Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Only one source of power reappears, eight-sided imperial hammer

The madman of Chu rioted against the emperor's clan.

Even the oldest supreme **** in the emperor's clan, the Emperor Ling Shen Wang, could not contend with it and fell into a disadvantage.

And at this critical moment, a terrifying golden imperial aura swept over the emperor star.

In that imperial spirit, a figure came suddenly.

It is the supreme **** of the emperor family, the emperor flying to the sky!

The arrival of Emperor Feitian surprised everyone, and at the same time made a cold sweat for Madman Chu.

Two supreme kings, no matter how strong the sky sword is, can they hold it?

But Madman Chu didn't care. He looked at Di Feitian with a smile on his face, "You, come just right."

Di Feitian's face was extremely gloomy, "Unexpectedly, as soon as you break through He Dao, you will really attack my emperor clan."

"Why not?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"You are very courageous. If so, don't blame me for completely breaking your Heavenly Sword here!" Di Feitian's eyes showed cold killing intent, and he could not bear to kill Chu Madman long ago.

However, the group of **** kings in the Tianyuan Temple stopped him with the reason that the Heavenly Sword was to be used to counter the Chu Madman of the Pangu universe.

And now, the Heavenly Sword killed the God King Guxing, this is completely against him, so don't blame him for shooting.

"Heh, didn't you want to guard against the sky a long time ago? God, now give you a chance to show your strength."

Madman Chu stood with his hands in his hands, his expression light and relaxed.

The breath of Emperor Feitian was rising steadily.

You know, he is the Supreme God King, and he is also a Supreme God King in his heyday, and he is much stronger than the old and weak Supreme God King such as the Emperor Spirit God King.

Everyone only saw the aura of Emperor Feitian rising into the sky, and the power of the golden Taoism intertwined horizontally and horizontally, condensing into a golden emperor's seal, heading towards the suppression of Madman Chu!

The power of this blow was extremely terrifying, and it was definitely the top attack in the Tianyuan universe.

Even if it is Hedao, if you are not careful, Tao will be hit hard.

Madman Chu stood on the spot, holding Wudao in his hand, Tao and Wudao resonated with each other, and the emperor's domineering aura entangled on the sword's edge, suddenly cut out!

A sword slashed out, and the magnificent sword energy collided with the emperor Yin fiercely!


The imperial seal exploded with Jian Qi.

Madman Chu was shaken back for a few steps, but the emperor flew into the sky and stood still, and the gap between the two was judged high.

"Oh, you can be blessed by fate, your strength is indeed impressive." Although Madman Chu fell into a disadvantage, he was still calm.

His words made Di Feitian's face very unsightly.


These two words made him memorize like a man.

The mysterious and incomparable master of fate, even he felt shuddering.

And the Heavenly Sword and the Temple of Destiny are obviously connected.

Whether the opponent came to deal with him this time was also instigated by the Temple of Destiny, and even the Sky Star Shadow might be the handwriting of the Temple of Destiny.

Except for the rule of fate, he really can't figure out who has the strength to turn a waste into a heda in just a few days.

This is incredible.

"Di Feitian, join forces with me to kill him!"

The Emperor Spirit God King said coldly.

He stepped out one step and came to the sky above Madman Chu, the power of the emperor's body urged to the extreme, and the Tao was pressed down like a waterfall.

Di Feitian also shot.

The golden emperor gas turned into a giant pointer.

It is the imperial prisoner's Tianzhi!

The two supreme **** kings joined forces, and their strength was enough to dominate the entire Tianyuan universe, and everyone could not think of how Madman Chu would block it.

"The only source of power, come out!"

At this moment, he saw a divine light burst out of Madman Chu's eyes.

The only source of power that surpassed the emperor's aura has flowed out. This is the constitution he has studied based on the Physique Book. Its power is supreme and is a constitution that is difficult to control by the Dao.

At the moment when the power of the only origin was flowing, the emperor's spirit rushing from all around exploded, and the emperor spirit **** king flew upside down.

Besides, Madman Chu moved again.

The long sword is held high, the stars in the sky are turbulent, and countless stars are scattered from the universe, condensing in the madman of Chu.

It is the secret technique passed down from the Galaxy God King, the Seven Star God Transformation!

The starlight was condensed into seven stars, injected into Madman Chu's body, and combined with the power of the only source, his aura rose again.

Although it was the early stage of Hedao, his breath at this moment was no worse than Emperor Feitian, the supreme **** king.

"He has been promoted again, how is this possible?! What is going on with this guy?"

Emperor Spirit God King said with a gloomy face.

It was the first time he saw such a foul King of God, and he was so fierce as soon as he was promoted. How about giving it a few more years?

This son, can't stay!

"Emperor Heavenly Dragon Sword, come!"

The Emperor Spirit God King raised his hand, and saw a golden streamer flying out of the golden coffin far away.

That is a golden sword!

There are golden lines engraved on it, and a dragon shadow is intertwined.

The moment he held the sword, the aura of the Emperor Spirit God King became even more terrifying, a sword was cut out, and the sword light poured out towards the madman Chu.

"Even if you are a **** king, you are still inferior to Tianlunjian."

Crazy Chu has no way in his hands, and the only source of strength is condensed.

One sword is invincible again.

The colorful sword shadow collided with the golden sword light impact, and saw that the Emperor Spirit God King was repulsed again, and his old face became even more pale, and the whole person looked depressed.

"Chu madman, you are too presumptuous!" Emperor Feitian urged his power to the extreme, and the three supernatural powers of the emperor's body were displayed one after another.

The emperor's seal, the emperor canopy, the emperor's decree.

"One sword is invincible!"

The same sword, more domineering power.

Madman Chu backed away dozens of feet. He looked at Wudao in his hand and felt that his attacking methods were a bit monotonous.

After breaking through Hedao, the methods he used before seemed to be unable to keep up with his steps. UU Reading www. and the various methods used by Chu madmen in the Pangu universe cannot be easily used.

It seems that he has to study it carefully.

He thought to himself.

"Heaven Sword, let you see this thing!"

When Emperor Feitian raised his hand, he took out a golden eight-sided sledgehammer with countless runes engraved on it.

Not only that, the moment the hammer appeared, the surrounding space burst into pieces, seemingly unable to withstand its power, and the imperial aura of Emperor Feitian echoed with it, which was extremely shocking.

In the void, many people were shocked when they saw this thing.

"That's Emperor Feitian's eight-sided imperial hammer!"

"It's a half-step chaos treasure!"

Half-step Chaos Supreme Treasure, when the Chaos Supreme Treasure can't be found, this thing is the most amazing treasure.

Even the Hunyuan Realm does not necessarily have it.

No one knew where Di Feitian's half-step chaos treasure came from, it was very mysterious.

But everyone knows that this treasure is amazing.

Even a long time ago, with this thing, Emperor Feitian beheaded a divine king in the overlord clan who tried to attack Hunyuan.

That battle allowed Emperor Feitian to reach the top of Tianyuan Universe!

Become a myth in the hearts of countless people of the emperor family.

"Great, the Flying God King finally took out this thing."

"Haha, with this thing, the Heavenly Sword will die!"

Everyone in the emperor clan was extremely excited.

Even the Emperor Spirit God King breathed a sigh of relief. In his opinion, Madman Chu couldn't stop the second half of the Chaos Supreme Treasure no matter how strong it was.

"Ha, you finally took out this thing."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

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