Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Dragon King Birthday Banquet, Dao King Presents, Dragon Crystal Appears

"Tell me, who allowed you to do this kind of thing in the dragon clan realm, aren't you afraid to go to war with my dragon clan?!" Long Jingjing came to a surviving Dao King clan and said with a cold tone.

"Hey, who is the biggest among the dragon clan?"

The Dao Wang Clan was bloodstained and smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"Without the acquiescence of the most powerful existence in the dragon clan, how could we Dao King clan do such a thing here?"

"You mean... my father?!"

Long Crystal's face changed.

The rest of the dragon race was in an uproar.

"It's impossible, how could Dragon King allow you to do this."

"Yes, you are lying to us."

The dragons didn't believe it at all.

Dragon Crystal also had a gloomy face, "To be honest."

"I'm telling the truth."


Dragon Crystal still knew a little bit about his father, even if the other party was cruel to him in the past.

But it is ridiculous to let outsiders wantonly harm their own people, not to mention that he is still the leader of the family.

at this time.

Madman Chu slowly walked towards the monk of the Dao Wang clan.

When the other party saw Madman Chu, his pupils shrank, "You are, you are the Heavenly Sword?! Why are you here?!"

Madman Chu ignored the other party, raised his hand, and directly activated the soul-searching method, and the other party suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream.

After a while, Madman Chu learned about the course of some things through the memory of the other party, "So that's it..."

"Master, what he said just now is true?"

Long Jingjing quickly asked.

Madman Chu glanced at her and nodded slightly, "That's it."

Long Jingjing's body was shocked, his face turned pale, and he couldn't believe it, and said, "How could this happen, no matter how cruel and cruel the father is, how can he allow foreigners to harm his compatriots?!"

"Go and ask for it yourself."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He searched for the soul, only the middle-level cultivators of the Dao King clan. He didn't know much. The real secrets were only clear to the high-level, even only the few beings at the top.

"it is good."

Long Jingjing glanced at the dragons around her, and her eyes became more determined. For these dragons, she must ask her father for an explanation!


In the ancient dragon star, all forces gathered to celebrate the dragon king's birthday, including various royal families.

For example, the vine demon clan, the scarlet demon clan, the earth spirit clan and so on.

Even ancient royal clans like the Bawang clan sent representatives to come, which shows that the prestige of the dragon clan in the Tianyuan universe cannot be underestimated.

"Haha, my Dao King clan came to congratulate the Dragon King on his birthday, and specially presented an ancient blood coral tree, please let the Dragon King laugh."

At this time, a voice came.

I saw colored brilliant light roaring in the void, and in that brilliant light, a huge scarlet coral tree emerged.

The coral tree, blood red, filled with endless fairy radiance, is also inlaid with gorgeous gems.

The coral tree appeared, and the aura around it instantly boiled.

And under the coral tree, several figures came.

The headed person, dressed in a white robe, is handsome, is the most outstanding evildoer of the Taoist family, Motianheng!

"What a coral tree."

"This kind of treasure can only be obtained by the ancient royal family. This gift from the Taoist family is extraordinary."

"It's a bit strange, when did the relationship between the Dao King and the Dragon Clan become so good, so generous?"

"It's really weird..."

Everyone talked a lot.

You know, the Dao King clan has a bad name in the universe, and it is a bit strange for the Dragon clan to invite them to the birthday banquet.

And the Dao King clan gave such a big gift.

It's too strange.

"Haha, thank you Dao Wang for the gift."

The Dragon King laughed.

Mo Tianheng smiled and said: "This coral tree was only found by the Dao King of my clan on the Dragon King's birthday. From now on, you and my clan will have to get closer and closer."

"This is natural."

The two were polite to each other.

"It seems that there is something we don't know about the Daowang clan and the Dragon clan, it's kind of interesting."

In the crowd, the goddess smiled slightly.

She is also the one who came to celebrate the birthday this time.

And as one of the nine kings, she is respected and arranged on the most noble banquet. All kinds of delicious dishes and ten thousand years of fine wines float in the air and ask for everything.

After Motianheng arrived, he quickly noticed her and stepped forward and said, "Motianheng has seen the goddess."

"You're welcome."

The goddess smiled faintly.

"Oh, in today's universe, the Nine Kings have attracted much attention. I didn't expect the goddess to come to congratulate the Dragon King herself.

"The Dragon King is an elder, and I am a junior. It is a matter of course to come to congratulate him on his birthday." The goddess smiled lightly.

Hearing what she said, the Dragon King felt very relieved, his face was light, and he laughed and said, "The goddess is polite."

Then, Fertianheng continued to chat with Tiannv in a polite manner.

However, Tiannvyou obviously felt that this Fertianheng seemed to have another purpose for him, so there was not much communication.

Although Tiannvyou's attitude is cold, Fertianheng is very enthusiastic, and the topics follow one another.

When everyone saw it, they didn't feel surprised. After all, a goddess like Tiannvyou, in Tianyuan Universe, which man can not be moved?

Not to mention, she is still one of the nine kings, if she grows up in the future, a proper peak of the universe will exist.

Strong and beautiful, who doesn't love it?

Even Motianheng is not immune.

The birthday feast continues.

Guests from all sides came one after another.

Among them, there are also many evildoers, such as Luo Xue from the Luo King clan, Xiang Tiancang from the Overlord clan ~ Feng Clan Feng Qiyu and so on.

But what is a bit embarrassing is that all parties gathered together. In the past, like this scene, the emperor will always be indispensable.

And they will always be the focus of everyone's attention.

But this time, no one from the emperor's clan came.

"I heard that the trouble of the Heavenly Sword greatly hurt the emperor's family, and even this time the Dragon King's birthday banquet can't participate."

"Heaven Sword... is indeed an incredible character."

"Who said no?"

When it comes to Tianjian, everyone seems to have found a common topic, and his deeds are listed one by one.

Obviously the person is not there, but at this moment, he robbed the limelight of all the Tianjiao evildoers, which made many people secretly marveled.

Just a name has such magical powers, and only the Heavenly Sword in the entire Tianyuan Universe has such capabilities.

At this time, there was a burst of colorful brilliance in the sky.

Countless dragons instinctively felt a kind of horror, and they looked towards the sky, their eyes gradually becoming solemn.

I saw the dragon's sound resounding amidst the colorful glory, and then, a colorful dragon's shadow came into the sky, engulfing the overbearing dragon!

When everyone saw this, they were extremely surprised.

"It's Dragon Crystal!"

"Why is she here?!"

Some dragons are extremely excited.

"It's the Dragon Girl!"

"The Dragon Girl is back. Is she here to celebrate the Long King's birthday?"


Most of the dragons are not clear about the gap between the dragon crystal and the dragon king. Only a few of the dragons know the whole story, their eyes become serious, and they wonder what the other party is doing when they come back?

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