Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Hedao division, Hechai fall, many demon gods besieged and killed the gods

Take it in the universe.

Madman Chu's consciousness is attached to a Chaos Demon God with the potential of Hunyuan, and he is comprehending the power in his body.

In this process, he is still absorbing the Qi of Chaos, increasing his strength, and comprehending the power of deeper harmony.

The deeper the enlightenment, the more sure you can break through harmony.

Like other realms, Hedao realm also has strengths and weaknesses.

Madman Chu divided it into five stages, namely Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Peak, Consummation, and Ultimate!

Among them, after reaching the Consummation Realm, the mastery of one Dao is already perfect, and you can try to integrate other Dao.

This process is called the multi-healing state.

For example, the Western Queen of the Pangu universe, Styx and other ancient powers.

And the ultimate harmony is to completely master one Dao, based on this Dao, dominate other Dao, blend the world and achieve Hunyuan!

At this level, there were very few Pangu universes in the Xiangu period, and I believe there are not many of the two universes today.

No regrets should be the existence of this state.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to suppress Tianyuan Universe with his own power for so many years, so that the entire universe could not go beyond the thunder pond.

In the chaos, time has become the most useless thing.

Madman Chu didn't know how many years had passed. He only knew that his consciousness was attached to this Chaos Demon God, and his understanding of the Harmony Realm was getting deeper and deeper, and he had even reached the peak level.

The distance is perfect, not much worse.

Put it in Tianyuan Universe, a proper Supreme God King.

In addition, what this demon **** enlightened was the way of power, which allowed him to have more powerful combat power in the same realm.

After a long time...

The Madman Chu's realm of harmony has reached its consummation.

After this state, one way, ten thousand ways, he can already try to continue to integrate other ways.

You can take the multiple paths of harmony.

This is what the Madman Chu wants most. The way of self-improvement and invincibility he has enlightened is very special, and it is his own original way.

There are thousands of ways that do not exist in the universe.

He can only increase his chances by constantly comprehending other Taoisms, absorbing the experience of them, and filling his own Taoism one by one.

The same is true for Hedao State.

"The way of flame, the way of reincarnation, the way of life and death..."

It took countless years for Madman Chu to begin to merge with the rest of the Tao, and the more and farther he went on the path of multiple combined Taoism.

But after the ninth way is merged, it is no longer possible to merge the rest of the way. Nine is the ultimate, the ultimate of multiple combined ways.

Since ancient times, it has not heard of anything that can fuse more than nine paths, whether in the Tianyuan Universe or in the Pangu Universe.

"Nine is the ultimate, but this is the ultimate of the rest."

"I myself am the great will of this universe. For me, how can there be any extreme?!"

"Tenth way, blend me!"


The moment the tenth road merged, the entire chaos shook.

Countless demons frightened it.

They looked far away, with a look of horror in their eyes.

"What is this change?"

"It's the aura of multiple co-Taoism, in this breath, there are actually...ten Dao, how is this possible?!"

"Why such a monster appeared in the chaos?"

"Does the avenue care?"

Everyone wanted to figure out who this ruthless man who combined ten Dao Dao was, but just like last time, it was all obscured by Dao Dao's will.

"The avenue is protecting this devil?"

"what's the situation?"

"Why does Dadao have such a protective mood?"

The demons felt incredible.

But when he couldn't figure it out, he ignored it.

At this time, somewhere in the Chaos, dozens of demon gods gathered together, and one of the demon gods with a single horn said coldly to the other blue-eyed demon god: "We are almost ready, we can start."

"Yeah, I got it."

The demons nodded.

Killing intent appeared in their eyes, causing chaos around them.

Shortly after.

Madman Chu, who was merging with the other Dao, seemed to sense something, looking at the chaos in the distance, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

There was an earth-shattering energy fluctuation coming from there.

The entire chaos is shaking because of this energy.

With a thought in his heart, the great will surging, he quickly found out the source of this energy, "So that's it..."

The first demon **** born in this universe was called God Chu.

At the beginning, the **** was ordered by the madman of Chu to continuously open up the chaos, but this move affected all the demon gods in the chaos.

You know, these demon gods were born in chaos and absorb the gas of chaos. Once chaos is gone, their power will be greatly weakened.

It is even possible to be surpassed by the innate creatures and the acquired creatures born from various star worlds.

This is absolutely not allowed by them.

Therefore, the Chaos Demon Gods decided to unite together to eliminate God Chu and prevent the other party from continuing to open up Chaos.

Today, Shenchu ​​and the Chaos Demon Gods are fighting fiercely.

A cold color appeared in Madman Chu's eyes.

In the beginning, the gods opened up chaos and reshaped the world, it was the command of his great will, and now, these chaotic demon gods are trying to stop it.

I was rebelling against him!

"The development process of the universe is by no means a chaos, but a prosperous and prosperous age of dazzling stars and all races..."

"The Chaos Demon God, you guys... it's time to fall!"

After the words fell, Madman Chu's figure disappeared in place.

In chaos.

Non-male or non-female, it is a **** who is a **** or a devil. At the beginning, he held a long sword composed of countless stars.

With a sword cut out, the stars and divine light flowed out, the surrounding chaos shattered, and the gods and demons were lifted out by this force.

At the beginning of the gods today, its power is infinitely close to Hunyuan.

It should be the number one strong under the avenue in this universe!

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No matter how strong the **** is at the beginning, it was not one or two demon gods who came to kill him this time, but all the demon gods in the entire chaos!

Thousands of demons all exist in harmony.

Boom, boom...

These demon gods, holding the treasures in their hands, urge all kinds of Hedao magical powers.

The horrible Dao turned into a torrent, blasting the gods back, and a large amount of Dao escaped from his body.

The Tao, as the core, was shaken.

"Shenchu, with your strength, you could have suppressed the avenue together with us, and from then on, this world will be ours!"

"But you, you just want to be a street dog, why?"

A demon said, showing a distressed look.

If Shenchu ​​cooperated with them, their success rate in suppressing the Dao would be much higher, and at the beginning of the killing, their own side would also lose a lot of strength, and then it would be extremely difficult to fight the Dao.

"I was conceived from the Great Dao. It is absolutely impossible to fight the Dao with you." Shen Chu said lightly.

"This is why we want to kill you. With you by Dadao, we have less chance of winning."

A one-horned demon said, the space around him began to twist, he is a demon who masters the way of space!

Just as he was about to make a move, a terrifying aura suddenly surged from the chaos not far away!

The entire chaos trembled frantically at this moment.

Many demon gods also felt a terrifying pressure.

"Such aura...It's the demon **** who has combined ten ways!" The unicorn demon god's face changed.

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