Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Witness of the sky, emperor eternal, one sword proves the sky

The battle of the sword spirit ancient star.

With the arrival of the Madman Chu, the battle became more exciting.

Heavenly fierce, heavenly sword.

One is the Tribulation of Ten Thousand Swords, and the other is the Supreme of Ten Thousand Swords!

Who are these two people better?

Who is the real strongest of the sword!

Everyone is looking forward to it.

However, after Tian Xiu felt the power of Madman Chu, his face couldn't help showing a smile, and the sword grievance on his body was boiling.

"Heaven Sword, do you know how long I have been waiting for this battle? You and me, who is the real heaven! Just witness this battle!!"

After speaking, without saying anything, he raised his hand and cut out a sword.

Sword resentment circulating, shocking the world!

Madman Chu didn't retreat and couldn't avoid it, raising his hand also cut out with a single sword!

The moment when the sword qi converged, it was the moment when the two Taoists collided extremely, and this collision was also the most telling of the strength of the God of Hedao King. In just a moment, Tianxue was directly blasted out.

After smashing dozens of stars one after another, he stopped.

This scene made everyone in an uproar.

"This is actually the result!"

"Tian Xiu was actually forced back by the sky sword?!"

"The strength of the sky sword is really incredible."

"If there is no such strength, how can Tianjian dare to make trouble with the emperor alone? Even the Supreme God King will get down."

"Tsk tsk, the fierceness is really dead."

The affairs of the emperor's clan are making a lot of trouble.

Although few people know the specifics of the incident, the madman of Chu made a riot in the emperor's clan and suppressed the supreme **** king.

In the eyes of everyone, the odds of Tianxue's victory are not great.

of course.

Everyone also knows that the evil is not easy, and there may be some cards hidden in the body, so the victory or defeat of this battle is still unpredictable.

"There is only one sky in this Tianyuan Universe, what are you?" Madman Chu said indifferently, looking at the sky fiercely.

"Heaven Sword, you are really strong, take this trick from me!"

Tianxie was blasted back by a move, but was stimulated even more terrifying sword grievances, and countless sword grievances condensed into a magic shadow.

"The devil is grieving, Sword Sword Immortal!!"

With one sword cut out, the terrifying power caused the stars along the road to burst into pieces, but Madman Chu was standing in place, not retreating.

boom! !

The terrifying sword aura blasted on him abruptly.

The powerful force shook the world around.

The stars burst and the void collapsed.

Everyone stared at the chaotic energy center, only to see a white figure standing in the sky, celestial glory circulating, with a peerless style.

The Madman Chu, who withstood a fierce blow from the sky, was unscathed!

"If you can only do this with all your strength, it will disappoint Tian, ​​God, give you another chance!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

In every gesture, there is no worldly arrogance!

Between Gu and Pan, watch all sentient beings all over the world!

"Okay, okay, what a Heavenly Sword, you really are my strongest opponent!" Tian Xiong said three good times, and the sword resentment surged.

The Heaven Slashing Sword Tribulation in his hand was even more buzzing and trembling.

The black and red sword revealed a gloomy light that seemed to swallow everything. This extremely fierce soldier was full of fierceness!

Madman Chu had no way at his waist and shook slightly.

It seems to be provoked, and can't wait to want a fight.

But Madman Chu pressed his sword and did not draw it out.

Seeing this, Tian Xiu said coldly: "Heaven Sword, draw the sword, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the next sword!!"

"God said, take another sword from you and use your best."

"You, arrogant!!"

Tian Xiao was a little angry.

He clasped the Heaven Slashing Sword Tribulation tightly, and the centipede-like marks on his body also began to wriggle, spewing out the resentment of the sword.

In an instant, a broken sword and waste sword formed by the aura of sword resentment rose into the air, surrounding the Madman Chu.

"Thousands of swords and grievances seal the sky!!"

The sky screamed coldly.

The swords condensed by countless sword grievances are pouring out!

This move blocked the Madman Chu, so he retreated!

Wherever the sword grievance went, the void collapsed, and all spirits were extinct!

This is a sword of extreme destruction!

It's a sword to cut the sky! !

But in the face of such a sword, the madman of Chu stood with his hand in his hand, and his waist was still hanging, but the whole body was surrounded by the road, like a star holding the moon, turning into a natural protective body barrier! !

Bang, bang, bang! !

Under the impact of the extreme sword grievance, the barriers of Dao Ze's body shattered one by one, and many cultivators in the starry sky couldn't help their pupils shaking.

In their opinion, this sword is too terrifying.

Even the king of gods will die!

"What happened to the Heavenly Sword?"

"If you don't hide this sword, even if it's a heavenly sword, you'll be seriously injured if you don't die. He is still too arrogant."

"If he is not mad, then he is not a heavenly sword."

Everyone stared at the chaotic energy center.

I saw there, a figure stood in the air, full of sword intent, and it was the Madman Chu who forcibly endured the sword of destruction!

He is still, unscathed!


Everyone gasped.

Those Tianjiao evildoers couldn't help but their eyelids jumped.

This monster! !

"You have done your best, then, it's time to go now."

Madman Chu said lightly.


A sharp and incomparable sound of sword chants echoed throughout the world.

No way out of the sheath.

And the long-repressed Wudao exploded at this moment with an earth-shattering power, circled circles around the sword, and the sword aura swept out one after another, as if provoking the Heaven Slashing Sword Tribulation.

"You are honored to be able to witness the invincible law of heaven!"

Madman Chu was not recruited.

But the power is already covering the starry sky, so that everyone who watches the battle feels that their heart is pressed against a mountain, and it is difficult to breathe.

Even the Supreme God King like the Sword God King is extremely dignified.

What kind of sword is this?

"The Witness of the Emperor is eternal!"

Madman Chu slowly waved his sword aura.

I saw the terrifying emperor's aura swept out, blending with the power of Dao Ze, forming a wave of sword aura, spreading out!

This sword, the emperor proves forever, dominates the past and the present!

The strength of its strength caused the void where the sword qi went to collapse silently, and it made Tianxie's pupils shrink, which was extremely shocking!

He held up the Heaven Sword Tribulation in his hands, and on his forehead, a rune mark circulated out, it was the mark of the king! !

Heavenly Fierce, one of the nine kings!

The crowd was in an uproar.

But I feel that all of this makes sense.

If there is no such hole card, how dare to challenge Heavenly Sword?

With the blessing of the King's Seal, the power of the evil spirits is rising steadily, the sword resentment is circulating, and the magic shadow is coming out again!

However, even this ultimate move of fusing the king's mark was still unable to withstand the sword of Madman Chu.

The moment the magic shadow touched the sword qi, it collapsed instantly!

Layers of sword aura, with an overwhelming and invincible mood, successively impacted Tian Xiu's body.

Under the impact of these forces, even if the power of the fierce is strong, the immortal body will be broken, blood splashed, and bones will burst, but it will be **** and terrifying in an instant.

And the Dao in his body was even more shocked!

Countless sword grudges, escape!

With just one move, Tianxue was hit hard.

With just a sword, the Heavenly Sword proved that he is the most powerful, supreme, and unparalleled heaven in the Tianyuan Universe!

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