Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : The wedding scene, the depression of King Morin, the guests from all sides

"There is no chance of winning!"

Piaoxue said unceremoniously: "The power of the underworld is unpredictable. In the heyday of my encounter, there was only one defeat. Although he was self-slashing and rebirth, he still should not be underestimated."

"Your cultivation is too far behind him!"

Luo Xue heard this, although he had guessed for a long time, but his face still became bloodless, "Is there really no way?"

"Oh, at least, I can't do anything about it."

Piaoxue sighed helplessly.

Isn't she unwilling in her heart?

But that Underworld God, she had met once, and with her eyesight, she could naturally judge that Luo Xue had no chance of winning in front of the other party.

"No matter what, I have to give it a try!"

Luo Xue took a deep breath.

There was a bit of bitterness in his eyes.

She Luo Xue, how can she be a man at the mercy of others? !

The Luo family.

The recent Luo family is very lively.

The marriage of Underworld God and Luo Xue almost spread throughout the universe, and the Luo family also invited guests from all sides to come.

Naturally, many people came to participate in such a grand event.

Even, the marriage of the **** of the gods and Luo Xue means that the two royal clans represented by the two have stood on the same front since then.

This matter is of extraordinary significance.

Today's Luo Wangxing, representatives of various forces come to observe the ceremony, it can be said that it is the most powerful place in the Tianyuan universe.

Wedding scene.

The guests from all sides gathered together and it was extremely lively.

Among them, most of them are royal families.

There were even several ancient royal families, such as the Na Overlord family, the emperor family, the Taoist family, and the Titan family.

The representative of the Dao King family is the God King Molin.

As the supreme **** king, he personally came to observe the ceremony, which can be said to have given enough face to the Luo family and the Pluto family.

But everyone found that his face was not very good-looking, and when they met some people's greetings, they all just smiled forcefully.

There is a kind of low pressure all over him.

"I heard that the Dao King family has had a lot of luck recently. Not only did they lose the battle at the Shenluo Pirates, but some time ago, another **** king fell from the ancient star of the disaster. This luck is no one."

"Tsk tsk, it's really miserable to say so."

"Why do I want to laugh so much."

"Don't laugh, people are miserable, puff, no, I can't hold it anymore, it's really too sad."

Everyone was whispering, some of the brave **** kings laughed secretly, and the face of the **** king Molin became more and more ugly.

It's just that he can't do anything.

The current Taoist clan, the loss is too great.

Don't say that the vitality is badly hurt.

Even prestige was hit one after another.

Otherwise, how dare these people talk casually?

Also laugh out loud!

"Hmph, when the Pluto clan fought against the Shen Luo Pirates, they also lost a lot of vitality, and it is also for them to figure out how to marry with the Luo King clan." The **** king Molin snorted coldly.

But in fact, he also has some intentions.

Once the marriage goes smoothly, the Pluto clan's heritage can not only be restored, but also with the power of the Luo king clan to watch and help each other, and it may not be impossible to reach a higher level in the future.

Should I also find a royal marriage?

God King Molin thought to himself.

But then, this idea was forgotten by him.

It's not that I don't want to.

It is self-knowledge.

The prestige and background of the Dao kings are far worse than before. Which royal family would want to marry them?

They look down on ordinary ninth-level races.

Moreover, the Daowang clan has a very bad reputation.

Most royal families cherish feathers. It's okay to deal with them on weekdays. Marriage? It's so difficult...

"My ancient kings of the Dao King clan, you come back quickly, now this Dao King clan, I am alone."

God King Mo Lin sighed softly in his heart.

Not to mention the God King Molin.

At the scene, in another small circle, the enchanting Tianjiao gathered.

"Tsk, Luo Xue, I didn't expect that she would marry the Underworld God. I thought she liked Heavenly Sword." Xiang Tiancang shook his head and said.

"Heaven Sword is so arrogant, I'm afraid I can't look down on the other party."

A Tianjiao said lightly.

This is his judgment based on Tianjian's usual behavior.

But Xuan Yuanfeng, who was next to him, glanced at him, and said lightly: "If you let Mingshen hear this, ten lives will not be enough to die."

The arrogance that day was taken aback, and then he reacted.

Heavenly Sword looks down on it, but Underworld God wants to marry.

Isn't this a disguised statement that the Underworld God is far inferior to the Heavenly Sword?

Thinking of this, Tianjiao looked around, and said with a sigh of relief: "I made a mistake in what I said just now, don't be surprised."

Can scare a Tianjiao into this.

It can be seen that the Pluto has accumulated a lot of power, but in fact, the Pluto has only recently appeared in the world.

But in this short period of time, great prestige has been accumulated.

In the temple, some people even compare him with the Heavenly Sword. Based on this, one can see the other's prestige and strength.

"I heard that Luo Xue was not willing to marry the Underworld God."

At this time, the temple sequence Lei Shen Tian said.

Hearing this, everyone was not very surprised.

They also knew about Luo Xue's character, definitely not the kind of woman willing to become a man's vassal.

"This is what Luo Wang forced her."

Someone guessed.

"Tsk tusk, I don't know what Luo Wang thinks, he will force his daughter to marry the **** of underworld." Xiang Tiancang said puzzledly.

"I have heard about this."

Xuan Yuanfeng said indifferently: "First, King Luo really wants to marry and form an alliance with the Pluto clan to strengthen the race. Second, it is rumored that the cultivation of the Pluto has reached...the realm of the gods!"

The previous point is still within the scope of everyone's expectations.

At the latter point, everyone was a little shocked.

"So fast?"

"No wonder, Pluto is one of the nine kings, and now it has reached the realm of the **** king, UU reading is definitely the strongest of the nine kings."

"Yes, and Pluto was the founder of the Pluto clan in his previous life. It is one of the oldest existences. With high potential, it is very possible to become Hunyuan in the future.

"In that case, King Luo still earns?"

Everyone talked a lot.

"God King, Underworld God is a taboo. I don't know how strong he will be after he reaches the realm of God King?"

Xiang Tiancang said with some emotion.

It's just that Xuan Yuanfeng and Lei Shentian's faces are not very good-looking, because they have also reached the realm of God King.

It's just that it was achieved briefly in the Tianyuan Heart Realm. Later, because the Tianyuan Heart Realm dissipated, their Divine King power dissipated, which caused them to suffer a big blow.

at this time.

"Dragon Queen, Dragon Crystal is here!"

A voice sounded.

I saw a piece of colorful brilliance flowing in the distance.

A dragon shadow suddenly emerged.

The dragon was majestic and domineering, shocking the audience.

"It's Dragon Crystal here."

"It's such a powerful aura, I'm afraid it's not far from the King of God."

Xuan Yuanfeng, Lei Shen Tian's eyes condensed.

Both are one of the nine kings.

They actually felt that their cultivation base was faintly inferior to the Dragon Crystal, which made them feel frustrated.

"The Hades, the king Wuxuelong is here."

Another heavyweight guest came.

Wu Xuelong, the supreme **** king, has a cultivation base no worse than that of the **** king Morin.

"The emperor's clan, the emperor has come to the sky."

"Overlord clan, Overlord Liu is here..."

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