by inch, and the sword aura flew out with the broken blade in it, piercing through the body of the descendant of Xuanyuan.

Splashing blood mist!

In just a moment, the descendant of Xuanyuan suffered a crushing defeat on the spot!

With his horrified expression on his face, Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed on his forehead, and his head exploded with a bang!

The descendant of Xuanyuan, fall!

"No, go!"

After seeing this scene, Long Xuan was very frightened.

Turn around and escape immediately!

"Sword of Heaven, did you escape?"

Madman Chu focused his eyes on Long Xuan.

Xing Wangu and Yuan Zhan had no grievances with him, and he thought that he could let them go because they were both monks in Pangu universe.

But Long Xuan... only died.

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