Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Please give up your father's place and take the wind of the dragon clan, becau

The colorful dragon shadow appeared in the sky, and the dragon crystal turned into a human form.

She came to the birthday banquet and looked at the dragon king sitting high on the golden dragon chair with a kind of determination in her eyes.

The Dragon King looked at the daughter who was the most proud in the past, but later turned into enemies for various reasons. Her eyes were complicated, but her face quickly restored the Dragon King's majesty.

"What are you doing back?"

"Father Wang's birthday, I came here in a hurry. I didn't prepare any big gifts. I only have some small things. Please my father to accept it."

As she said, she waved her sleeves.

A flash of light flickered.

I saw a human head suddenly appeared on the ground.

The good birthday banquet suddenly gave out a **** atmosphere!

The crowd was in an uproar.

But Motianheng seemed to recognize these people, and stood up quickly, looking at Dragon Crystal with a gloomy expression.

"When I came, I saw someone hunting the dragons, so I cut off their heads as a gift to the father. I wonder if the father is satisfied with this gift?" Long Jingjing said lightly.

The Dragon King did not answer.

The other dragons' faces changed.

"What, someone dared to hunt my dragons, are they going to die? Who is it! I'll kill them!"

"Dragon Girl killed well."

"This gift is good."

The dragons were filled with indignation and praised the behavior of Dragon Crystal.

And Dragon Crystal looked at the Dragon King and said lightly: "Father, don't you wonder who these people are?"

"who is it?"

"It is the Dao King clan sitting next to you!"

Long Jingjing said coldly.

The crowd was even more uproar and looked at Motianheng and others.

"No wonder Motianheng was so excited just now."

"Tsk tsk, what is this Dao King family doing? Just gave the Dragon King a big gift, and sent someone to hunt the dragon clan."

"Isn't this contradictory?"

"I seem to smell the wind and rain."

Some people looked at Dragon Crystal, the Dragon King, smelled an unusual aura, and showed a playful look, waiting to see the show.

"The Dao King clan has a good relationship with my dragon clan, how can they send someone to kill my dragon clan, you can't talk nonsense!" Dragon King said indifferently.

"Not only that, they also said that it was the father's acquiescence that they killed the dragon clan. Father, won't you give me an explanation?"

Long Jingjing continued to break the news.

Everyone suddenly became more and more interested.

"Interestingly, this development is getting more and more unexpected."

"The Dragon King actually lets people hunt his own people?"

"Ha, it's so interesting."

Motianheng couldn't sit still, and he stood up and shouted coldly, "Dragon Crystal, please don't spit blood. How can I do such a thing when my Dao King clan has a good relationship with the Dragon Clan, but you, a Dragon Clan traitor, you appear in the Dragon King Shou Banquet, destroying the harmony between the two races, what is the heart of peace?!"

As soon as the four characters of Dragon Traitor came out, the whole Dragon Race was boiling.

"What did the Dragon Girl do? Why did she become a traitor to the Dragon clan?"

"What exactly is going on?"

"Dragon King, you are saying something."

When Dragon Crystal saw that the Dragon King didn't say anything, and acquiesced to Motianheng's words, the last glimmer of hope in his heart was also extinguished.

She took a deep breath and said: "I have never betrayed the dragon clan, but the Scarlet Dragon Shadow robbed my bloodline and practiced the Blood Devouring Dragon Art. Not only did you not stop him, but you also helped him. Finally, you sent someone to chase him down. I want to take away the colorful Heavenly Dragon blood in my body..."

Dragon Crystal directly revealed everything.

This day is an unusual day for the entire dragon clan. This day is the Dragon King's birthday feast, which is a happy event.

But with the news of Dragon Crystal, countless dragons were shocked.

Too much information makes them unable to react for a while.

At this moment, several figures rushed out.

These people are all evil evildoers that have appeared in the dragon clan in recent years, there are rising stars, and there are ancient evil evildoers who are sleeping.

At this moment, they looked at Dragon Crystal with fiery eyes, but the cold killing intent was flooding the world.

"Dragon Crystal, you are too presumptuous, you dare to slander the Dragon King, you obviously betrayed the dragon clan first."

"Yes, I will rectify you on the spot today!"

"go to hell!"

Several evildoers shot together and rushed towards Dragon Crystal.

Various dragon supernatural powers exploded one after another.

Dragon claws, dragon breath howls.

But the Dragon Crystal stood still, and the power of the colorful heavenly dragon burst out, forming colorful ripples, stirring the void.

One by one, the evildoers were directly blasted out by this force.

"With you, you also want to compete with the colorful dragon?"

Long Jingjing said coldly.

The dragons were in an uproar.

"It's really the power of Colorful Heavenly Dragon!"

"The Dragon Girl really has the power of the Colorful Heavenly Dragon. Is it true that what the Dragon Girl said is true. The Dragon King really wants to kill the Dragon Girl?!"

"This, how is this possible?!"

Everyone looked at the Dragon King.

The Dragon King also slowly stood up from the golden dragon chair at this time, his expression was as cold as ice, "Dragon Crystal, I am thinking about the old love, give you a chance, kneel down, I can save your life!"

As soon as these words came out, the Dragon Crystal was completely regarded as a traitor to the Dragon Race.

Long Jingjing is no exception to this, and said coldly: "Father, you want to kill me, I have nothing to say, but you indulge the Dao King clan to hunt and kill compatriots in the territory, I will never sit back and watch!"

"Father, you are not worthy of virtue, please give way!"

The breath of the colorful heavenly dragon on her body poured out as soon as the words fell, madly impacting the surroundings.

Countless dragons shuddered in this breath.

Even the Dragon King is a bit solemn.

"Do you want to usurp the throne?"

"It's not usurping the throne, it's on the side of Qingjun, with the wind of the dragon clan!"

"It's funny, you don't have a soldier in your hand. How can you clear the monarch's side with your strength alone? Come, take her down!"

The Dragon King said coldly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

In an instant, masters rushed out of the dragon clan.

Among them, there is even a Dzogchen Dzogchen.

If these people rushed forward, unless the strength of the Dragon Crystal reached the Hedao God King, it would be difficult to compete with them.

"Who said she is the only one."

At this time, an indifferent voice came from high in the sky.

But seeing a white figure descending from the sky, and the surging Immortal Yuan fluctuations spreading out, the dragon masters who rushed up were blown out one by one, even if it was Dzogchen, there was no resistance to it!

And the appearance of this person also changed everyone's look.

"It's Heavenly Sword!"

"It's really a heavenly sword!"

"Really, this birthday gift is not in vain, not only can you see the Dragon King and his daughter turned back, but you can also see the Heavenly Sword appearing!"

"It's not in vain, it's not in vain."

Everyone was extremely excited.

This good show is getting better and better.

And with the arrival of Madman Chu, behind him, Shui Linglong and the dragons he had rescued before also appeared one by one.

"Father, what the elder sister said is true. The Taoist clan is hunting the dragon clan. Please check it out."

Shui Linglong said loudly.

The other dragons also proved to the Dragon Crystal that some dragons showed their wounds, and the other dragons were so angry that they glared at Motianheng and others. At this time, the evidence is like a mountain that Motianheng can hardly deny.

The dragon king's face was also not pretty.

He looked at the Madman Chu and said coldly, "Heavenly Sword, my dragon clan and your sword spirit clan have nothing to do with each other, why do you intervene in our affairs?"

"It's very simple, because...I like it."

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