Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The evildoers of the 2 universes, gathered in the Tianhai Continent, the tip of the



At this moment, only the idea of ​​escape was left in Long Xuan's heart.

The strength of the person behind him is far above him, and every gesture is an unworldly power that he can hardly contend.

But at this moment, a condensed sword intent enveloped the Quartet, which actually sealed off all the space around him!

With this breath, he has no way to go!


Long Xuan urged Xian Yuan all over his body in an attempt to break free from the sword blockade.

The power of the Dragon Emperor's Evil Heart Code was turned to the extreme by him, and his eyes became blood red, full of evil aura.

Suddenly, a figure came to him.

The white clothes are like snow, and the whole body's sword will suppress the world!

"Ahhh, Dragon Emperor's evil heart burst!"

Long Xuan roared and urged the supreme move!

I saw the air surging around the body, a puff of dragon gas turned into a dark dragon shadow and bite out outrageously, shaking the void land with power.

"Your power is small in front of the sky."

The madman's sword finger condensed, and the seven-step da Luo Yi was released immediately.

With one sword cut out, the sword energy is already earth-shaking!

In the blink of an eye, the black dragon shattered!

Sword Qi fell on Long Xuan, almost instantly strangling it into a cloud of blood and exploding!

The powerful dragon body of the black dragon was also difficult to resist.

Long Xuan, fall!

"Master, do the other two want to chase?"

Long Jingjing asked.

"Don't chase the poor," Chu Madman said lightly.


"What a heavenly sword, the strength is really eye-opening for me."

At this time, a voice sounded.

I saw a figure walking slowly not far away.

The visitor wore a black robe, his eyes were as black as ink, and his body carried an incomparably deep breath of darkness, which was moving.

Madman Chu glanced at him, "This breath..."

One of the ten tribulations.

"In the Dark Tribulation, I have seen Heavenly Sword."

Dark robbery bowed slightly.

The attitude of Dark Jie towards this famous heavenly sword that moved the universe was much more respectful than that of Feng Qiyu and Emperor Qianqiu.

"What are you looking for us for?"

Long Jingjing asked.

The Dark Tribulation recounted the matter of Tianhai Continent.

Madman Chu heard the words and showed some interest, "Do you want to grab resources and land? Interesting, God, I will go and see it."

"I am waiting in the Tianhai Continent, waiting for the heavenly sword to drive."

Dark robbery left.

Tianhai Continent.

This is a continent full of sea water.

And on this continent, the evildoers came here one by one, and the people of the two universes wanted to seize this important resource.

Around this continent, there have been battles.

at this time.

Somewhere on the surface of the Tianhai Continent, there was a sudden cloud of sunlight soaring into the sky, and the road was flowing, and a huge island appeared on the surface.

Countless monks rushed to see this.

When everyone came to the island, they only saw all kinds of heaven and earth treasures growing on it, containing all kinds of fairy gold and strange mines...

Among them, on the top of a mountain on the island, there is a mysterious tree growing with a dozen white fruits.

There is fairy brilliance flowing above these fruits, which contains the principles of Tao.

The bursts of fragrant smell are mouth watering.

"That's Hedao Fruit!"

"He Dao fruit... This is a He Dao fruit that has been nurtured by countless He Dao fragments! My God, it is said that a He Dao fruit can increase the success rate of hitting He Dao, and there are a dozen here Ah, this opportunity is really incredible."

"No, this Hedao Fruit belongs to me."

All the evildoers stared at the Hedao fruit greedily.

And in the void, an incomparably powerful aura burst out, swept from all directions and came to the sky above the island.

The emperor's anger was soaring, and some people stepped on golden auspicious clouds.

The storm was raging, and a graceful figure came slowly.

This is Emperor Qianqiu, and Feng Qiyu is here.


The purple-red dominance shook the sea level and set off stormy waves.

An overbearing figure walked with its head up.

With each step, a column of water is blown up on the sea.

"Xiang Tiancang of the overlord clan!"

Someone recognizes the person with serious eyes.

Emperor Qianqiu, Feng Qiyu, and Xiang Tiancang, these were the top three in the old list of gods. Although the list of gods is dead and prestige is not as good as before, the strength of these three people is still beyond doubt.

But as these three appeared, more evildoers appeared one by one.

A biting sword intent whizzed out.

The sea surface was frozen into ice in an instant, and amidst the endless ice and snow, a stunning woman walked with a long sword in her hand.

This is the tenth sequence of the temple, Luo Xue!

In the sky, a huge evil eye suddenly appeared, a faint purple light circulated, and a terrifying evil light enveloped the earth.

This is the evil eye of the evil eye clan coming.

"It's not just the opportunity here, but the Tianhai Continent is also my Tianyuan Universe!" A domineering voice sounded.

A golden armored man showed up with several gods and guards.

It was the people of Sikong Mo who had escaped before.

Boom, boom...

There was a muffled thunder billowing from the sky.

A huge dark cloud condensed, a shocking dark will enveloped the entire sea area, and a figure descended from the dark cloud.

That is the Dark Tribulation!

He contained an extremely terrifying dark atmosphere, which brought a great sense of oppression to the evildoers in the Pangu universe.

Not only that, but behind him, there are two others.

There was thunder surging in one person, black water entangled in the other, and both of them contained the aura of great calamity.

It is the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation among the Ten Tribulations, the Weak Water Tribulation!

Xianhui circulated for a while.

I saw a person volleying from Xianhui, surrounded by runes and mysterious energy flowing around him.

This is a stunning woman, with indifference between her brows, as if everything in the world is not in her eyes.

"Tiannu You, the evildoer of the Shenji clan!"

"The fifth sequence of the temple!"

Di Qianqiu glanced at her, "I didn't expect her to come too."

From the opponent, he also sensed a breath of Wang Yin. UU reading

Obviously, the other party is also one of the nine kings.

On the side of Tianyuan Universe, the evildoers are all present, and they are extremely powerful.

Just as these enchanting evildoers overwhelmed the cultivators of the Pangu universe, there were also a few breaths on the other side, showing strong presence.

A burst of sword energy soared into the sky, accompanied by the scene of the fall of the fairy Buddha.

Ye Zhu came.

With a roar and roar, a five-color unicorn stepped out from the sky, circling the forbidden breath, wherever it went, the sea was surging.

There was also a mist rising from the sea, and an extremely hot breath erupted, causing the sea to be continuously evaporated.

In the mist, a blue-haired woman came.

On the horizon, a gossip picture flowed out, and under the gossip picture, a white-clothed man came slowly, cracking and falling everywhere.

"People of Tianyuan Universe, I'm here!"

With a long roar, Xing Wangu appeared with a giant axe in his hand.

Behind him, Yuan Zhan also came.

"Here, I can't give it to you."

An indifferent voice sounded.

A white lotus bloomed in the sky, and in the white lotus, a noble female fairy with billions of celestial splendor appeared all over her body.

This is Yuzhi, the descendant of Queen Mother of the West.

The evil spirits of the Pangu universe, such as Ye Zhu, the female ghost, the five-color Qilinzi, the descendant of Fuxi, Xing Wangu, Yuan Zhan, and Yuzhi, appeared strongly.

The circulation of power is not much worse than Tianyuan Universe.

The evil spirits of the two universes gather, either to compete for the Hedao Fruit on the island, or to occupy the Tianhai Continent...

The two sides are needle-point to wheat-mang, and each does not give way to each other.

A terrifying battle is about to break out.

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