Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Luo Yunxiu and Yuan Teng, hatching devil eggs

The matter of Shenluo's robbery came to an end temporarily, and Madman Chu didn't stay long. Next, he had to go to another place.

And on the other side.

After escaping, Luo Yunxiu came to an ancient star, he let out a long sigh of relief, and then the hatred burst into his eyes.

"Heaven Sword, it's all because of you!"

"This hatred, I won't let it go easily!"

at this time.

A figure walked out of the void, came to him, and said faintly: "You are too far behind if you want to avenge the Heavenly Sword."

The person who came was the **** king of the army and calamity clan.

Luo Yunxiu recognized the other party. It was he who blocked the Shen Luo Pirate just now, which gave him a chance to escape, and the other party was a God King.

"Follow me back to the military disaster clan."

Said the God King of the army disaster clan.

This is also the main reason why he rescued Luo Yunxiu.

As one of the Nine Kings, Luo Yunxiu himself has great training value, which is very helpful to the future of the soldiers and disasters.


Luo Yunxiu hesitated.

The military calamity clan’s methods are tricky. Hearing that he specializes in absorbing all kinds of grievances to strengthen himself is very evil.

Is it really okay to follow each other back by yourself?

Wouldn't it become some kind of inhumane monster?

"He won't go back with you."

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a muscular man covered with golden light coming from not far away, and a powerful aura permeated.

It turned out that the **** kings of the army calamity clan were a little afraid.

"who are you?"

"The Titans, Yuanteng! I want this person."

Yuan Teng pointed to Luo Yunxiu and said lightly.

After hearing the words, the **** king of the military disaster clan pondered for a while, and then smiled lightly: "Since you are interested, let it go to you."

After speaking, he turned and left.

The opponent's cultivation base is very strong, and he can easily escape from the hands of the Heavenly Sword, showing his strength, he is definitely not his opponent.

He still has something like the Devil Egg in his hand, he must take it back as soon as possible, and he can't make any mistakes here.

"Really interesting."

Yuan Teng looked at the far away God King of the Disaster Clan and said lightly.

Luo Yunxiu secretly exclaimed.

This person in front of him can make a **** king not dare to be an enemy.

How strong is it?

The Titans, one of the oldest royal families...

Luo Yunxiu's thoughts flowed.

"Boy, come back to the Titans with me. From now on, you will be the proud son of my Titans. We will try our best to cultivate you. With your talent, you may not be able to compete with the Heavenly Sword."

Yuan Teng said lightly.

In fact, he knew in his heart that with Luo Yunxiu's aptitude and strength, he wanted to catch up with Madman Chu, but he was afraid that there was no hope in his life.

It's just that the opponent is one of the nine kings at any rate, and it's worth training.

"Thank you seniors for nurturing."

Luo Yunxiu will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

There was ambition in his eyes.

What is Shenluo stealing?

The Titans are three points stronger than the Dao Kings. As long as you join them, you can control the entire Titans over time. Can a mere Shenluo thief still be put in his eyes?

Thinking of this, Luo Yunxiu couldn't help but feel passionate in his heart.


In the universe, an ancient star is wandering.

This ancient star is very peculiar, shrouded in a layer of black mist, and there are countless tricky runes circulating in the black mist.

An extremely terrifying breath flows from it.

It makes people shudder.


A streamer came to the sky above the ancient star and plunged directly into the black mist.

"Oh, the fire is back."

An indifferent voice sounded.

In the black fog, a towering ancient temple stands.

Streamer drilled into it.

It was the disaster fire that had just returned. He said, "Bing King, this time I went to trade the ancient star and got a treasure."

I saw him take out the devil egg.

In an instant, a series of immortal consciousness flowed out.

"This thing is good!"

"What an amazing breath, I actually felt the rhythm of life in it, what exactly is this thing?"

The disaster fire will get the Devil Egg after one to five to ten. Hearing the deal from the Heavenly Sword, everyone was a little surprised.

"The King of Soldiers, I have a hunch that if this thing hatches, it will be of great significance to our war-stricken people!"

Soldier Calamity Huo said, and the others looked at each other. Obviously, they also noticed how good the Devil Egg is.

"What do you think?"

"I agree with the view that this is a good thing, if it can incubate and control the creatures inside, it will be of great use."

"I'm curious about what this can hatch."

After some discussion, everyone decided to incubate the devil egg.

In addition to curiosity, I want to control this devil egg.

In this era, the situation is changing, the nine kings are born, the two universes go to war, and the ancient kings have awakened one after another...

If the soldiers and calamities don’t have any means, it may be difficult to gain a foothold.

And this devil egg will probably be the key to their foothold in this era, and incubating this thing has become their consensus.

Soon, everyone began to prepare.

I saw the fire brought the Devil Egg to Burying Jianyuan.

This place is full of grievances of remnants, and it is a retreat from the fierceness of the past. After arriving here, the devil egg trembled slightly, seeming to feel the sense.

"Go ahead."

The disaster fire threw out the devil egg in his hand.

Then squeeze the mysterious magic tactics.

The resentment around was dragged and gathered towards the devil egg.


The devil egg exploded with a huge suction.

Take the initiative to accept grievances into the body!

Time passed, a few days passed, and the devil egg absorbed more and more grievances, but there was no sign of hatching.

And the resentment of Buried Jianyuan was almost exhausted.

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult to hatch."

The fire brows frowned slightly, and after Burying Jianyuan's resentment was sucked out, he took the devil egg to another place and continued to absorb the resentment.

There are many places to store grievances among the soldiers and calamities, and Buried Jianyuan is just one of them. U U Reading

For several months, seven places where the soldiers and calamities stored their grievances have been emptied by devil eggs.

But this thing has not been hatched yet.

The people of the military disaster clan were a little shocked.

"What the **** is this thing, it's a bit scary to absorb so much grievances that it hasn't hatched yet."

"The twelve grievances of our army and calamity clan are concentrated. It has absorbed seven of them, but it hasn't hatched yet?"

"Bing King, can't go on like this anymore. These grievances are an important resource for our clan's development. If they are all sucked up by this demon egg, it will have a great impact on our clan."

Some **** kings of the war calamity clan disagree to continue to let the devil egg absorb grievances, but the war calamity fire is based on reason, "If you give up now, wouldn't the previous efforts be wasted?"

"The King of Soldiers, you can collect it again if your grievances are gone, but this devil egg is rare in the past. If you don't hatch, I'm afraid I will regret it in the future."

The Soldier King pondered for a while, and then said lightly: "Continue to incubate this thing, I would like to see what it is."

The army disaster fired his face with joy, "Okay!"

He continued to take the Devil Egg to absorb the resentment. After several months, as the Devil Egg absorbed more and more resentment, its breath became more and more terrifying, making the King of God a little frightened.

"This thing born from the Devil Egg, I'm afraid it will be intolerable to this world!" The King of God exclaimed, but he looked forward to it in his heart.

The stronger this thing is, the more powerful the army and calamity clan that controls it, at least, they think so.

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