Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Assassination, Shenluo died? what happened

"Soul Lingzhu is indeed a good treasure."

Madman Chu glanced at the treasure brought out by the Divine King of the Bing Disaster Clan and said lightly, then he threw out the devil egg in his hand.

"It's yours!"

"Ha, thank you Heavenly Sword." The **** king of the soldiers calamity clan smiled, looking at the devil egg, his eyes showed excitement.

He has a hunch that this thing is of great significance to the army disaster family.

Others can't see the mystery of this devil egg, but he can more or less perceive the grievances in his body.

The power contained in this devil egg is shocking, it is definitely a rare and peerless treasure.

Once hatched, the war-torn clan will surely rise!

This is also the reason why he is willing to trade the soul orb out, the value of this item is more precious than the synthesizer that the ancient existence of Titans took out.

It's just that everything is worth it to get this devil egg.

Heavenly Sword...

You have killed the four fierce swords of our army and disaster clan one after another, as well as the **** king, waiting for the devil egg to hatch, you wait to regret it!

The **** king of the army disaster clan thought secretly.

But he tried his best to hide his breath and not be discovered.

As everyone knows, the little expressions and movements on his face were all caught in the eyes of Madman Chu, with a playful smile on his face.

"The war-torn clan...heh, have a lot of fun."

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.

The trade will continue.

Everyone took out a variety of treasure transactions.

"Why don't you do it yet?"

At this time, Luo Yunxiu walked in front of Madman Chu and said through the voice.

Madman Chu's expression was indifferent, but he said indifferently, "Do you want to kill your foster father that way? He raised you up."

"Heaven Sword, are you preaching to me now?"

Luo Yunxiu said with an icy expression.

He was a little disturbed inside.

Madman Chu will not regret it, right?

"Heh, don't worry, the play arranged by the sky is about to be staged."

Madman Chu saw the other's anxiety and said lightly.

Shortly after.

The trade fair has reached its final juncture.

at this time.

I saw several big Luo Jinxian wearing black clothes suddenly violent.

They looted towards Shenluo.

This scene stunned many people.

"what happened?"

"There are assassins!"

Among the crowd, Luo Yunxiu also had some doubts.

This is what Tianjian said? Use Daluo Jinxian to assassinate Shenluo Pirates? Stop teasing, the other party is a **** king!

Surprisingly, the Shenluo Pirates actually fell into a disadvantage after fighting against these Daluo Jinxians.

Shenluo's breath, for some reason, was incredibly sluggish.

"I was poisoned? When?"

Shenluo Thief's face changed, Luo Yunxiu's eyes lit up, Shenluo Thief was poisoned, can't the God King's strength be shown?

He glanced at Madman Chu.

I saw that the old **** of the other party was standing there, and he didn't intend to save God Luo Pi. It seemed that the other party had arranged it.

"Heaven Sword doesn't want to personally do it, do it?"

"Hmph, I really cherish my reputation."

Luo Yunxiu snorted coldly.

He was a little disappointed.

Originally, in his expectation, it was the Heavenly Sword that killed the Shenluo Pirate, and then he took the initiative to unite with everyone to force the Heavenly Sword back.

In this way, his prestige will definitely be greatly enhanced.

Now, I can only deal with these few big Luo Jinxians who didn't know where they came from, although the result would be the same.

But the effect is worse.

How can these big Luo Jinxian compare with Heavenly Sword?

Forget it, time does not wait for me.

Luo Yunxiu looked at the Shenluo Pirate, and saw that the other party was already retreating steadily under the cooperation of several big Luo Jinxians.

The strength of a **** king can't be used at all.

After a while.

Shinra Thief was stabbed in the chest with a sword, and the power of Dao Ze in his body seemed to be blocked by some kind of power, unable to repair his body.

In the end, Shenluo thief thumped and fell in front of everyone.

This scene shocked countless people, the famous Shenluo Pirate, just died in front of everyone?

This is too bizarre.

"Foster father!"

At this time, Luo Yunxiu felt that his opportunity had come.

He roared and rushed up, his eyes were red, and he was full of anger, "I want you to pay for my foster father!"

He shot and killed the men in black.

The extremely tyrannical Daluo Yi burst out, reaching the ultimate level of Daluo, even though he was almost the same as the God King.

This scene surprised everyone.

"What, Young Master actually has such strength?!"

"So strong."

Luo Yunxiu shot, his breath boiled.

Da Luo Yi is grandiose and domineering, with one punch and one kick.

Any arbitrary move has the power to smash the void.

When those big Luo Jinxians saw this situation, they looked at each other.

"Shenluo Pirate is dead, leave!"


These people retreated quickly.

Luo Yunxiu thought for a while, but did not continue to chase.

In his opinion, since these were sent by the Heavenly Sword, if he pursued it, I was afraid that it would cause the Heavenly Sword to be unhappy.

Yes it is.

Although he hated Madman Chu in his heart.

But there is also a fear in his heart, before he has fully grown up, he dare not easily offend Madman Chu.

He walked to the front of Shenluo Pirate and carefully sensed the situation in the opponent's body. The opponent's way was silent.

It looks like it has indeed fallen.

He felt a little sad.

After all, he was a foster father who raised himself so much.

But this sentimentality only lasted for a moment, and then, infinite ambition poured out in his heart, and the position of Shenluo Pirate was his!

"Foster father! I swear, I will find the murderer and avenge you!" Luo Yunxiu cried bitterly, lying on Shenluo's body.

At this time, several thieves came out.

"Young Master, these people must have been sent by the Dao King clan to retaliate against Big Brother. Now that Big Brother is dead, Shen Luo Pirates must not be headless for a day. Please take the position of Big Brother and lead us!"

"Yes, UU reading asks the young master to rise to the top and lead us."

"A group of dragons can't be without a leader."

Some thieves said one after another.

These people seem to have agreed long ago.


There was a hint of hesitation on Luo Yunxiu's face, but then he showed a firm look on his face, "Since you are so supportive, then Luo Yunxiu will do my part. From now on, I must..."

"It's not your turn to do this position."

Luo Yunxiu didn't finish speaking, when a cold voice came from outside.

I saw Helou and Liangyi walking in with a group of people, looking at Luo Yunxiu, with a cold expression on his face: "Take him down!"

"Uncle Helou, what are you doing?"

Luo Yunxiu's face changed slightly.

The others were also very surprised.

"Helou Liangyi, what are you doing!"

"Yes, how can you be so rude to the young master!"

The people who had spoken out in support of Luo Yunxiu also stopped Helou and Liangyi, but the other side looked at these people indifferently, "Take them all to me too!"

All of a sudden, everyone was put on their necks by various weapons.

Luo Yunxiu looked calm and said, "Uncle Helou, the foster father just died, are you eager to take the seat?"

"Who told you that I was dead?"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

Behind everyone, the Shenluo thief who had been lying on the ground slowly stood up. This scene dazzled everyone.

Especially Luo Yunxiu's pupils were shaken sharply, he looked at Madman Chu abruptly, "Heaven Sword, what's going on?!"

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