Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : 1 sword cut prohibition, the gate of Hunyuan opens

The injury left by Madman Chu on Long Tianfeng was the fire of a candle dragon, and he could sense where the flame went.

And this is why he didn't chase Long Tianfeng before.

Before he knew about the Hunyuan Gate, he had already guessed about the big deal between the Dragon Clan and the Dao King Clan, so he kept a mindful eye and let Long Tianfeng leave.



Madman Chu appeared in front of a space storm.

Vaguely, he saw the countless restrictions contained in the storm.

"Interesting, there are very few people here. I didn't expect that there are so many restrictions. Isn't this the place where there is no silver three hundred taels?" The corner of Chu Kuangren's mouth was slightly tilted, and he smiled.

"Xiao Ai, analyze how do I get in?"

"There are two methods. One, I can analyze the route through the restriction, but it will take a little time, and second, I can analyze the weakness of the restriction, enter violently..."

Xiao Ai said lightly.

Madman Chu chose the second method almost without hesitation.

It's not that he is afraid of wasting time.

Mainly because he likes violence.

Soon, under Xiao Ai's analysis, the weakness of this restriction has been analyzed, and Madman Chu is also ready.

In an instant, there was no way out of the sheath.

On the pitch black sword, mysterious runes flowed out one by one.

A Pei Ran sword intent permeated out.

The madman of Chu's immortal origin surged, the road soared, his eyes condensed, and the invincible law appeared again, "The witness of the sky, the emperor eternal!"

With one sword cut out, the two strongest physiques of Tianyuan Universe erupted!

The imperialism, the domineering spirit intertwined.

A sword shadow condensed out, engulfing endless Daoist rules, and slashed towards the weak point of the restriction, wherever it went, the stars fell!


Inside the space storm.

The **** kings of the Dao King clan and the Hades clan have already forced Long Tianfeng to death, and several surging auras have locked him in.

"Long Tianfeng, go to hell!"

God King Mo Lin smiled coldly.

The roads converged to form a horrible knife shadow, cutting Long Tianfeng's body in half, and a large amount of dragon blood escaped.

These dragon blood were attracted to the blood pool.

In an instant, the entire Hunyuan Gate was shaken, and endless **** energy poured into it, making the gate filled with celestial glory.


The God King Molin smiled with joy.

And just as the door slowly opened, Long Tianfeng's body that had been cut in half, a **** light swept out and flew towards the door.

"Huh, it's not dead yet!"

God King Mo Lin's face was slightly darkened.

His sword was powerful, but he didn't completely wipe out Long Tianfeng's Dao, which allowed the opponent to take advantage of it.

But he didn't care. Several **** kings made another move, and they were about to wipe him out before Long Tianfeng entered the gate of Hunyuan!

But at this moment, the mutation regenerates.

I saw the void in the distance, and a burst of surging energy burst out, and the restrictions set by the Dao Kings in the space storm were torn one by one.

This side of heaven and earth fell into violent turbulence.

The faces of God King Molin, Wu Xuelong and others changed slightly, looking at the place where the energy was most intense, they suddenly saw a sword light.

A sword light that pierced the sky and the earth, containing infinite power!

"This breath is... imperial, domineering?"

"There is only one person in the entire Tianyuan universe who can use these two powers at the same time...Heaven Sword!!"

Everyone's eyes became extremely solemn.

In the void, a figure came suddenly.

White clothes, black sword.

It is Chu Madman.

After breaking the restriction, he stepped in without hindrance, and saw the huge gray door that spanned the world.

"This is the Gate of Hunyuan..."

Madman Chu whispered, let Xiao Ai analyze this door.

But the faces of God King Molin and others became more and more ugly.

"Heaven Sword, it's really you."

"How did you find this place?"

Everyone is puzzled.

This place is very secretive, and there are countless restrictions, even the Supreme God King cannot deduct it without knowing it.

How did the other party find the door?

Still at such a critical moment.

"It seems that you have opened the door. Have you killed Long Tianfeng?" Madman Chu smiled lightly.

He even guessed what everyone was about to start with Long Tianfeng.

The Dao King family killed so many dragons, in order to prevent Long Tianfeng from revenge in the future, the only way is to kill the other side.

He has always been good at seeing people's hearts.

Poor Long Tianfeng, a proper tool dragon.

"Long Tianfeng...I see, you can sense the injuries left on Long Tianfeng." God King Mo Lin suddenly realized.

"Actually, the induction is not very strong, but you seem to be pushing him very tightly, so that he can't even suppress the injury, which makes me feel stronger and come here faster." Chu Madman said.


God King Molin snorted coldly.

The co-authoring was that they attracted the Madman Chu?

At this time, the gate of Hunyuan opened.

An ancient and vast aura permeated out, and it spread to most of the Tianyuan universe almost in an instant.

At this moment, many powerful people in Tianyuan Universe felt something.

"This kind of breath... so ancient."

"My Tao is trembling because of this breath?"

"Go and take a look."

A group of figures flicked across the starry sky.

Among them, there are many gods.

These people straddled countless galaxies and rushed towards the Hunyuan Gate, and the God King Molin, Wu Xuelong also noticed this.

"Damn it! If it hadn't been for the Heavenly Sword to destroy this restriction, it wouldn't have attracted so many people, it would be troublesome now." God King Molin was so angry that he stared at Madman Chu, his eyes bursting with fire.

The God King Molin and others placed a ban here to hide the gate of Hunyuan and prevent others from discovering Now it’s good, the madman of Chu ruined all their calculations with a single sword. , So everyone knows, maybe, their previous efforts have all become wedding dresses for others.

"Heavenly Sword, you are damaging the good deeds of my Dao King clan, I won't let this matter go, I will settle it with you one day!"

God King Molin said with cold eyes.

"God, don't care."

Madman Chu still looked like arrogantly.

Then, God King Molin, Wu Xuelong and the others also ignored the entanglement with the Madman Chu, and swiftly rushed towards the Hunyuan Gate.

Everyone wants to explore the mystery.

Madman Chu didn't stop them either, because he was also interested in this Hunyuan Gate. It would take a lot of energy to have a head-on confrontation with several **** kings here.

"Get in and take a look."

Madman Chu's figure flashed and escaped into it.

And after he entered, many people came around, the first to arrive was the existence of the kings of various forces.

Even the people from the Tianyuan Temple came to join in the fun.

Everyone looked at the Hunyuan Gate and sucked in a breath of cold air, shocked and their pupils trembled slightly.

"This, is this the legendary Hunyuan Gate?!"

"The Heavenly Origin Heart Realm, transformed by the God's Heart of Tianyuan, is in it. It is said that there is the mystery of Hunyuan hidden in it!"

"How could it suddenly appear?"

"Look, there is an army of the Dao King clan, and a lot of dragon blood... This Hunyuan gate was opened with dragon blood."

"I can't manage that much, let's take a look."

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