Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Can be used, cannot be reused, a real partner

"What qualifications do you have to cooperate with Tian?"

Madman Chu glanced at Luo Yunxiu.

And the other party seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and saw him standing with his hands behind him, with an ancient rune mark flowing out on his forehead.

That is the Mark of the Nine Kings!

"Just because I am one of the nine kings!"

Luo Yunxiu said lightly.


Madman Chu glanced at each other, "What do you want to do?"

"In a while, it will be the King of Thieves Trading Conference. At that time, all the robbers in the Tianyuan Universe will gather together to take out the treasures they have stolen and conduct transactions."

"Shenluo Pirates will also participate, and as the strongest thief in Tianyuan Universe, Shenluo Pirates has always been the host of the trade conference. I hope that the Heavenly Sword can kill him in front of everyone at that time, and then Let me repel you again!"

"At that time, I could not only establish supreme prestige among the thieves of the Shenluo, but also take over the thieves of the Shenluo logically in front of the robbers of the entire universe." Luo Yunxiu said slowly.

Madman Chu couldn't help but chuckle, "Co-author, you just use the sky as your superior tool, right?!"

"Don't dare, it's just a transaction, and after I take charge of the Shenluo Pirates, it will definitely be used by the Heavenly Sword. This is a win-win situation."

"Interesting, go down and prepare."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Ha, that's a happy cooperation."

There was a touch of joy in Luo Yunxiu's eyes.

He turned and left.

There was a touch of coldness in his eyes.

Heavenly sword, heavenly sword, you are just a **** in my hand. When I take control of the Shenluo Pirates and have this power in my hand, I will fight with you again. In time, when I grow up, why should I be afraid of you?

Heavenly Sword...

You are indeed in full swing now.

But I, Luo Yunxiu, will one day be above you!

Luo Yunxiu thought to himself inwardly.

"Heaven Sword, do you really want to cooperate with Luo Yunxiu?"

The goddess You's eyebrows frowned slightly beside Chu Kuangren.

In her view, the other party is not worthy of cooperation.

"When did God say to cooperate with him?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "Heaven just told him to go down and prepare. From beginning to end, he never said to cooperate with him."

"Tian Nv You, remember, never believe the words of a traitor. He can betray and cultivate his adoptive father today in order to control the Shenluo Pirates, and he can also betray the heavens for other interests in the future."

"This person can be used, but not reused."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, the goddess You thought thoughtfully, "Heaven Sword wants to use him to control the Shenluo Pirate first, and then find a chance to kill him?"

"Yes, but if God wants to cooperate, there is someone else."


"Second brother, it will be a trading meeting in a while. I, Shenluo Pirates just won the battle. This meeting must be done beautifully. It just so happens that Heavenly Sword is also here. Invite him to join him."

Inside the battleship, Shenluo said lightly.

Beside, He Lou Liangyi nodded, "I see."

Then, his face was a little hesitant, as if he wanted to say something. Shenluo saw him and said, "Second brother, you have been with me for many years. If you have anything you can't worry about, just say it."

He Lou Liangyi said: "Brother, the young master has been acting frequently recently. I suspect that he is preparing something secretly."

"Yun Xiu..." Shenluo's eyes flashed, and there was a complex color in his eyes. "Back then, my third brother died to save me. I took his son as a righteous son and always regarded him as my own son. But all these years I But I feel that I have gone further and further away from Yun Xiu."

"The young master has great ambitions, brother, I know you might be unhappy if I say this, but he has to guard against it."

He Lou Liangyi gritted his teeth and said.

"Oh, I see."

Shenluo the thief sighed, "After all, Yun Xiu was raised by me. Even if we are robbers, even the beasts know that we can't give up easily. He will not do too much."


He Lou Liangyi said, but he was still a little worried.

The two discussed the business meeting.

After the separation, a person suddenly walked out in front of Helou and Liangyi. It was Tiannvyou. He was a little surprised and stepped forward to salute respectfully.

The other party was not only the person next to Chu Kuangren, but also the god-given goddess, one of the nine kings, no matter which identity he could not ignore.

"I wonder if there is anything wrong with the goddess?"

"Heavenly Sword asked me to give you this thing."

Tiannv You took out a spar.

He Lou Liangyi looked at the spar in his hand and was a little surprised, "This is a phonograph stone, how could Heavenly Sword give me this?"

He Xianyuan revolves and is injected into it.

Soon, there was a voice from inside, "Heaven Sword, you and I cooperate, you help me kill my foster father..."

This is Luo Yunxiu's voice!

He Lou Liangyi listened to the content on the phonograph stone, his face was gloomy, and his hands were shaking slightly because of his anger.

"This animal is inferior to it!"

"Things have already arrived, so I will leave first."

Tiannv You said, turning and leaving.

"and many more."

"What's the matter?"

"For me, thank you Tianjian!"

He Lou Liangyi said solemnly.

"Seize the opportunity."

Tiannvyou said.

"I know what to do." He Lou Liangyi looked at the phonograph in his hand, with a touch of determination in his eyes, "Brother, you can't bear the notoriety of murder, then let me do it for you!"


The trading conference was held in full swing.

The venue of this conference is just above an ancient star in the Fengluo Galaxy, which was originally sparsely populated.

But it became lively because of this trading conference. UU reading

In the universe, robbers from all walks of life gathered, and there were even some other monks in addition to robbers. Everyone wanted to come here to try their luck and see if they could find something useful to them.

"My God, don't you think this scene is interesting?"

Madman Chu looked at the increasingly prosperous ancient star underneath, and said lightly: "What the robbers looted can be traded peacefully with each other here. This scene is simply the epitome of the universe."

Many rules have been born in this cold and dark universe.

But there is one, but it is always implemented.

That is the weak and the strong!

These robbers burned, killed and looted in places where they deceived, and survived by bullying people who were weaker than themselves.

But at this trading conference, they have curtailed their murderousness, one by one, they are kind, and take out the looted things to trade.


Because Shenluo Pirates are stronger than them, they bully the weak but are controlled by the stronger, and abide by the rules set by the stronger.

This is almost the case in the entire universe.

"If Heavenly Sword controls the universe, what would you do?"

Tiannv You asked curiously.

"Oh, what can you do? Tiannvyou, Tian, ​​can dominate the universe, but there is no means to dominate the human heart. The inherent evil in human nature cannot even be changed by the sky."

The goddess is thoughtful.

She found that she had learned many things following the sky sword.

The more she invented the white, the power of the Heavenly Sword is not only due to his strength, but also his ability to perceive people's hearts and the way he sees the world is also worth learning by himself.

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