Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Behead the Dao King 1 Clan God King, search for the soul and the evil spirit

"Heaven Sword!"

Tian Xingcai finally let go of her hanging heart after seeing Madman Chu arrive.

The others looked at Madman Chu with solemn expressions in their eyes, even Lao Li, who was a **** king.

After all, the record of the Heavenly Sword was really terrifying, and it had already spread throughout the Tianyuan Universe.

"Heavenly Sword, Tianxingcai is the one you want to protect. Then I take the liberty to ask, is it your handwriting?"

Old Li asked.

In the past, Tian Xing Ying had a lot of doubts, not to mention, the fact that the other party went from a big Luo to a Hedao felt incredible.

The most important thing is that the Heavenly Sword also appeared in the Emperor Guxing.

Some people suspect that Tianxingying has something to do with him.

Even the Tian Xing Ying's uproar against the Emperor Gu Xing was probably planned by him alone.

This is very shocking, everyone is guessing, what exactly is the specific strength of the Heavenly Sword?

"You have asked too much, my god, there is no need to answer you."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Well, since you want to keep the star color, then I will give you a face." Li Lao said.

He knew very well that he was not an opponent of Madman Chu at all.

The supreme **** king was killed, let alone him?

His first reaction was to leave.

It's just that, suddenly, there are sword auras all around, forming a cage of heaven in an instant!

A powerful banning force trapped Mr. Li.

"Heaven Sword, what do you want to do?"

"Do you think that people who hurt the sky can just forget it?"

"Heaven Sword, don't mess around, do you want to fight against my Dao King clan?"

"Can't it?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

After following the emperor's clan, he has been thinking about which force is better to deal with next.

Now he has a goal.

Dao King Clan!

The other party not only hunted down countless dragon races, but also had grievances with him, which happened to be a hit.

Moreover, a **** king is also a threat to Pangu Universe, and it is just right to be able to kill it.

Thinking of this, Madman Chu had no more hands.

Between raising his hands, there was no way out of the sheath, as witnessed by the sky, the emperor eternally cut out suddenly.

With just one sword, this old Li was cut into blood mist and exploded.

In the void, there are countless Taoist attempts to condense.

That is the way of Old Li.

But Madman Chu's eyes were cold, and Dao Ze's power urged him to wipe out the opponent's Dao abruptly.

A **** king, fell!

This scene completely shocked everyone on the scene.

This is a **** king!

Kill if you say it!

This is too presumptuous, right? !

"Heaven Sword, it's really overbearing."

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional.

Among the crowd, Motianheng, Pluto Envoy and others had already secretly left.

However, the two people wanted to leave, but they were locked down by Madman Chu.

Just a thought, the two of them were locked in place by Jian Qi.

"Heaven Sword, what are you going to do?"

Shen Xiu said with some horror.

"Nothing, as long as you need your memory to use it."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

What do you mean?

Before the two of God and the murderer could react, a big hand had already landed on their heads.

Suddenly, they felt as if their entire heads had exploded, with a hand reaching into their souls and stirring them continuously, making them unhappy.

"Heaven Sword, you..."

God is fierce and painful, and urges grievances to resist.

But his power was too small in front of Madman Chu, and after a while, the whole person became an idiot and lost consciousness.

And his memory was also fully controlled by the Chu Madman.

"So that's it..."

Through the memory of both the gods and the fierce, he did learn some information about the war and disaster clan.

One of the most critical points is the station of the army disaster family.

Although the star where the military disaster clan is located is a fortress of war, floating in the universe, in fact, there are certain rules to follow.

But this rule is only known to the high-level leaders of the military disaster clan.

Shenxue, as the second-ranked existence among the Four Swords, he is also one of the people who knows this law.

"The army of soldiers... I found you."

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, and he planned to go to this soldier and calamity clan to settle the matter of the Ten Thousand Sword Tribulation after the matter was over.

Of course, the more important thing is to get the war fortress of the military disaster clan.

"Thank you Tianjian for helping out again."

Tian Xing Cai said to the madman Chu.

"It's okay, it's your growth that surprised Tian."

Madman Chu glanced at each other.

It took only a few years to refine the emperor's double pupil and the mark of the king. This ability is not bad.

"The Heavenly Sword is absurdly praised."

Tian Xing Cai smiled faintly.

"Walk with the sky."

"But disrespectful."

Madman Chu didn't mean anything to Tianxingcai, but the other party was someone he cultivated, so he took care of it more.

Besides, the other party is already well-known.


"Damn Heavenly Sword, here comes the good deeds of my Dao King clan again!"

Somewhere in Tianyuan's heart world, the flying Fertian Heng stopped, and after seeing Madman Chu not catching up, he breathed a sigh of relief.

His face is very ugly.

When in the Dragon Clan, the Madman Chu broke the plan of the Dao King clan.

Now in the Tianyuan Heart Realm, he has killed another **** king of his Dao King clan. Is the opponent determined to fight with his Dao King clan?

"Damn it, I originally wanted to take away the mark of the king in the sky star color, but I didn't expect the sky sword to thrust it horizontally."

Mo Tianheng took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

He glanced at the weird Tianyuan Heart Realm in front of him, "No matter, let's continue exploring here, maybe we can find some chance."

Suddenly, Motianheng saw a figure not far away. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

But it is the goddess Yu.

His eyes lit up, thinking that the other party also had the mark of the king, so he walked up and said hello to the other party, "Goddess, don't be unharmed."

"Oh, it's you."

Tiannv You looked calm, but there was a sense of estrangement in her eyes.

As early as at the Dragon Clan's birthday banquet, she already knew that the person in front of her was unhappy with her, but now that she encountered it, she felt a little displeased.

"Goddess, Heavenly Origin's heart world is weird and crisis-ridden here, why don't you go together with me?"

"I understand Dao's friendly intentions, but I'll explore it by myself."

"Why is the goddess goddess so rejecting people thousands of miles away, how about giving me a chance to perform?"

Fertian Heng said with affection.

The heavenly girl frowned slightly.

She has no choice but to fight the opponent, even if she can win in the end, it will cost a lot of money if she starts a fight.

At that time, in this treacherous wave of Tianyuan Heart Realm, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Helpless, she had to agree temporarily, planning to find an opportunity to dump the other party again.


Tianyuan Heart Circle, somewhere.

A figure is exploring opportunities everywhere.

This person is the second-order Xuan Yuanfeng of the temple!

Suddenly, he found a colorful fruit tree, which contained a strong wave of Taoism!

"This is the Tianyuan divine object, the colorful Hedao tree!"

Xuan Yuanfeng's eyes lit up and he was extremely excited, "It's great, with this He Dao tree, I will definitely be able to break through the He Dao God King!"

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