Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Wanling Sword Formation, who gave you the courage to declare war to the sky

A torrent of golden sword energy gushed out, lighting up the starry sky.

The brilliance and vastness of this sword made the gods all look at him.

Faced with this sword, Tian Xiu also showed a solemn color in his eyes, "Your sword is worth my all-out effort!"

Tian Xiu's eyes condensed, and he held up the Heaven Sword Tribulation.

"The Devil's Great Resentment and the Swordsman!"


The resentment of swords whistled out one after another.

The sky full of sword grievances condensed into a terrifying shadow covering the starry sky.

This magic shadow uttered a miserable and miserable howling.

Holding a horror magic sword in his hand, he slashed it down with a single sword. When the jet-black sword-qi torrent collided with the golden torrent, the surroundings exploded.

And under this extreme impact, a figure flew upside down.

Is the patriarch of the sword spirit.

At this moment, he was dripping with blood, and the resentment of the sword was constantly eating away at his body, causing his vitality to continue to weaken.

The golden spirit of ancient and modern sword spirits escaped.

The golden sword shadows were broken, or the light floated dimly in the starry sky, or stuck in the ground...

Sword Spirit Patriarch, defeated!

In this scene, everyone was not too surprised.

Even though the spirit of the ancient and modern sword spirit is used, it is only a big Luo after all, and it is difficult to compete with the God King Hedao after all.

"It's troublesome now."

Dragon Crystal's eyebrows frowned slightly.

She punched several ghosts that came to kill, looking at the sword **** king who was also entangled in the distance by the disaster wind and couldn't get out.

Without the battle power of the **** king, how can we keep the sword spirit clan?

"Dragon Crystal, do you still think about other people?"

At this moment, a sneer sounded.

I saw several dark figures suddenly appeared, surrounding the dragon crystal, and everyone was filled with cold killing intent.

There is no grievance in these people.

In other words, people who are not members of the military calamity clan, not only that, but Long Jingjing felt a familiar aura from these people.

"You are... Dragon Race!"

Dragon Crystal's pupils shrink slightly.

Dragon, send someone to kill her? !

"Dragon Crystal, you traitor of the Dragon Race, you actually recognize the Heavenly Sword as the master, and let my Dragon Race lose face. You don't deserve to have the blood of the Colorful Heavenly Dragon and the Mark of the King. These things should belong to the best evildoer of my Dragon Race! You! , Die for us!"

The headed black robe dragon sneered, and immediately shot.

Overbearing dragon spirit swept.

This kind of strength shouldn't be an unknown person in the dragon clan, but Dragon Crystal has seen each other for the first time.

"It seems that while I'm not in the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan has produced many masters." Long Jingjing sneered and forced the opponent back with a palm.

The most outstanding evildoer...

In the dragon clan, apart from the Chilongying that she killed before, there was another enchantment. It should be an ancient enchantment.

"Dragon Crystal, obediently hand over the colorful Heavenly Dragon bloodline and the mark of the king in your body! If you still think of yourself as a dragon!"

"Yes, don't make one mistake and make another mistake."

Listening to the words of these dragons, Dragon Crystal just wanted to laugh.

She didn't say much, but the killing intent on her body was getting colder and colder, making several dragon races shudder.

But they knew they couldn't bring back things easily.


The two sides fought again.

On the other side, the battles between the Battle Wind and the Sword God King, and the Star River God King and the cold-hearted man are also in full swing.

Several people fought against each other, resenting sword qi, sword qi and stars are all colliding with each other, causing all the stars to be turbulent.

"The King of Sword God, even the aura of the ancient and modern sword spirits can't help the heavens. Your sword spirit family will die today!"

The disaster wind laughed.

His voice was sharp and harsh, and his laugh was more like a magic sound, making many spectators scalp numb in the starry sky.

The Sword God King was not affected much, but his expression became colder, and the sword in his hand wielded more majesticly.

But how can it be easy to quickly solve a **** king of the same realm?

This battle is full of difficulties.

The sword spirit family is in an unprecedented desperate situation!

This time, it was more dangerous than the ancient Ten Thousand Swords Tribulation.

At that time, there were at least a few **** kings in the sword spirit clan, and this time, there were only the sword **** king and the galaxy **** king.

Both of them were still restrained.

"The sword spirit family, turn it into my source of strength!"

The evil spirit laughed, the endless sword resentment surged, just as he was about to destroy the sword spirit family, only the ancient and modern sword spirit energy around him was spontaneously escaping into the air, circling around him.

A golden sword formation was condensed in an instant!

This sword formation is extremely powerful.

Endless sword energy shuttles through it, like a vast ocean of swords!

"This is the fifth Wanling Sword Formation in Tianyuan's Top Ten Killing Formations!"

Someone exclaimed and recognized the origin of the sword formation.

"This sword formation has been lost for many years, but I didn't expect it to be hidden in the sword spirit family. Its power should not be underestimated."

"Yes, Tianyuan's top ten killing formations, this formation ranks fifth, it can be seen that its power is even stronger than the Zhutian Destroying Formation."

"Tsk tusk, it's a pity that it was self-evolved from ancient and modern sword spirits. If it is manipulated by the strong, it will be more powerful."

Everyone talked a lot.

On the ancient star of Sword Spirit, the patriarch of Sword Spirit exhausted his last bit of strength to launch a sword formation, and then lay on the ground, unable to resist.

In the sword array.

Tian Xiong smiled coldly, "The Wanling Sword Formation is indeed powerful, but unfortunately, it is not enough to block me!"

He gave a long scream.

The sword resentment surged and turned into a magic shadow, and the magic shadow slashed with the sword, only three or two swords, it completely shattered the sword formation!

The terrifying sword power is desperate.

this moment.

The sword hearts of countless sword repairers trembled.

Not only the sword spirit clan, but also some sword repairers who watched the battle.

You know, Tianxue strengthens himself by absorbing the spirit of sword grievance. After he destroys the sword spirit family, what he has to deal with is probably the sword repairs of the entire universe. Therefore, the stronger the Tianxue, the more they will be. Afraid.

"I'm afraid there is only one person who can fight against it."

Luo Xue whispered.

After Tianxue broke the sword formation, and when he made another move, a sword energy swept from a distance and shook it out.

The fierce expression of the sky sank, what happened this time?


At this moment, in the starry sky, countless swords sounded voluntarily.

I saw the end of the starry sky...

A figure dressed in white, a dark sword.

Under the shining of the endless starlight, he stepped into the sky, and in the eyes of countless sword repairs, this person was nothing less than a dawn!

"he came."

Luo Xue looked at the familiar figure in white clothes and smiled.

The Dragon Crystal that was besieged and suppressed, as well as the Dragon Clan monks who were besieging her, couldn't help but stop.

The whole starry sky became silent because of the arrival of one person.

Tian Xiu squinted slightly, his eyes revealed a look of surprise, and at the same time there was an extremely strong, unstoppable fighting spirit.

"You are finally here... Heavenly Sword!"

Here comes the heavenly sword of the famous moving universe!

Madman Chu walked to the ancient sword spirit star and came to Tianxue, his expression indifferent, without saying a word, but the sword intent on his body became more and more cold, and the meaning of death enveloped the starry sky.

"Heaven Sword, you just came back, and this sword spirit clan, let's bury it together!" Tian Xiu laughed.

"Who gave you the courage to declare war to the sky? Is it your disgusting scar?" Madman Chu said indifferently.

The intent of the sword whizzed out, shattering the ghosts of sword grievances all over the sky!


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