Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Take out the demon egg trade, Titan 1 family, soul orb

The trade will continue.

Everyone also took out their treasures one after another.

Anyone who is interested can come forward to discuss the transaction. Madman Chu glanced at the treasures and didn't have much interest.

It's just that Madman Chu glanced at the divine king of the military calamity clan, showing a hint of thought, and then took out a purple-black egg.

It is the egg of the devil.

This devil's egg was engraved with countless weird patterns. The moment it appeared, the temperature of the entire hall seemed to drop a lot.

When everyone looked at this thing, their eyes couldn't help but condensed.

"What is this thing? It looks extraordinary."

"Heaven Sword took out this thing, is it to trade?"


After seeing the devil's egg, the **** king of the military disaster clan couldn't help but shrink his pupils. The resentment in his body was involuntarily agitated after the devil's egg appeared.

What the **** is this?

The **** king of the army disaster clan felt extremely surprised.

He has a feeling that this thing will have an extraordinary impact on the military disaster clan, and if it can be mastered, it will have a huge effect.

"Heaven Sword, what is this thing?"

Everyone looked at the devil egg and couldn't help being curious.

They don't have grievances hidden in their bodies like the army disaster clan, they just think this devil egg is rather weird.

Even the mysterious multi-combination powerhouse took a look.

"The name of this object calls the Devil Egg, which can absorb the grievances of heaven and earth, but what can eventually be hatched is unknown. This object is useless to the sky, so it is traded."

Madman Chu said lightly, and he glanced at the **** king of the military calamity clan, and the other party really showed a heartbeat.

"I don't know what can be hatched? If an ordinary resentful spirit is hatched, it won't work."

"Yes, but since the Heavenly Sword took it out, even if it's a stone, it has to be traded. It can't save his face."

Everyone thought to himself.

At this time, a big Luo Jinxian took out the elixir, "Heaven Sword, I have a Nine Ranked Golden Pill here. Those who use it can refine the immortal essence and improve the cultivation base. I wonder if I can trade this devil egg with you?"

"Haha, Heavenly Sword, I have a piece of immortal gold here, which can forge a Hedao treasure that is not weaker than the innate source treasure."

"I have a top-notch meditation practice book here..."

Everyone took out their treasures to trade with Madman Chu.

In fact, they didn't know whether the Devil Egg was useful to them, they just wanted to take this opportunity to build friendship with Madman Chu.

After all, the current Madman Chu is in the sky in the Tianyuan Universe.

There is absolutely no harm in befriending him.

Madman Chu looked at the things that everyone took out, his expression was unmoved, and he didn't like these treasures.


These treasures can't be worthy of the devil egg.

Of course, these people don't know the value of the Devil Egg.

"I have a combinator here, exchange it with you."

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

It was the cultivator who came out of the multitude. The other party also couldn't see the mystery of the Devil Egg, but he had some interest.

He took out a sword.

If there is Tao on the sword, it will appear as a synthesizer.

But Madman Chu took a look, then looked away, and said, "Heaven is not short of a good sword, this thing is not enough to exchange devil eggs."

"Oh, Heavenly Sword, you don't know what the so-called Demon Egg does. It's good luck for you to exchange it with you for a combinator. I hope you will accept it as soon as you see it."

This multiple harmony said lightly.

Everyone took a deep breath, good fellow, this person actually dared to talk to Tianjian in this tone, didn't he want to live anymore?

However, the ancient aura in the person before him was too strong, making everyone jealous, and everyone didn't say much.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"Oh, most people in the world are fools, short-sighted, and jump to conclusions about things they can't see through, God, forgive you once."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"You mean, I'm stupid?"

"God, appreciate people who know themselves."

The multiple gazes condensed, and the breath on his body couldn't help but escape, and the terrifying coercion instantly enveloped the entire hall.

"Heaven Sword, really as arrogant as in the legend!"

Waves of coercion rolled towards Madman Chu.

As the multiple co-daos showed their power, everyone also roughly judged the cultivation level of the person in front of them, and they were shocked.

"So strong, at least in the realm of the Supreme God King!"

"Wait, this kind of breath... is from the Titans!"

Some people were shocked when they saw the origin of the other party.

The Titans are one of the ancient royal families of the Tianyuan Universe, and their background is no less than that of the Dao Kings and the Hades.

The most important thing is that in ancient legends, this race can be traced back to the beginning of the opening of the universe.

For example, the **** of creation was the first Titan.

"No, how could the **** king of the Titans appear here, and among the several **** kings of the Titans, there is no such aura. There is a new **** king in the Titans?"

"It's kind of weird."

"I suddenly remembered an ancient legend. It is said that there are some ancient kings sleeping in this universe, he will not be one of them."

Everyone talked a lot, and some people made bold guesses.

But Madman Chu did not retreat in the face of coercion.

"The Titans...heh, even the original Titans, the **** of creation is inferior, let alone you!"

The words fell, and the sword pressure spread out.

The two breaths collided in the void, and the entire hall was shaken. The monks in the hall couldn't help sweating and feeling pressure after sensing the pressure.

"Two, please calm down your anger."

At this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. As the host of the trade fair, com Shen Luo Pirate stepped forward to complete the game, and he was a little cautious.

Whether it's the Heavenly Sword or the ancient existence of the Titans, he can't afford to bother them.

"Oh, give the owner here a face."

The ancient Titan has reduced its power, in fact, it is not how much the face of Shenluo Pirates.

It was that he had just awakened from his deep sleep, and the power of multiple harmony could not be fully utilized.

At this time, he felt that it would be better not to start a war with Madman Chu rashly, otherwise it would take longer for him to recover to the peak.

"A wise move."

Madman Chu said indifferently, to be honest, he was also curious if he could confront each other in multiple ways.

He estimated it, and felt that the problem shouldn't be big.

"Heaven Sword, you devil egg, I want it."

At this time, the **** king of the army disaster clan stepped forward and took out a bronze box. After opening it, he placed a purple orb inside.

The orb exudes fairy brilliance, and there are more mysterious runes circulating.

Everyone looked at the orb, and their hearts moved.

"Could this be a thing of soul origin, soul orb!"

Someone was surprised.

Soul Orb, this is a creature of good fortune born from the origin of the soul, if it can be refined, it can enhance the power of the soul.

There are eight realms of soul, ordinary, fairy soul, true god, golden soul, emptiness, freedom, chaos, and detachment.

It is said that if the soul of the Taixu realm refines this thing, the soul realm can be directly elevated to the realm of freedom.

Even if it is used freely, there can be a considerable increase.


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