Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Save the wind and Qiyu, the 1st family of Luo Wang married, Luo Xue asks

In the universe, Feng Qiyu is being pursued and killed.

The people who chased her were all women.

And the strength is good, the worst is the realm of Dzogchen Dzogchen, and there is a Daluo's ultimate existence.


"It was actually recognized by the Snow God King."

Feng Qiyu was a little depressed. As a rebirth power, her previous life was a famous **** king, but as a **** king in her previous life, she also had many enemies, and the Snow God King was one of them.

Coincidentally, this Snow God King joined the Tianyuan Temple by chance after her self-slashing cultivation base was reborn, and the cultivation base also broke through to the Supreme Divine King realm, becoming one of the top figures in the temple.

Over the years, Feng Qiyu has been cautiously hiding her identity, but she did not expect it to be exposed in the end.

This is not.

In order to retaliate against her, the Snow God King didn't care about her identity in the temple sequence and sent someone to chase her down.

What else to say, it's just a temple sequence, and it's not one of the nine kings. If you kill it, you will kill it. Just find someone to replace it.

This made her extremely angry.

"Little bitch, when I break through to the supreme **** king state, I will definitely seek revenge from you. You can wait for me."

Feng Qiyu secretly hated.

Based on her previous life's practice experience and re-cultivation in the two lifetimes, she is confident that she will be able to break through to the Supreme God King in the future.

But before that, she had to survive the pursuit of the Snow God King first, otherwise she wouldn't be able to be reborn this time.

"Kamikaze, you can't escape!"

The headed Ronaldo was so extreme that he blasted out with a punch.

The terrifying Frost Da Luo Yi whizzed out, and several ancient stars were frozen in the blink of an eye. Feng Qiyu encountered the cold air, and his movement slowed down as a result, and was surrounded by several Da Luo Ge Tuantuan.


Feng Qiyu's face sank slightly.

The leader of the big Luo is extremely, and his whole body is full of Luo Yi, locked in the wind and Qiyu, raising his hand is the ultimate ultimate move.

The rest of them didn't keep their hands.

After dozens of tricks, Feng Qiyu has fallen into a disadvantage.


The leading Daluo snorted extremely coldly, and the cold killing intent was revealed in his beautiful eyes, and the power of frost turned into an ice sword.

But with a clang, the ice sword burst.

Invisible, the world was enveloped by a breath.

The strength of this breath has sealed this piece of heaven and earth.

Everyone present did not dare to act rashly.

"Oh, really embarrassed."

A chuckle sounded.

I saw Madman Chu slowly coming from not far away, his aura flowing, underestimating every big Luo Jinxian in the starry sky while he was locked into an understatement.

"It's Heavenly Sword!"

The headed Ronaldo's expression changed to the extreme.

"Heaven Sword!"

Unlike others, Feng Qiyu is a great surprise.

In the old days, she formed an alliance with the madman of Chu.

He wanted to help each other in this era, but he didn't expect Mad Chu people to grow up too fast. They immediately left their people of the same generation far behind. This alliance was broken.

It's just that there is such a relationship, Madman Chu doesn't mind helping her, and the sword spirit clan has always had a good relationship with the wind clan, and he is still the sky sword of the sword spirit clan.

"Heaven Sword, do you want to intervene in this matter?"

Da Luo, headed by him, frowned extremely.

"Go back and tell the person behind you, just say Feng Qiyu, the natural protection is down!" Madman Chu glanced at the other party and said lightly.

Hearing what he said, these people looked at each other.

"go away."

The leader said.

With the Heavenly Sword here, let alone the Da Luo of them, even if the Snow God King behind them came in person, it is estimated that Feng Qiyu, the strength of the Heavenly Sword, has long been famous for the universe.


Feng Qiyu breathed a sigh of relief.

With these words from Madman Chu, she believed that she was temporarily safe.

"Thank you Heavenly Sword."

Feng Qiyu said to the madman Chu.

"For the sake of your alliance with the sky in the past, the sky helped you this time, but next time, you will ask for more blessings."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Feng Qiyu's face suddenly became a little worried.

The Snow God King is now the Supreme God King, and he is not even the God King now. From now on, how can he fight the other side?

Although Feng Clan has some background.

But there is no Supreme God King in the clan. Even if she wants to return to the Feng Clan to seek refuge, she is afraid that she will only bring the disaster back.

What should we do…

Madman Chu glanced at each other and didn't pay much attention to it.

It's just that Feng Qiyu, in order to prevent him from being pursued and killed again, followed the Madman Chu's warship all the way, which seemed a bit like a fake tiger.

On the battleship.

Madman Chu didn't care about Feng Qiyu's behavior.

He is now thinking about the next move.

He first estimated the various powers in his hands, the sword spirit family, the dragon family, the Shenluo thief, the ancient star of the disaster...

After some research, I found that although I have a lot of power in my hands, there is no connection between them.

This situation is not great.

It is difficult to dispatch, and it is impossible to maximize its power.

"It seems necessary to combine these forces to form a complete force, so that it is easy to deploy."

"Find a time and let these people get together."

Madman Chu whispered.

There are nine stars of Xuantian formed by themselves in Pangu Universe.

It can't be too outdated here.

Madman Chu thought.


He received a subpoena.

It was sent by Dragon Crystal.

It was said that the Luo family was going to hold a big wedding, and Long Jingjing was invited to watch the ceremony, and Long Jingjing sent him the news.

As for the master of the wedding...

It is Underworld and Luo Xue.

Luo Xue...

Madman Chu had an impression of her, this person could be regarded as one of his few friends in the Tianyuan Universe. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Unexpectedly, she was about to get married suddenly?

Or with Pluto? !

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, and instinctively felt that something was not right. He was playing with the jade slip in his hand and fell into thought.

Do you want to check it out?

But within a few days.

Another message came from the jade slip.

This time it was sent by Luo Xue personally. There is not much content, only one sentence... Tianjian, I don't want to get married, can you save me? !

"It's pretty straightforward."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

"Luo Xue, Underworld...interesting."


The Luo family.

In an attic full of swords, there is a force of sword aura.

Only one person lives in this attic.

That was the most outstanding Tianjiao in King Luo's clan...Luo Xue.

And this attic was called Xuejian Pavilion, and all the sword weapons that Luo Xue had used in this life were hidden in the pavilion.

At this time, within the sword pavilion.

Luo Xue looked at the jade slip in her hand, her face full of tension.

"Will Tianjian respond?"

"Will he come?"

For a long time, Yu Jian still did not respond.

There was a touch of disappointment on her face.

I couldn't help but laughed, "It seems that I and Tianjian are just friends with each other, and it is reasonable to not respond."

However, her heart hurts terribly.

She took out the sword pavilion and hung the sword at the top.

"Senior, do you think I have a chance to win against the **** of underworld?"

She was asking about the remnant soul floating in the snow.

"There is no chance of winning!"

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