Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Come to collect debts, kill the emperor with a sword, and the emperor will come to t

A sword fell from the starry sky.

The sword pressure swept away, protecting the two people of Tian Xing Ying.

But in the void, when all the gods saw that sword moment, their pupils shrank slightly as if they had thought of something.

"That sword is..."

I saw that accompanied by the falling of the dark long sword, there was also a detached figure in white clothes, whose posture was like an immortal, and his attitude was astounding.

A mighty and mighty body, as if the heavens and the world are under pressure!

When everyone saw this figure, there was a secret voice as expected.

"It's Heavenly Sword!"

"Sure enough it is him!"

"With this breath, it is rumored that the Heavenly Sword has broken through Hedao. I didn't expect that as soon as it broke through Hedao, it would come to this emperor clan."

"What is he here for?"

"Could it be that he has anything to do with Tianxingying's affairs?"

Even the two Star Shadows were a little bit astonished.

They had heard of this heavenly sword that moved the universe a long time ago, but they didn't expect to see each other under this circumstance.

"Heaven Sword, what are you doing?"

A divine king beside the emperor spirit divine king said coldly.

"Come... to collect debts!"

Madman Chu said.

"Debt collection? Presumptuous! Only my emperor has ever collected debts from others. Where else can anyone collect debts from us?"

Di Xu coldly snorted.


Madman Chu said indifferently.

I saw his sword fingers condensed, and in an instant, a sword aura poured out from his fingertips, which contained a power of Taoism.

"not good!"

The expressions of the two **** kings around the Emperor Spirit King changed, one of them shot, and the Tao flowed towards the sword.

With a bang, the surroundings exploded.

That sword gas shattered.

The Dao played by the **** king of the imperial family was also disintegrated.


Di Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, I can't stop it."

At this moment, he heard a chuckle.

I saw that the broken sword aura was actually condensed in the void and shot out again. At the moment of the electric light flint, at the moment that even the **** king could not have time, the head of Emperor Xu was directly cut off!


"how so?!"

Everyone's complexion changed.

Isn't that sword energy blocked? !

"Hid the sword in the sword, and hide the sword in the sword!"

"Good means, I didn't expect you to be the number one person in the Tianyuan Universe." The Emperor Spirit God King said with a cold face.

Although the emperor was not arrogant, he was also an ancestor and grandson, and he was beheaded in front of him.

He also felt dull on his face.

The big Luo Yi on his body is rising steadily.

The power of terror distorted the surrounding space.

"Your Excellency said that he was here to collect debts, I don't know, what kind of debts are you collecting?" The Emperor Spirit God King said coldly.

"Fate's debt, isn't anyone able to escape?"


Tian Xing Ying, lying in Tian Xing Cai's arms, heard these two words, as if thinking of something, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Is the Heavenly Sword from the Temple of Destiny?

He didn't expect the other party to be the master of fate, in his opinion, such a character is too high.

"Fate? What the **** are you talking about? Make it clear!"

"Then make it simpler, God, I want you to be the emperor, the chickens and dogs are restless!!"

As soon as Madman Chu's words fell, what responded to him was three simultaneous auras of harmony.


"Heaven Sword, you are looking for death!!"

The two Hedao God Kings around the Emperor Spirit God King took the lead.

The emperor's seal, the emperor's decree.

The two magical powers merged with the power of Dao and burst out instantly!

"Oh, how can the emperor's spirit compare to God's hegemony?"

Madman Chu held the Wudao sword beside him, and then raised his hand to cut, the two physiques burst out instantly, the imperial aura and the domineering aura merged into one, wrapped around the sword's edge, and suddenly cut out.

Among them, it is even more integrated with an incomparably terrifying power of Taoism!

This Taoism naturally carries a sense of contempt, as if all the Taoisms are in front of them, and they only have to bow their heads.

In the void, many **** kings also felt that their own Tao was trembling, fearing the Tao of Madman Chu.

"The Dao that is independent of the universe's ten thousand ways is really terrible. What is the way of the heavenly sword?"


In the horrified eyes of everyone.

The emperor's sword aura and the emperor's seal full of Taoism, the emperor's decree crashed into one, and then exploded fiercely.

The emperor's gas, directly collapsed!

The two joined Dao, they were blasted out directly, but the Dao in the body escaped, and the Dao in the body was violently impacted.

Although they were not destroyed, it was too terrifying that they were subjected to such a violent collision just like this one.

"What a heavenly sword!"

The Emperor Spirit God King gave a low cry, and the Dao Ze Waterfall that had been cast against the Sky Star Shadow once again fell, rushing towards Madman Chu!

As the Supreme God King, his shots are naturally extraordinary.

In the eyes of everyone, although the Heavenly Sword is strong, his Dao is also peculiarly powerful, but after all, he has just broken through He Dao.

Facing the blow of the Emperor Spirit God King, his fate should not be any better than that of Sky Star Shadow.

But unfortunately, they all guessed wrong.

boom! !

The terrifying Dao Ze waterfall fell on Madman Chu's body, but he held no Dao in his hand and stood proudly, his body still straight.

"Supreme God King? Oh, what can an elderly and weak Supreme God King do?" The madman Chu's sword deflected, and the way of self-strengthening and invincibility broke out completely, and the way was condensed into a sword, actually going upstream! !

With a roar, the waterfall was violently shattered by the madman of Chu, and the Emperor Spirit God King was also shaken back.

His face is ugly to the extreme, "Old and weak..."

The emperor spirit **** king has exhausted his potential and his life is near, otherwise he would not sleep in the depths of the emperor ancient star in a self-appointed way.

What he most taboo is that some people say that he is old and weak!

The four words "Kuangren Chu" plunged into his heart like a knife, making him feel uncomfortable and angry!

"Little are looking for death!"

The emperor spirit roared and urged Dao Ze, the emperor body power burst out, the emperor canopy, the emperor seal, and the emperor's decree all broke out. The terrifying power shook the starry sky.

Madman Chu looked at the torrent of energy in front of him, but his figure couldn't retreat, and his Dao power continued to rise!

Wudao's hand trembled slightly, and there were Taoist lines on it. This sword was originally the best innate treasure, and the power of Taoism is hidden inside, and only harmony can truly exert its power.

The way of self-reliance and invincibility, combined with the sword of no way, the madman of Chu's breath can be said to be straight into the starry sky, and the divine power shakes the universe.

"One sword is invincible!!"

The sword of invincibility reappears.

In an instant, the sword qi flew up and broke the sky of the universe!

The emperor's seal bears the brunt and is directly torn apart!

The sword qi fell into the emperor's decree again and burst open. The decree was torn apart by the sword qi, and the energy torrent moved everywhere.

The Emperor Spirit God King was also affected, and was blasted back one after another.

If it weren't for the protection of the emperor Huagai, it would be a question whether he could hold his old bones.

"This kid is obviously just promoted to the **** king, why is he so tough?!" The emperor spirit **** king was puzzled.

At this time, over the ancient star of the emperor, there was a surging cloud layer condensed by the golden imperial aura, and one person volleyed in the sky in the endless glow.

It is the left guardian of the Tianyuan Temple, Emperor Feitian!

Also another supreme **** king of the emperor clan!

"Ha, the wrongdoer has the debtor, the debtor, here comes."

Madman Chu had a playful smile.

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