Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Carry the universe with you, and feel the power of harmony

In the Xiangu Era, great powers emerged in the Pangu universe, and even the Hunyuan realm had a full seven. Together with Daozu Hongjun, it was said to be a prosperous immortal Dao, but later, it encountered an invasion from another universe.

Not bad.

The invasion of different universes already existed in the ancient times.

That battle was very fierce.

In the end, Hongjun fit in with his body and repelled the invasion of the alien universe with the help of the power of Pangu Universe Avenue.

And the invasion channel of the different universe, called the scar of the sky, the crack was also closed by Nuwa with colorful stones.

Only then has the ancient legend of Nuwa refining stones to replenish the sky.

However, even though the alien universe was repelled, some of its power remained in the Pangu universe and lurked, and that was the Wuzu.

The Wu Clan's magical powers are curious and come from other universes. They have been hiding for so many years, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

Originally, Hongjun and others tried to solve this fog tribe, but later they encountered more serious problems.

That is to repel the invasion of the alien universe, the Pangu universe's avenue was severely damaged, in order to restore its strength and maintain the order of the universe, the Pangu universe avenue actually suffered a catastrophe!

This is also the reason why the fairy world was shattered and the ancient power of the universe almost disappeared. Pangu Universe Avenue fell into a deep sleep after absorbing many powerful forces, until this era opened.

And Hong Jun also exhausted his last strength to collect the remnants of the fallen mighty souls, store them in the chaos, and wait for reincarnation.

"Now, the invasion of Tianyuan Universe has given hope to these long-dormant fog races. They are likely to cooperate with Tianyuan Universe and take action against you." Hongjun said solemnly.

He glanced at Wu regret next to him, "For this point, I believe Taoist Wu regret can most empathize. After all, he was the common target of Tianyuan Universe and Wuzu back then."

Madman Chu also looked over.

But no regrets slightly nodded, "A group of people who hide their heads and show their tails, if I hadn't suppressed this place, they wouldn't leave, they would be gone."

Then, he looked at Madman Chu and said lightly: "They couldn't kill me back then. Will you be worse than me back then?"

Madman Chu's mouth curled slightly, "I am, the king of gods and demons!"

He got up and looked into the depths of the universe, "Let them come!"


After talking with Daozu Hongjun without regret, the madman of Chu returned to the immortal world and began to retreat, refining the twenty-four Ding Haizhu and the Qiankun Ding that had not yet been fully refined, in an attempt to go further.

Unlike the Heavenly Sword Chu Madman, the Qinglian Chu Madman is the incarnation of Chaos Qinglian. Even if it is not in harmony with the Tao, if the power of the Chaos Qinglian is used to the extreme, it is enough to easily kill the Hedao realm.


"I wonder if you can stop Dacheng's Chaos Qinglian?"

Madman Chu whispered.

In addition to enhancing the power of Chaos Qinglian, he is also using the power of the fairy king to collect some useful resources in the fairy world to improve himself.

the other side.

Tianyuan universe.

In the Heavenly Sword Peak of the Tianyuan Temple, the Madman Chu had already refined all the Hedao Fruit and Hedao Fragments he obtained in the Void Battlefield.

It took him several years.

But even so, he still hasn't really broken through to the realm of Hedao, and there is always such a barrier from Hedao.

"Isn't accumulation enough?"

The madman of Chu frowned slightly.

It would be too difficult for Da Luo to break through to Hedao if there is no major opportunity. With his natural posture, he can't just casually succeed.

Suddenly, there was a sudden movement in his body.

That is his portable universe.

His consciousness sank into the body and came to the portable universe.

This portable universe was one of the super god-level rewards he received in his early years, and it was a complete universe.

And he is the great will of this universe.

After his consciousness came to this universe, he found that the source of the abnormal movement came from a giant egg in the chaos.

Something seemed to be conceived in the giant egg. Upon closer inspection, he found that the giant egg was a handsome man.

Why did this man cause a big change?

Observing carefully, it turns out that this man has the potential of the Hunyuan level, and it is not the acquired Hunyuan, but the Hunyuan power born in this Chaos Junior High School, which is like a humanoid Chaos Supreme Treasure.

If this kind of power is placed in other universes, you can't even control the Great Dao, and you can only find ways to destroy it.

But Madman Chu is different.

He has absolute control over this portable universe, no matter how strong this handsome man is, he can't escape his control.

But this kind of power still caused an abnormal movement in the portable universe.

"Do you want to erase it?"

Madman Chu looked at the handsome man in the giant egg and murmured.

Although this man has not yet been fully conceived, once he is allowed to continue to grow, it will eventually affect the balance of the portable universe. By then, although he can also erase the opponent, the effort required will be even greater, even Affect the growth process of the universe.

Let's erase it...

Just when Madman Chu was ready to do it.


He had an idea.

"My deity is in the outside world and is worrying about how to break through the realm of Hedao, and my consciousness in this portable universe has the power of the cosmic avenue. Although this power is strong, it comes from the universe itself and cannot directly help me. The deity breaks through the path..."

"But if it is, my consciousness descends on a certain individual, and if this individual breaks through Hedao and even Hunyuan... With this experience, my consciousness returns to the deity, is it more certain to break through the realm of Hedao..." Chu The madman thought to himself.

Thinking of this, he looked at the man in the chaotic giant egg, his mind moved, and a consciousness separated and swept towards the man.

Suddenly, the handsome man opened his eyes suddenly, and an extremely terrifying aura burst forth. UU reading shocked the madman Chu's consciousness.

"Ah, Dadao, do you want to destroy me?! It's not that easy! My life is up to me, I can't help it!"

The handsome man roared loudly, and the terrifying aura continuously stirred the entire chaos, attracting the attention of many demon gods in the chaos.

But when they wanted to calculate something, they found that a terrifying will had come, and all the calculation methods had failed!

These Chaos Demon Gods couldn't help being a little shocked.

"This will... is the great way!"

"It's the road coming down!"

"What happened, the avenue has appeared."

The demons were extremely surprised.

In the giant egg of Chaos, after the Madman Chu felt the resistance of the handsome middle-aged man, he snorted, and a stronger force burst out.

The will of the handsome man was gradually obliterated.

My fate is up to me? No, from heaven!

And Madman Chu is the biggest sky in this universe.

After obliterating the handsome man's will, the Chu Madman's will settled in this flesh body and completely controlled it.

An unfamiliar force flooded into my mind.

That is the power of the Hedao Realm.

Although it was much weaker than the power of Dao Dao, this power gave Madman Chu the feeling that it was more detailed.

The power of the great avenue is too powerful and vast. Although the Madman of Chu can master it, he can't perceive it after all.

But this is just right.

It happened to be within the scope of his comprehension.

"It's great, when I am thoroughly familiar with this power and my consciousness returns to my deity, I will be more confident of breaking through the path of harmony."

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