Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : The betrayal of the Dao King 1 clan, Long Tianfeng is in desperation

Inside the space storm.

Long Tianfeng came, and here, there was actually another cave, and a large number of monks stopped. There was a huge gray giant gate lying in the void, and on that giant gate, there were countless mysterious runes engraved.

Under the giant gate, there is a huge blood pool.

The scale of the blood pool was like a **** star.

At this time, a dragon corpse was being transported into the blood pool, and **** energy was slowly absorbed by the giant gate.

Seeing the corpses of the dragons, Long Tianfeng's eyes showed a trace of struggling, but he was immediately replaced by the color of determination.

"As long as it can help me achieve Hunyuan, your sacrifice is worth it, and I will keep you in my heart."

Long Tianfeng whispered.

At this time, not far from him, several figures swept over.

The body of these people was filled with a strong breath of the **** king, especially the one headed, and even the supreme **** king.

It is the heritage of the Dao King family.

"God King Morin, can the gate of Hunyuan be opened?"

Long Tianfeng looked at the headed Supreme God King and asked.

And the God King Molin said indifferently: "We have all heard about you and the Heavenly Sword. Without your support, it is much more difficult for us to hunt the dragon clan. I am afraid that it will be difficult to open the gate of Hunyuan. ."

Hearing this, Long Tianfeng's pupils shrank, "No, for the Hunyuan Gate, I sacrificed so much. If I can't open it, wouldn't all of my tribesmen die in vain?!"

"I don't care what method you use, you must open this Hunyuan door. This is what we said before we cooperated."

Long Tianfeng was a little excited.

He paid too much.

In order to achieve Hunyuan, he killed so many people, and his inner suffering is beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

And now, God King Molin told him that this Hunyuan gate might not be able to open? How can he accept this? !

"Long Tianfeng, don't get excited, it's not impossible." God King Molin quickly comforted.

"any solution?"

"Over the years, we have collected a lot of dragon clan essence and blood. There is only the last step to open the door of the mixed element, and this last step requires only one dragon clan."

God King Molin smiled faintly.

"I only need one?" Long Tianfeng was taken aback for a moment, but then his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had already thought of something.

boom! !

As he expected, King Molin shot him.

The terrifying Dao's power whizzed out, the overbearing coercion made his pupils shrink, and he quickly urged the Dragon Qi to resist.

boom! !

Accompanied by a violent roar, both sides shook back.

"God King Molin, do you want to use me to open the door of Hunyuan?!"

Long Tianfeng was furious.

"Yes, Long Tianfeng, it is only the last step to open the gate of Hunyuan, and you are a **** king, and your blood is worth thousands of dragons. With your blood, you will definitely be able to break through this last step!"

God King Mo Lin sneered.

"You guys, wishful thinking!"

Long Tianfeng didn't expect that after waiting so long, what was waiting was betrayal by his allies, which made him extremely angry.

The vigorous dragon aura suddenly erupted, impacting all around!

Its power actually made God King Molin a little dignified, "I heard that you have absorbed the dragon energy of the dragon wave, and it is true."

Although this dragon energy can't always be there, the current Long Tianfeng is definitely one of the most powerful people among the Supreme God King.


Long Tianfeng roared, and the dragon gas vented out!

God King Molin fought with him, and the power of Dao Ze collided one after another, causing the surrounding void to continue to shatter and collapse.

At this moment, behind Long Tianfeng, a figure rushed out, aiming at Long Tianfeng's back with a palm.

This overbearing and treacherous strike, the power of Dao Ze, Long Tianfeng could not help being blown away, and a mouthful of dragon blood spit out the power of Dao Ze.

"This power is... the Hades!" Long Tianfeng looked at a man in a black robe behind him, "Wu Xuelong!"

The coming person is the supreme king of the Pluto clan.

This place is extremely secretive, and there are multiple restrictions imposed by the Dao Kings, even the King of Gods can hardly find it here.

But Wu Xuelong appeared.

There is only one possibility.

That's what the Daowang clan let him in.

"That's it, it turns out that you wanted to kill me from the very beginning, God King Molin, so you contacted the Hades clan early in the morning!"

Long Tianfeng suddenly realized.

God King Morin cannot say no, "Long Tianfeng, my Dao King family has hunted so many dragons. Although you acquiesced in order to open the door of Hunyuan, who knows if you will hold a grudge? So the most The safest way is to kill you too!"


The Dao King family killed so many dragons, it is difficult to guarantee that Long Tianfeng enters the gate of Hunyuan, and will not retaliate after gaining power.

Only by killing Long Tianfeng, the God King Molin could feel relieved.

"From the beginning to the end, you are using my dragon clan as a tool to open the door to the Hunyuan, okay, okay!"

Long Tianfeng laughed in anger, and a large amount of dragon energy erupted.

He spared no effort to shoot.

But unfortunately, even with his current strength, facing the two supreme **** kings and the other **** kings, he was not an opponent at all.

Under the fierce battle, he soon got wounded all over his body.

There was a lot of blood flowing out of his body, and what was surprising was that there was an incredibly hot breath in that dragon's blood.

"What kind of breath is this?"

"There is an ancient boundlessness, somewhat similar to the dragon clan, and this breath seems to be eating away at Longtian and several **** kings are greatly surprised.

Obviously, this breath is the injury suffered by Long Tianfeng.

The person who can hurt Long Tianfeng to such a degree, and still has a breath that is difficult to drive away, is extraordinary.

"Could it be... Heavenly Sword!"

God King Mo Lin thought of something, "Long Tianfeng had fought against the Heavenly Sword before he came here, but he didn't expect the Heavenly Sword to hurt him to such a degree. How strong is the Heavenly Sword today?"

He was extremely jealous.

The same goes for Wu Xuelong next to him.

"Heaven Sword has had a grudge with my Hades clan. If he continues to let him grow up, the consequences will be disastrous."

"It's the same with my Dao King clan."

"When we open the door of Hunyuan, we must find a way to eradicate the Heavenly Sword after we have insight into the mystery inside." God King Molin said.

"Now solve Long Tianfeng first."

Several **** kings shot again.

Naturally, Long Tianfeng wouldn't catch it with his hands. He no longer suppressed the injury in his body and let it erupt, but at the same time, the dragon energy used to suppress the injury also burst out, making his strength stronger.

Long Tianfeng shot with all his strength, aiming at a position to break through.

The candle dragon fire wounds on his body broke out, and the whole person was covered by a layer of scarlet flames, looking extremely frightening.

The few **** kings were frightened, not daring to be careless.

And somewhere in the universe.

Madman Chu seemed to have sensed something, and looked into the distance, with a smile on his mouth, "found it."

He locked his direction, and his figure flew out quickly.

In a flash, it has crossed over half of the galaxy.

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