Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Mo Tianheng's confidence, she is the one who is guaranteed by nature

Within Tianyuan's heart world.

Quartet forces join forces to compete for the stars!

Everyone was amazed. What secret is hidden in this little star of the sky, it turned out to be so hot?

"Tsk tusk, I think I probably know something."

There are well-informed monks who are amazed.

He looked at Tian Xing Cai and said: "I heard that the heavenly star, the saint son of the Tian Xing clan, had made trouble with the emperor clan for this woman. But what is puzzling is that the Tian Xing Ying was just an ordinary Luo at first, but he was making trouble with the emperor's clan. At that time, he became the King of Hedao God."

"In just a few days, from Da Luo to Hedao, this kind of thing is simply unbelievable. Countless people are amazed and want to explore the secrets. As Tian Xing Cai's lover, maybe she will know something. This is why everyone wants to arrest her."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

"So, it's no wonder that so many forces are robbing her."

"Tsk tusk, don't tell me, this day Xing Cai is indeed surprising. I heard that she was arrested by the emperor's emissary before. It has only been a few years, and it has grown to this point."

"Do you think it has something to do with Tianxingying's chance?"

"It's possible."

There was a lot of discussion, many people looked at the sky star, with fiery eyes, as if they saw a major opportunity from the other party.

"This person has the emperor's heavy eyes, and my emperor is bound to win. Whoever dares to grab is an enemy of my emperor!"

A golden armoured man of the emperor clan shouted coldly.

Hearing his words, Mo Tianheng of the Daowang clan couldn't help but sneered, "The emperor clan? Do you think anyone else is afraid of your emperor clan now? This person, my Daowang clan wants it!"

The golden man's face was blue and white.

In fact, the vitality of the emperor clan who had been upset by the star shadow and the madman of Chu was greatly injured, and several **** kings were lost.

It has not recovered yet.

At the same time, this battle also led to a significant reduction in the prestige of the emperor family.

"This person, our army is bound to win!"

God said fiercely indifferently.

"The war-torn family? It's funny. A seed with a hidden head and an exposed tail dared to **** someone from us? You have all been killed by the Heavenly Sword, and you dare to be arrogant here. You should leave quickly."

Fertian Heng said coldly.

"This woman, my Pluto clan must have it!"

The Underworld Envoy said lightly.

There was a treacherous gesture circulating around him.

Hearing his words, Mo Tianheng said: "Although my Dao Kings and the Hades have cooperated to open the door to Hunyuan, this does not mean that you can **** people from me. In the final analysis, the reason why your Hades are able to enter here is It depends on my Dao King clan."

Good guys.

Everyone called the good guy.

With a few words, Mo Tianheng gave all the three forces present one by one, and everyone couldn't help but give a thumbs up when they saw it.

At the same time, I'm very curious about the other side's reliance.


I saw the faces of the three forces of God and Fierce sinking fiercely.

"It's a tiny skyscraper. It doesn't even have a sequence, so you dare to speak up here, don't you want to live anymore?!"

God said with a cold expression.

A long sword in his hand was filled with terrifying resentment.

People from the emperor clan and the Pluto clan have no good faces.

"Although my family of Hades has cooperated with your family of Taoists, I still don't mind killing you here."

The envoy looked at Fertian Heng indifferently.

As he raised his hand, a large amount of black energy condensed into a spear full of tricky runes in his hand, and the tricky and overbearing power escaped.

"Several juniors, do you dare to do it in front of me?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw an old man in a white robe walked out of the void.

The aura permeating his body is amazingly the King of Hedao God!

This Tianyuan Heart Realm contains the mystery of Hunyuan, and the **** kings can't help but be attracted, especially as the Dao kings who first discovered this place, they have the most **** kings, and one of them is right next to Motianheng.

This is also the reason why Skyscraper dare to be so arrogant.

With the support of the **** king, he is not afraid of the envoy of the gods and others at all.

No matter how strong these people are, they are only under the king of gods.

"No wonder."

The Underworld Envoy murmured, his eyebrows frowned.

Although he feels that his strength is very strong, he is almost unmatched among the younger generation, but what he has to face is the God of Hedao.

After all, it is not an opponent.

"It seems that the stars of this sky can only be given to the Dao King clan."

God and fierce are also somewhat helpless.

"Hmph, I told you to leave long ago."

Motianheng said with a light snort.

With the **** king supporting him, he suddenly felt that his waist was very hard, and he was arrogant to these enchanting evildoers.

Everyone hated them in secret, but due to the **** king, it was not easy to make a move.

"Tian Xing Cai, come with us."

Fertian Heng raised his hand and grabbed it towards Tian Xing Cai.

The surging Xian Yuan power turned into a big golden hand, and Tian Xing Cai naturally wouldn't sit and wait for death easily.

Her eyes burst with divine light, and the emperor's double pupil and the mark of the king were activated together, "The emperor's double pupil and heavens!"

boom! !

The breath of horror poured out, bombarding all directions.

However, there was a certain gap between the strength of Tianxingcai and Motianheng. Under the bombardment of the two forces, she was still knocked out.

"No, if this continues, I will definitely be arrested."

"You must find a way."

Tian Xing Cai clenched the sword of stars in her hand.

She sensed that there was a power throbbing in the sword of stars, as if she wanted to urge this precious power to help her.

That is the remnant soul of Sky Star Shadow.

Even if she loses her consciousness, she instinctively wants to protect her.

But Tian Xing Cai couldn't urge the remnant soul inside, she was afraid that doing so would make the remnant soul inside disappear completely.

"Star Broken Sky Slash!"

Tian Xing Cai held the sword of stars and cut out Although the remnant soul inside could not be used, this sword of stars was still a top-notch treasure.

With one sword cut out, the vast stars screamed with sword aura.

Fertianheng was repelled by dozens of feet.

"not bad!"

"Old Li, catch her!"

Motianheng said loudly.

The old Li in his mouth is the **** king of the Dao king clan.

God king shot, mighty and mighty.

Tian Xing Cai couldn't compete with her at all, but just when she was about to be captured, a sword energy came out from a distance.

Accompanied by a horrible howl, that old Li was shot flying with a sword!

far away.

A figure walked slowly.

White clothes, black sword.

The light of the Tao is permeated, and it is amazing.

"It's Heavenly Sword!"

Everyone recognized the person at first sight.

And that old Li looked solemn, "Why, Heavenly Sword, do you want to intervene here too?"

Madman Chu pointed to Tian Xing Cai, and said lightly: "She is the one who is guaranteed by the sky. If the sky does not allow it, no one can move."

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other.

"Wait, I remember that Tian Xing Cai and Tian Xing Ying were on Emperor Star before, were they taken away by Heavenly Sword?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Could it be that the sky star has changed so much because of the sky sword?!"

"The emperor's double pupil, and the mark of the king, aren't these all Emperor Qianqiu's? I remember that Emperor Qianqiu died on the battlefield of the void and his body was taken by the Heavenly Sword."

"Heaven Sword gave her these two things, what is the relationship between the two?"

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