Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Luo Xue’s resistance is just a tool, who dares to force a friend of the sky

Guests from all walks of life came one after another.

at this time.

In the void, a rolling black cloud swept in, and in the black cloud, a terrifying giant dog with nine heads came into the sky.

An extremely terrifying breath enveloped the audience.

"This is a nine-headed demon dog!"

"It's terrifying. It is said that this kind of alien beast is extremely terrifying. Even in the same realm, even taboo evildoers are not opponents."

"Yeah, this is definitely one of the most terrifying alien beasts in the Tianyuan Universe...Wait, look, there are people on it."

At this time, someone noticed something and exclaimed.

I saw a figure standing on the head of the nine-headed dog. The man was dressed in a festive red dress, but there was a strange death pressure on his body, which shocked everyone present.

"He is the Underworld!"

Pluto, one of the protagonists of this big wedding, he came by the nine-headed magic dog, magnificent and shocking.

Everyone's eyes were extremely solemn, and some **** kings couldn't help but want to spy on each other's current cultivation.

However, in their eyes, the Pluto at this time has a breath like a deep black hole, which is impossible to figure out.

"It seems that the rumors are true. This underworld **** has already been promoted to the realm of the **** king in all likelihood. It is worthy of an ancient existence and rebirth practice."

"Tsk tsk, Pluto, indeed an extraordinary god."

Pluto came to the sky above the wedding scene, jumped down from the nine-headed demon dog, with sword eyebrows and stars, with a faint smile on his face.

But even though he was laughing, he gave people a gloomy connotation. Some Tianjiao evildoers had a shuddering feeling.

"Thank you all for coming to the wedding."

Underworld said lightly.

"Haha, Underworld is polite."

"The first sequence of the temple and the tenth sequence of the temple have become Taoists. How can we not come to such a grand event?"

"Not bad."

Everyone was polite.

at this time.

"The bride is here!"

At this time, a voice sounded.

Not far away, a stunning woman in a fiery red wedding gown came slowly. It was Luo Xue of the temple sequence.

The red dress is like a fire, and her face is beautiful, but her breath carries an icy meaning, like a snow lotus blooming in the fire.

"The bride is so beautiful."

"It's the first time I saw Luo Xue wearing a red dress. I didn't expect to be amorous. The God of Underworld is such a beautiful blessing."


When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but admire.

Dragon Crystal was also in the crowd, both women. When she was in the temple, she had a lot of intersection with Luo Xue.

She can now feel the...sorrow in the cold breath that surrounds her.

For this, she was not surprised.

Just feel sad for the other side.

Even if it is the temple sequence, in the face of more powerful race forces, it is still involuntary and unable to resist.

"Luo Xue..."

Underworld God looked at Luo Xue who came by and nodded in satisfaction, with a look of remembrance in his eyes, "It looks really like this."

In his previous life, as one of the most supreme beings in this universe, he was a harem with three thousand beauties, enjoying the blessings of the world.

But there was a woman who couldn't love it.

Later, the woman fell because of an accident.

It is said that you can't get it, which is the most unforgettable.

This is not wrong when used on the **** of the underworld.

After the woman died, she became the white moonlight of the **** of darkness, and the cinnabar mole on the tip of her heart could not be forgotten for countless years.

This time, in pursuit of Hunyuan Dao, he cut himself to rebirth, but unexpectedly, he met Luo Xue. The other party and the white moonlight in his memory cannot be said to be extremely similar, but can only be said to be exactly the same.

This is also the main reason why he agreed to marry the Luo family.

He wants to make up for the shortcomings in his heart.

"Luo Xue, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

Underworld looked at Luo Xue obsessively.

Since his previous life, he has been waiting for today.

The others didn't know his past, only when the other party became infatuated with Luo Xue, and some women couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

"Luo Xue's life is really good, it is so important to Underworld God."

"Yes, Master Underworld is really crazy."

But Luo Xue frowned slightly, and from the seemingly infatuated gaze of Underworld God, she noticed a strong possessiveness.

The possessiveness almost treats herself as a rare collection, which makes her very uncomfortable.

Even if the other party really loves himself, but in the face of possessiveness, the love becomes cold and without temperature.

"The bride and groom have arrived, and the wedding is now beginning."

A middle-aged man chuckled.

He is King Luo, the patriarch of the Luo family.

He now seemed a little eager to send Luo Xue out, to completely marry and form an alliance with the Hades family.

"Before the wedding begins, I have something to do."

Luo Xue said indifferently, she saw a flash of white light in her hand, a sharp long sword was already in her hand, and the sword was pointed at the Underworld God, "Fight me, if you win, then I will marry you!"

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be in an uproar.

King Luo's expression sank even more, "Luo Xue, presumptuous!"

"It's okay."

Pluto gently raised his hand and said faintly: "It is not difficult to defeat you, I will convince you to become my woman!"

"bring it on!"

Without saying anything, Luo Xue cut out the long sword.

In an instant, there was endless wind and snow all around.

Jian Guang cut out from the wind and snow, sharp and majestic! !

But Pluto gently raised his hand.


The air wave rolled, the sword light was actually controlled by an invisible giant force, and it dissipated easily, and it didn't hurt the Underworld at all.

Upon seeing this, Luo Xue continued to attack regardless of it.

The sword light flew across the world.

But it was useless. Any attack that fell on the underworld was easily disintegrated by a surging force.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the gap between the two sides is too great.

It is not an order of magnitude at all.

But Luo Xue still had no plans to give up.

Everyone can see it.

Luo Xue didn't want to get married at all, this was her last resistance!

"Enough fooling around."

Pluto was also agitated by the opponent's rebellious attitude.

Between raising his hands, a huge palm fell from the sky and grabbed Luo Xue. The terrifying power immediately made the opponent unable to move.

"Just kill me."

Luo Xue took a deep said with a desperate heart.

"It is not difficult to kill you, but have you ever thought about the consequences of the two races starting a war because of your willful behavior?"

Underworld said lightly.

In a word, Luo Xue's expression turned pale.

She trembled all over, and her heart felt like an ice cellar.

"Luo Xue, be obedient and complete the wedding."

King Luo also spoke, his tone indifferent.

They didn't care if Luo Xue resisted or not. This wedding was originally just a cutscene, and the most important thing was the alliance between the two races.

Luo Xue felt her smallness for the first time.

Temple sequence...

So what?

If she doesn't become a **** king, she will always be a tool that can be manipulated in the eyes of these big people.

"The wedding goes on."

King Luo said indifferently, watching Luo Xue who had lost hope and became a puppet with a decadent face, without the slightest pity on her face.

Unknown, everyone thought Luo Xue was just an ordinary person who had nothing to do with him, not his biological daughter.

Wu Xuelong, who was next to the Underworld God, also said indifferently: "Today you have to get married, and you have to get married if you don't!"

At this time, a burst of sword pressure fell from the sky!

The entire ancient star of Luo Wang was shaken by it, and it was shocked!

Then, an indifferent voice sounded.

"What a big tone! God wants to see, who dares to force Tian's friend to do things she doesn't want to do!"

However, Luo Xuemeng, who had a gray face, raised her head, and her eyes showed unprecedented hope.


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