Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Thunder Tribulation, Great Disaster Array, Devil Eggs successfully hatched

Somewhere in the universe.

A warship is heading somewhere.

On the deck of the warship, Madman Chu was sitting cross-legged, refining the soul orbs he had traded from the hands of the fire.

This thing is good, he spent some time refining, feeling that his soul realm has been greatly improved.

"Today I, my soul realm has reached the pinnacle of freedom, and I am only one step away from chaos."

Madman Chu whispered.

The realm of soul chaos, this is the realm of soul that can only be possessed by the realm of Hunyuan. The soul of this realm can enter and leave the chaos, travel yin and yang, and cross the starry sky with the body of the soul without being disturbed by foreign objects.

Unless it is attacked by the law of the soul.

Otherwise, even if the multi-combined Dao uses all its strength, it will not be able to destroy the soul of a chaotic realm. It is very powerful.

"It is not easy to elevate the soul to the chaotic state. It is even more difficult to make the soul into a chaotic state and to perceive the unopened chaotic mood of the world. Don't worry, do it slowly."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

He can go in and out of the chaos freely in his portable universe. It is difficult for others to perceive chaos, but it is easy for himself.

With this reliance, his soul breaks through the chaos realm, and he has an advantage over others by many times.

"Speaking of which, I don't know how the devil's egg hatched."

Madman Chu whispered.

The devil's egg, but he deliberately gave it to the soldiers and disasters, and asked them to hatch it for themselves.

The soldiers calamity clan has a lot of grievances, and it can be said that it is the most suitable hotbed for the incubation of devil eggs in the Tianyuan universe.


Within a clan of military disasters.

Bingcaihuo and others are hatching the eggs of the devil with all their strength.

Eleven of the twelve places where the grievances were concentrated in the ancient star of Soldier Disaster, eleven have been absorbed by this devil egg, and now only the last one is left.

This last place where resentment was concentrated, called Soul Burying Sea, was the place with the most resentment reserves among the twelve resentment centers.

Everyone came here, looking at the devil egg in their hands, sensing the mighty power contained in it, gritted their teeth and threw it into the soul burial sea.

"This is the last place where the grievances of our military calamity clan concentrated. You must successfully hatch!" The military calamity fire said in anticipation.

Devil eggs are buried in the sea of ​​souls.

In an instant, the entire soul-burial sea shook, and the sea water condensed from endless grievances boiled frantically.

Immediately afterwards, a huge vortex appeared on the sea.

In the center of the whirlpool, it is the egg of the devil.

The sea water condensed by endless resentment crazily poured into the devil's egg, and the aura on the devil's egg became more and more terrifying.

The soldiers and others watched this scene with great expectation.


Nearly half of the grievance of Burial Soul Sea was absorbed.

Everyone felt palpitations.

"We have twelve grievances of our army and calamity clan. In the past, Tianxue only entered the Burial Sword Abyss. After suffering endless suffering, he successfully broke through to the realm of harmony, and this demon egg absorbed the grievances of eleven grievances. It's horrible."

"I really don't know what kind of creatures this will hatch..."

Burial soul is above the sea.

Suddenly, endless thunders converged, turning into a terrifying thunder robbery, and the expressions of the soldiers, disasters and fire and others were extremely solemn.

"Sure enough, this thing is incompatible with the world."

"Dadao intended to destroy this thing!"

"Quickly, start the army disaster formation to resist thunder calamity!"

I saw that the entire ancient star of the military disaster was shaken.

Then, the layers of black mist surrounding the ancient star of Blight Disaster circulated, and the power of Dao contained in it merged with the black mist, turning into countless resentment knives, guns, swords and halberds, forming a terrifying array in the sky.


The thunder smashed down, containing domineering and mighty power.

With this blow, even the **** king must be afraid of three points.

With a loud roar, Thunder Tribulation collided with swords, spears, swords and halberds, countless resentments collapsed, and Thunder also dissipated.

But Lei Jie is still there.

Thunder light flickered and thunder roared.

It seems that a more powerful attack is brewing.

But how can the army of the war-torn clan be simple?

I saw the runes flickering in the black mist, and resentment emerged again like an endless stream, and swords, spears, swords and halberds were formed again.


The more violent and domineering thunder force smashed down.

The resentment collapsed again.

But this time, part of the Thunder's power was absorbed by the countless tricky runes in the black mist, and the big formation was running again.

"This military disaster formation can transform the energy of the formation by absorbing attack power. This is the mystery of this great formation."

The disaster fire smiled faintly.

Then, he looked at the Devil's Egg in the Sea of ​​Burying Souls, with anticipation in his eyes, "Thunder Tribulation is coming, this thing is not far from hatching."

The thunder robbery in the sky seemed to be irritated.

The mighty power spreads out.

The surrounding stars were all swept and shattered by the thunder light.

In the universe, the powerhouses from all walks of life also noticed the breath of Thunder Tribulation, spied out, and soon discovered the army disaster clan.

They couldn't help being surprised.

"The soldiers and calamities have been active recently."

"Yes, there was a celestial evil not long ago, and now such thunder tribulations have been evoked, what in the world has been born?"

"Does the army disaster clan rise?"

Everyone talked a lot.

And over the ancient star of the military disaster, the third wave of thunder disaster has already arrived.

Thunder blasted down.

The entire array was shaking frantically.

The big formation has reached its limit.

While transforming the power of Thunder Tribulation, while resisting attacks, countless knives, guns, swords and halberds shuttled through the air to contend with Thunder Tribulation.

After the third wave of thunder robbery, it was the fourth wave.

And this time the thunder tribulation turned into a thunder dragon with a body length of millions of feet. The wings formed by thunder power swept across the starry sky, and a thunderstorm was set off, shattering the stars.


With a roar, the thunder dragon swooped down towards the large array.

This blow shocked the world.

The black mist billowed, countless swords, guns, swords and halberds shuttled out, turning into a torrent of dozens of weapons.

The Thunder Dragon and the torrent of weapons fought in the big formation, and the power of thunder and the air of swords, spears, swords and halberds transformed by countless grievances escaped. U U Reading

Waves of palpitations spread.

In the starry sky, the strong people are secretly stunned.

"What a powerful breath."

"If Lei Jie can be so powerful, is there any horrible existence about to be born in this army and calamity clan?!"

Everyone was extremely surprised.

There was a boom.

The torrent of weapons and Thunder Dragon broke apart.

The remaining power shook the entire ancient star of the military disaster madly.

If it were replaced by other stars, I'm afraid it would have exploded long ago, but this ancient star of military disaster is extremely special, the star contains the essence of incomparable weapon, it is indestructible, like a magic weapon.

This strength is not enough to make the ancient star of the military disaster fall apart.

It's just that the disaster formation was mostly broken.

The thunder calamity high in the sky also slowly dissipated.


The fire disaster breathed a sigh of relief.

That Thunder Tribulation was too terrifying, I was afraid that the Supreme God King would die in nine deaths, but fortunately there was a large array of soldiers to resist it.


In the vortex of Soul Burial Sea, endless resentment was also absorbed.

I saw the devil's egg shook, and then, cracks spread on it, and purple-black radiance flowed out.

The faces of the soldiers and others were overjoyed.

"Successfully hatched!"

Everyone stared at the devil's egg in front of them intently.

Accompanied by bursts of purple and black light, the devil egg exploded with a bang, and an indescribable aura was vented.

In Huaguang, a figure emerged.


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