Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Dao King 1 Clan hunts Dragon Clan, how dare they?

Within the dragon ancient star.

When the power of the candle dragon appeared, all the dragons were in shock, and there was a throbbing from the depths of their blood.

That is an almost instinctive surrender!

"What exactly is the dragon power awakening, and it can actually cause the blood of my dragon ancient star to change. What is going on?"

"This power is too strong."

"Could it be that the long-lost colorful Tianlong reappeared?"

"How can it be…"

"And the power of Colorful Tianlong is not like that."

The dragons talked a lot, but no one could tell why.


A certain dragon race sitting on a huge golden dragon chair said: "Don't worry about too much, let's concentrate on preparing for the birthday banquet."

"Yes, Dragon King."

"At this birthday banquet, the Dao king clan will also send people to come. The cooperation between our dragon clan and the Dao king clan is at a critical juncture, and we must not relax."

Several dragon elders looked at each other and sighed inwardly.

But this is the end of the matter, and they have nothing to do.

"Cooperating with the Dao King clan is a blessing or misfortune."

"Yes, the whole Tianyuan Universe knows the behavior of the Dao Kings, cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger."

"This is the decision of the Dragon King. I have no right to interfere."


And somewhere in the universe.

A warship is sailing.

Madman Chu stood on the deck, familiar with the newly acquired Candle Dragon power in his body, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"The power of the candle dragon is indeed extraordinary."

The corner of his mouth was slightly tilted, looking at the endless starry sky, with a little expectation in his eyes, "Tianyuan Dragon Clan, can you surprise me?"

A few months later.

The ancient dragon star in the starry sky hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Madman Chu and Dragon Crystal came slowly, and along the way, they encountered many other cosmic forces, and discovered that these forces were also heading towards the ancient dragon star.

"If I remember correctly, the past two years have been my father's birthday. These people may have gone to celebrate the birthday."

Long Crystal said lightly.

"Two years?"

Madman Chu's eyes showed a strange color.

The birthday of the Lord of the Dragon Race is as long as two years?

"My dragon clan goes from hatching to breaking out of the shell. It can be as short as a few years, as long as tens or even hundreds of years. It is not surprising that the two-year birthday will be held during this period. Only capable people, first to make friends with all parties, and second to show the dragon family heritage."

Madman Chu was not too surprised after hearing this.

The universe is so big, there are no wonders.

Two years of birthday is nothing.

"It seems that it came just right, just when the old dragon king held his birthday banquet, then let this birthday banquet become his abdication and let the virtuous banquet!" Chu Madman looked at the ancient dragon clan star lightly.

Dragon Crystal nodded slightly and said, "That's what I mean."

After several months of psychological construction, she has already established herself.


Since you were unkind at the beginning, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

The dragon needs a better future.

I am the most suitable king!

Dragon Crystal's eyes showed ambition.

"God, admire the look in your eyes."

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.


At this time, there was a strong energy fluctuation on a star in the distance, as if someone was fighting fiercely.

"That direction is..."

Long Crystal's face changed slightly, "Master, I want to go and see."

"Go ahead."

Madman Chu didn't stop either.

The warship soon arrived on that star, and there were some dragons living on this star.

And now, these dragons are being hunted and captured.

The leading group of people held a dark iron chain with barbs growing on the top of the chain. Once caught, the barbs would plunge deeply into the shoulder bones of the dragon race, leaving them unhappy and letting others kill them.

"Haha, taking advantage of the old dragon king's birthday banquet, let's grab a few more heads and grab them back to serve as mounts.

"Yes, Dragon Knight, it's very exciting to hear."

The leading monks were all smiling, waving iron chains in their hands, and did not care about the howling and howling of the dragons below.

Among them, there are many young dragons.

But these people have no mercy at all, and greed in their eyes.

You know, the dragon is a treasure. The living dragon can be caught as a mount. If it is dead, the dragon scales, dragon bones, and tendons can be used to refine weapons, and the dragon blood and dragon meat can be used as a pill...

"You bastards."

At this time, a sad and angry female voice came.

I saw a water-blue dragon soaring into the sky, tears in the dragon's eyes, rushing towards several people.

However, a monk in the lead showed disdain, raised his hand, and blasted the water-blue dragon clan away.

"Hey, this dragon is good, the blood is pure, the color is good, and it's a female dragon. I like it the most."

A thin monk chuckled, looking at the aqua-blue dragon race, as if looking at a certain piece of goods.

"You bastards, my father will never let you go," the water blue dragon clan said loudly.


The skinny monk froze for a moment, "Are you the daughter of the Dragon King?"

"Yes, I am the daughter of the Dragon King, Shui Linglong!"

Shui Linglong said.

Hearing her words, several monks looked at each other.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be able to catch the daughter of the Dragon King here. It's a big gain, not bad."

"Now, our Dao King clan will have one more bargaining chip to clamp down on the Dragon Clan, which is really great."

Several people laughed, looking at the water spirit dragon, as if looking at a rare commodity.

Hearing what they said, Shui Linglong's expression changed, "I heard that Father King is cooperating with Dao King Clan recently, why are you still hunting Dragon Clan? Do you want to go to war with us?"

"Cooperation? Ha, your Dragon King begged to cooperate with us. As for the war, it is too late for him to provide for us. How can he go to war with us, you accept your fate."

After the thin monk finished speaking, he threw an iron chain in his hand directly, trying to catch the water spirit dragon.

But at this moment, UU reading a colorful dragon claw leaped out.


The dark iron chain was violently shattered.

I saw Long Jing's face with a cold face and cold killing intent flowing all over his body, making the monks of the Daowang family present with a solemn face.

And Shui Linglong was full of surprises, "Sister Crystal!"

Long Jingjing glanced at the injury on Shui Linglong's body, with distress in his eyes, and then looked at the Dao King Clan, his face became colder.

"You guys are looking for death!"

After finishing speaking, the dragon gas burst out suddenly while raising his hands.

Shocking power swept out, and these monks of the Dao King clan suddenly turned into a cloud of blood and exploded.

In front of Dragon Crystal, these people did not have any resistance.

Seeing this, the dragons below were extremely excited.

"It's the Dragon Girl who is back."

"Great, it's the Dragon Girl who came back to save us."

Madman Chu, who followed behind, took a look and was slightly surprised, "It seems that Dragon Crystal is very prestigious among the dragons."

That's good, she has a greater success rate in seizing the throne.


The water spirit dragon transformed into a human form, a petite and exquisite girl in a blue long dress, and plunged directly into the dragon crystal's arms.

"Sister, I miss you so much, where have I been all these years, there is no news at all." Shui Linglong sobbed.

"My elder sister also misses you very much." Long Jingjing touched the other's head, a trace of pampering in his eyes.

Then, she looked at the heavy casualties of the Dragon Clan below, both annoyed and puzzled.

How dare the Dao Kings do such a thing in the realm of the Dragon Clan?

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