Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Devil's egg, the 1st clan **** king of war disasters, multiple unions appear

Above the trading stars.

Robbers from all walks of life gathered a star, and various treasures were being taken out, including immortal gold, **** pill, and even original creation.

There are so many different kinds.

It's dazzling.

And Shenluo's people are maintaining order.

Madman Chu and Tiannvyou came to this ancient star and walked here for a few days, just like sightseeing.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the super **** level to reward the devil egg."

Madman Chu paused in his footsteps.

"What's the matter, Heavenly Sword? Have you seen anything interesting?" The goddess Yu asked curiously.

"It's very interesting."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, in a good mood.

Tiannv You was behind him, a little curious, but Madman Chu didn't say much, and continued to move forward.

However, his mind was placed on the newly drawn super god-level reward devil egg, and he looked at it curiously.

This is a purple-black, human-head-sized egg with countless strange patterns engraved on it, which is inexplicably attractive.

Ordinary monks, if they look at them more, it seems that even their souls will be sucked in by the creepy patterns.

Devil's egg, the devil here does not refer to the devil in the Western mythology of the Madman Chu in his previous life.

This refers to an ancient existence in the heavens and worlds.

This kind of demon specializes in absorbing all kinds of resentment and evil thoughts in the universe for a living. The more resentment and evil thoughts it absorbs, the stronger it is.

This reminded Madman Chu of Desire Flower.

The other party exists and becomes stronger by absorbing the desires of the human heart, which is similar to the devil's egg.

"This devil's egg can be listed as a super god-level reward, proving that this thing has the potential to grow to Hunyuan at its worst."


"I would like to see what this hatched demon will be." Madman Chu thought with interest.

It takes a lot of evil thoughts to incubate the Devil's Egg, which reminds him of the army of disasters.

This peculiar race is a powerful race that relies on absorbing the grievances of various weapons.

Then, there should be a lot of grievances stored in this race.

"It seems that there is one more reason to deal with the military disaster."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

After a few laps on the trading star, he and Tiannvyou didn't find anything suitable for them.

"Heavenly Sword, Shenluo Pirates invited us to the core trading area, where transactions have already begun." Tiannvyou said.

The core trading area is the place where the most powerful robbers gather and trade in the universe, and it is also the most precious place for trading treasures.

There will even be a lot of strong people going there to have a look.

"It looks like a good show is about to kick off."

Madman Chu had some expectations.


Core trading area.

Thieves from all walks of life gathered in one hall.

"Haha, Shenluo Pirates, you've become so majestic recently, and even the Dao King clan have been defeated by you!"

"Awesome, I've seen the Dao Kings a long time ago. They obviously started as robbers just like us, but now they look high and pretentious towards us."

"Yes, they have suffered such a big loss this time, which is really relieved, but they have lost a lot this time. If they want to replenish their vitality, they will inevitably find someone else to start."

The crowd expressed their admiration for Shenluo Pirates.

But some people expressed concern.

The Dao Kings made their fortunes by robbers, and now they have lost so much vitality, they are afraid they will replenish their vitality through robbers.

After hearing this, Shenluo said solemnly: "I'm not hiding it from you, this trade conference, I also want to talk about this issue. The Dao Kings have oppressed us for a long time. I intend to take this opportunity to gather everyone's strength."

When everyone heard the words, their eyes flashed.

Hearing the meaning of this, Shenluo Pirates wanted to gather the power of all the robbers, and then truly fight against the Dao King clan.

"Shenluo Pirates can defeat even the Dao King clan. In my opinion, you will be our leader and you will be able to contend with the Dao King clan."

Said a thief who had a good personal education with Shinra.

"Actually, it all relies on the help of the Heavenly Sword. Without him, I would have finished it early." Shenluo Pirates knows himself and said with a smile.

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes showed curiosity.

"We have heard about the prestige of Tianjian, but we have never seen it. I wonder if we can see its style today?"

"Yeah, I'm also very curious."

Shenluo Qiang smiled and said: "I have invited Heavenly Sword to come."

"Heaven Sword is here."

At this time, someone exclaimed at the door.

Madman Chu slowly walked in with the goddess.

In this hall, people from all walks of life looked at him one after another, with curiosity, dignity, and fear in their eyes.

Kuang Chu turned a blind eye to him. For him, this kind of noticeable feeling has long been used to it.

But among the crowd, Luo Yunxiu's eyes were full of envy and jealousy. How much he hopes that one day he can be watched and awed by countless people like this.

"Quickly, as long as the plan is completed, from now on, I will be the new Shenluo thief, and everyone will rely on my breath."

Luo Yunxiu had expectation in his eyes.

"Haha, Heavenly Sword, you are here."

After seeing the Heavenly Sword, Shenluo Pirate greeted him.


Madman Chu exchanged greetings with Shenluo Pirates.

Not far away, Luo Yun repaired his eyebrows and frowned, "Why doesn't the Heavenly Sword use it yet, what else is he waiting for?"

Suddenly, he showed a sense of sorrow, "It seems that he wants to wait until the end of this trading meeting before making a move."

It's okay, the result is the same anyway.

"Heaven Sword, the strength of these people is not bad."

Tian Nu You glanced at everyone in the hall and said.

Here, she noticed many powerful breaths, and there were a few breaths that she could not see through.

"There are indeed many interesting people here."

Madman Chu said lightly, UU reading these people are not robbers, but unknown strong men attracted by the trade fair here.

Among them, two of them made him quite concerned.

One of them was an old man in a black robe. He stood in the corner without saying a word, his breath was well hidden.

But Madman Chu still felt that the other party was a little familiar.

After analyzing it with Xiao Ai, he found that the opponent was a monk from the war disaster clan, and his cultivation level was so high that he had reached the realm of the **** king.

The God King of the Clan Calamity...

Madman Chu showed a hint of playfulness and seemed to be calculating something.

Except this person.

There was another person, who was shrouded in Xianhui, unable to distinguish between men and women, but there was a condensed and unspoiled ancient breath all over his body, giving people a feeling of the beginning of ancient times.

As far as this breath is concerned, the other party is definitely not simple.

Even Xiao Ai spent some time analyzing each other.

"Master, the breath on this person is extremely long, but Shouyuan is very abundant, and the body contains two kinds of auras, one of which is at least the realm of the Supreme God King, the other is in a certain state of sleep, and is still gradually Recovering..."

Xiao Ai's analysis surprised Chu Madren.

The breath of two Taos...

In other words, the opponent is in the realm of multi-combination!

This was the first time he encountered this kind of existence in the Tianyuan Universe, as well as the ancient aura and the gradual recovery of Tao...

Is it some ancient **** king who just awakened from his deep sleep?

The madman of Chu was very interested.

A trade fair seems to attract many interesting people.

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